Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CONSIDER THE SOURCE: Government Stooge Alex Studer Exposes His Own Ignorance (Again)

Alex Studer is one of a gaggle of government stooges who are playing into the hands of a criminal network of COINTELPRO operatives such as Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp, A. True Ott, Doug Millar et al.

Studer's website, Lab Virus, mainly promotes A. True Ott, along with the  racism, bigotry, misogyny and neo-Nazi propaganda of Ott and his cronies.   
Studer's sources for the libelous falsehoods about Barbara Hartwell (and others) featured on his website, leave much to be desired in the credibility department. In addition to the aforementioned criminals, they are nothing more than his fellow stooges: predicate felon, fed snitch Tim White, and his accomplice, another lowlife racist, misogynist thug, Craig Oxley (who has designated black people as "the lower races") and who, like Tim White, makes a habit of threatening people on public message boards. Studer has posted the outrageous lies fabricated by the likes of White and Oxley, at times leaving out their names, saying only that their comments on Barbara Hartwell came from "a friend".

Anyone using anonymous sources (especially sources like these) is a coward and a fool; as well, it is a practice used only by rank amateurs.  And anyone who would attribute any degree of credibility to these sources is a low-grade moron, just like Studer himself.

From what I have seen, Studer's idiocy is not only prevalent, it is limitless. In his pathetic attempts to gain attention and approval, he, like Tim White, boasts of how "informed" and knowlegable he is, all the while revealing his gross ignorance, utter lack of discernment and outright stupidity with every pronouncement he makes.

In his smear pieces attacking Barbara Hartwell, does Studer ever present any facts? No. Does he furnish even the slightest bit of evidence? Never. No, Studer's arsenal consists merely and entirely of parroted slurs, his own uninformed subjective opinions and wild speculation.

Stooges like Studer are a dime-a-dozen, and the only reason I have bothered with exposing him is because he has shown himself to be a particularly aggressive and persistent lackey and shill for government operatives who have done tremendous damage to the reputations and lives of many decent, honorable and legitimate activists, journalists and whistleblowers.

Here's the latest from this buffoon, Alex Studer, taken from his website, Lab Virus.

My comments, refuting his idiocy, are in brackets, preceded by my initials, BHP. 


"Addressing Barbara Fart-Smell:  The only reason I know of this person Barbara Hartwell at all is through Tim White who angrily sent me email after email addressing exchanges he has had with this person, who by my observation seems to be a real-deal CIA operative disguising herself as an ex-CIA agent now-turned-a-new-leaf.  Mega-barf.  Anyone who knows anything about intel knows that once you’re in, you’re in for life; quitting the oaths taken usually results in termination.  Ask me how I know.  Duh.  OK so this chick apparently calls me a “government stooge” once again aligning me with the likes of Ted Gunderson (which I consider an honor) and calling us essentially cointelpro agents.   This after I happened upon a few posts of hers from January and March of this year where she goes off on me making all kinds of random stuff up about me.  Personally I think the attention is flattering and cute, and furthermore hilarious at the purely preposterous notions this chick has presented as to who I am and what I’m about here at this blog.  “Government stooge”: that sends me into hysterical laughter so hard I often end up on the floor.  If she had even a clue about how literally impossible that was, much less unlikely due to my true background, she’d backpedal in a chorus of recants like nobody’s business.  Yet she remains dug into her position that I’m a disinfo agent, a government stooge; once again if I’m working for anyone as anyone’s stooge, someone forgot to tell me, cuz I haven’t seen a paycheck yet.  If there’s any truth in her claims about me, then somewhere there’s a pile of government checks made out to me amounting up to something sizable enough so that I should easily be able to afford my own private island in the Pacific.  Keep talking, Barbara Fart-Smell."

[BHP: By insulting people with vulgarity, Studer displays the mindset and level of maturity of a spiteful fifth-grader. But rather than reflecting on the Target (in this case Barbara Hartwell), it reflects only on the attacker, showing his paucity of intellectual wherewithal.

"The only reason I know of this person Barbara Hartwell at all is through Tim White who angrily sent me email after email addressing exchanges he has had with this person, who by my observation seems to be a real-deal CIA operative disguising herself as an ex-CIA agent now-turned-a-new-leaf.  Mega-barf. "

[BHP: Tim White, again, of course. For Studer's edification, I don't have "exchanges" with Tim White, nor others of his ilk. I have exposed White's criminal activities (stalking, threats, harassment, etc. etc.) against myself and others and have thoroughly refuted the libelous falsehoods he has been disseminating for the past decade.

His "observation"? More like his parroting what his fellow stooges, and "sources", Tim White, Ken Adachi, Craig Oxley et al have been aggressively promoting for years. Apparently, Studer has swallowed it, hook, line and sinker.]

"Anyone who knows anything about intel knows that once you’re in, you’re in for life; quitting the oaths taken usually results in termination.  Ask me how I know.  Duh."

[BHP: The first problem with this statement is that Studer clearly does NOT know anything about "intel".  Judging from similar comments he has made, on a variety of related issues, it is plain to see (by those who DO know, myself included) that Studer's ignorance is superseded only by his boastful arrogance and presumption, claiming knowledge he does not possess. 

Again, he is merely parroting what he has heard or read, or been fed by actual intelligence agents for whom he is the stooge.]

"OK so this chick apparently calls me a “government stooge” once again aligning me with the likes of Ted Gunderson (which I consider an honor) and calling us essentially cointelpro agents."  

[BHP: I have never called Alex Studer a "cointelpro agent". He's certainly not "agent" material, which is precisely why I have called him a stooge.  Agents exploit stooges, especially those who would consider it an "honor" to be associated with them. The hero-worship of stooges like Alex Studer for the agents makes it easy to manipulate them to do the dirty work --like attacking genuine whistleblowers the government wants to neutralize.]

"This after I happened upon a few posts of hers from January and March of this year where she goes off on me making all kinds of random stuff up about me.  Personally I think the attention is flattering and cute, and furthermore hilarious at the purely preposterous notions this chick has presented as to who I am and what I’m about here at this blog."

[BHP: Any and all of my reports which expose Alex Studer are based on facts. I don't deal in fabrications, and there is nothing which could be considered "random". Rather, I address direct statements made by Studer and refute them.
Note that Studer, on the other hand, simply throws out vague assertions about Barbara Hartwell(that is, when he's not parroting his fellow stooges), but never addresses the ISSUES, nor cites the specifics thereof.

Then, there is the issue of "first blood". Studer attacked me from out of the woodwork, when I had never heard of him, simply on the say-so of Tim White, the messenger boy for Gunderson, DeCamp, Ott and others.

As I've pointed out, Studer, like all stooges, is seeking attention. His negatively inflated ego demands it, and thrives on it. He wants to be noticed! He wants to "be somebody"! (Look at me, everyone! I'm Alex Studer! I'm being attacked by a CIA agent! I must be on to something BIG to have THIS happen!....etc. etc.) Which is the only reason he would considering it "flattering" to be exposed for the fool he is. For stooges like Studer, any publicity is good publicity, since the "attention" is the whole point.]

“Government stooge”: that sends me into hysterical laughter so hard I often end up on the floor.  If she had even a clue about how literally impossible that was, much less unlikely due to my true background, she’d backpedal in a chorus of recants like nobody’s business."

[BHP: His "true background"? What exactly is Studer trying to say? And why doesn't he just come out and tell us about it?  Is he trying to suggest that he is/was some sort of "secret agent"?  Let's see your bona fides, Studer. That, or shut the hell up.

Maybe he's been hanging around Tim White too long, and has fallen prey to the delusional G-Man wannabe syndrome.

I can guaran-damn-tee that Studer has no background which could possibly qualify him for any sort of intelligence work, much less can he make the claim that it is "literally impossible" for him to be a government stooge.  In any case, try proving a negative, it can't be done.

And, FYI, Studer, don't presume to speak for me --you haven't a clue.]

"Yet she remains dug into her position that I’m a disinfo agent, a government stooge; once again if I’m working for anyone as anyone’s stooge, someone forgot to tell me, cuz I haven’t seen a paycheck yet.  If there’s any truth in her claims about me, then somewhere there’s a pile of government checks made out to me amounting up to something sizable enough so that I should easily be able to afford my own private island in the Pacific.  Keep talking, Barbara Fart-Smell."

BHP: This idiot doesn't know when to quit. Once again his foolishness and ignorance surfaces. So, he actually believes that stooges of his ilk would get a "paycheck"?  No, for these useful idiots, the protocol is dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

And again, let me make it absolutely clear that I have never called him any sort of  "agent" --that is a different animal altogether.  In any case, there isn't enough money in that sort of government work to buy a private island in the Pacific. But of course, if he knew a fraction of what he boastfully pretends to know about "intel", he'd be well aware of that.

Government stooges: By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
July 5, 2011


Lowlife Alex McGowin [Studer]: Supporter of Predicate Felon, Criminal Stalker Tim White & Accomplices

Another Case of Stooge vs. Stooge: Alex Studer and Tim White

Alex Studer Defends Criminal Conspiracy of COINTELPRO Perps, Attacks Legitimate Journalists/Whistleblowers

Bigotry, Racism, Misogyny: By Their Evil Fruits Shall You Know Them
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA