Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eric Phelps Endorses Predicate Felon, Criminal Stalker Tim White

Eric Phelps..."Truthsayer"???

NOTE: I am reposting this report from 2008. Since the time this report was written, Eric Phelps has publicly disassociated himself from Tim White. Eric Phelps has also reported publicly that Tim White is harassing him by phone (no surprise there...) and Tim White, in his usual aggressive rampage, has been denouncing Eric Phelps as a "LIAR".

From my observations, it is clear that Eric Phelps is a callous opportunist, who exploited Tim White for a time, falsely believing that White had "important information" which he could use for his own ends.  But when White proved to be a liability (as he always does, sooner or later) Phelps dropped him.

It is clear that Eric Jon Phelps is not only an opportunist, but also a misogynist, a male supremacist and a racist. I see no Christian here, but rather an indoctrinated and obsessive religious fanatic of the Seventh Day Adventist lunatic faction. He has attacked many people (including true Christians) with his arrogant "holier-than-thou" judgments, but what amazes me is how many people have been hoodwinked by Phelps and his "brethren". 

Craig Oxley, owner of The Unived Mind website, another religious crazy, racist and misogynist, has  promoted him almost as if he were a god, and has touted Phelps as "The most dangerous truthsayer".

But there is no truth to be found by listening to Eric Phelps. Phelps is an egomaniac, no better than a snake oil salesman, who believes "the ends justify the means".

As just one example, read this letter from Phelps in support of predicate felon, fed snitch, criminal stalker, Tim White and decide for yourself..........

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
August 22, 2010

Here is a letter from Eric Phelps, an endorsement of Tim White. My comments follow the letter.

April 12, 2007

"Dear Friends and Brethren,

Much controversy rages about Tim White.

Here is my position. I consider him to be a skirmisher, driving the Jesuit coadjutors out of the high grass into plain sight. He aided me greatly in providing new materials for VAIII. One of his topics was the Secret Treaty of Ft. Hunt after WWII.

Tim was also the man who provided the first photos on the web of Johnny Gosch who was kidnapped as a paperboy and sold into sex slavery. Ex-NYPD detective James Rothstein, also pictured in VAIII thanks to Tim, backs Tim's exposure of this pedophile ring enjoyed by the Bush Dynasty and controlled by the American Roman Hierarchy.

Further, Tim White exposed "Captain" Eric May of Ghost Troop as being the Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor that he really is. This was also another great service. White also alerted me to the lies and duplicity of Stew Webb, Tom Heneghen and Tom Flocco. After examining their works, I agreed and removed a reference to Stew Webb on my site.

Further, it was because of the work of Tim White that I was introduced to Greg Szymanksi and Dr. Bill Deagle. These two men, although we differ on some topics, have given me complete liberty to speak on the Jesuits many, many times on their shows.

Therefore, I will continue to consult the opinion of Tim White on topics I may be unfamiliar with. He has a total recall memory and thus is a walking encyclopedia. I deny that he is FBI Division Five or that he is a pedophile, heinous and vicious false accusations by liars,libelers,and slanderers,Stew Webb and Barbara Hartwell and others with intent to silence Tim White If he was either one of these, I would disassociate from him.

Further, it was Tim White who broke the story of Evergreen Air as being the culprit behind the 911 deception. The aircraft used in that psyops on the Pentagon and the WTC were prepared by the CIA's Bush-backed, Evergreen Air and White even names the people involved.

So, regardless of the opinions of others, I will continue to consult Tim and view him as a reliable source of information.

Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric"

"Much controversy rages about Tim White."

[BHP: Most of the "controversy" emanates from the fact that Tim White made a deal with corrupt government officials in 2002, for a get-out-of-jail-free card, in exchange for becoming a stool pigeon/snitch and harassing genuine whistleblowers/patriots.

Those of us who have been targeted by White for telephone and e-mail harassment, stalking, threats (including DEATH THREATS); and for the libel/slander campaigns being directed by his government masters, know who is pulling his strings. What's more, he commits crimes against persons with impunity, and no one in law enforcement has ever apprehended him. Those few who tried to stop him have been "overruled" by corrupt government criminals higher in the chain of command. There's some controversy for you.]

"Here is my position. I consider him to be a skirmisher, driving the Jesuit coadjutors out of the high grass into plain sight. He aided me greatly in providing new materials for VAIII. One of his topics was the Secret Treaty of Ft. Hunt after WWII."

[BHP: Information about the Secret Treaty of Ft. Hunt has been public knowledge for decades -- at least for anyone willing to search it out. No big deal there, and Tim White has no monopoly on that.

As for driving ANYONE out of the high grass, the M.O. of Tim White --harassment, stalking, gate-crashing, refusing to take NO for an answer when the people he is harassing tell him to get lost-- all this is inexcusable and insufferable!

No self-respecting person would tolerate Tim White's flagrant aggression; and anyone who endorses such methods is beyond doubt part of the problem regarding human rights abuses of any kind, and certainly not part of any solution.

In addition to being an unrepentant career criminal, Tim White is a loud, vulgar, meddlesome busybody who does not have the slightest concept of RESPECT for the privacy and personal boundaries of others. He engages in relentless gossip and scandal-mongering about people he does not know.

He continuously meddles in things that are none of his concern (like the PRIVATE personal/professional business of others); sows discord and creates constant disruption and conflicts wherever he goes, be it in cyberspace or elsewhere.

He shoots his mouth off with obscene insults at the slightest provocation, or no provocation at all. His behavior is unjustifiable by any standards of reason, morals, or ethics. So much for driving people out of the high grass... if White wants to skirmish, he should find a way that does not violate the rights of others.]

"Tim was also the man who provided the first photos on the web of Johnny Gosch who was kidnapped as a paperboy and sold into sex slavery. Ex-NYPD detective James Rothstein, also pictured in VAIII thanks to Tim, backs Tim's exposure of this pedophile ring enjoyed by the Bush Dynasty and controlled by the American Roman Hierarchy."

[BHP: And where, pray tell, did Tim White get those photos? Just look at the people who are using White as a flunky: Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp, who claim they have been "investigating" the disappearance of Johnny Gosch "for decades". Does anyone think it was just a "coincidence" that these photos --lo and behold!-- suddenly turned up and were somehow handed to Tim White on a silver platter?

Saying that the pedophile ring was "exposed" by Tim White is preposterous. White was merely used as a messenger boy and town crier by DeCamp and Gunderson. He plastered the "100% Confirmation" that Gannon is Gosch nonsense all over the Internet. Why was this task given to Tim White? Who is Tim White but a G-Man wannabe, a name-dropper who revels in claiming criminal government/"former" government operatives as his "personal friends", a boast he has made repeatedly about Ted Gunderson; John DeCamp; Mark Holstlaw (FBI) and others too numerous to mention.]

"Further, Tim White exposed "Captain" Eric May of Ghost Troop as being the Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor that he really is. This was also another great service. White also alerted me to the lies and duplicity of Stew Webb, Tom Heneghen and Tom Flocco. After examining their works, I agreed and removed a reference to Stew Webb on my site."

[BHP: Most people have never heard of Eric May, so what's the big deal? But like anyone who has put up a message board on the Internet, he has his share of detractors. Tim White is only one of such, and performed no "great service" to anyone, except perhaps in the opinion of Eric Phelps. Be that as it may, it is a fact that Tim White was harassing Eric May, engaging in the usual name-calling, etc.

And what was the point of contention? White's refusal to take NO for an answer when several people connected to May's message board expressed their displeasure at White's trying to muscle in with his "important inside information", which nobody seemed interested in. (Where have we heard this before?)

As for Tom Flocco and Tom Heneghan, since I never had any involvement in working with them, I don't have much to say and they are irrelevant to my purpose in addressing this letter of endorsement for Tim White by Eric Phelps.

But Stew Webb is another story altogether. Stew was once a good friend of mine and despite disagreements and "irreconcilable differences" which ended the friendship, I do know for an absolute fact that Stew Webb was telling the truth about the criminal activities, the death threats, the harassment, stalking and even attempts at extortion (which failed) by Tim White.

Stew was also telling the truth about Ted Gunderson, who (surprise, surprise) just happened to move in and recruit Tim White as a minion in his COINTELPRO schemes, after he made his "deal" to get out of jail. What a coincidence.

Stew Webb is another Gunderson target, for the simple reason that Stew finally (like others involved with Gunderson in one way or another, including Jackie McGauley and myself) saw the light about what Gunderson was/is really involved in --crimes and cover-ups going back decades.

Ted Gunderson (with much help from his primary PR shill, Ken Adachi) has told many outrageous lies about me, Jackie McGauley and Stew Webb --because he is trying to cover up the factual information we have all exposed about him.

So anything said about Stew Webb, myself, or Jackie McGauley, by Tim White, is at the very least, suspect. Add to this the fact that Tim White labors under paranoid fantasies of persecution, and overinflates his own importance. And why is this? Because those using him are feeding him outrageous lies (which he spreads all over the Internet/by telephone and by e-mail) about those they wish to target; and because they are stroking his ego so he'll continue to do their bidding. The oldest trick in the book...

It's all very simple when you know the facts. But it appears that Eric Phelps is engaging in groundless speculation and/or just taking Tim White at his word. Big mistake, at least if Phelps cares about the larger issues and more importantly, Truth -- for Truth's sake-- and not just identifying/exposing "Jesuit coadjutors".]

"Further, it was because of the work of Tim White that I was introduced to Greg Szymanksi and Dr. Bill Deagle. These two men, although we differ on some topics, have given me complete liberty to speak on the Jesuits many, many times on their shows.

Therefore, I will continue to consult the opinion of Tim White on topics I may be unfamiliar with. He has a total recall memory and thus is a walking encyclopedia.

I deny that he is FBI Division Five or that he is a pedophile,heinous and vicious false accusations by liars,libelers,and slanderers,Stew Webb and Barbara Hartwell and others with intent to silence Tim White If he was either one of these, I would disassociate from him."

[BHP: A total recall memory and a walking encylopedia? That is quite a claim! Maybe Eric Phelps thinks so, but the problem I have (and have had, for over seven years) with this criminal stalker and government-sponsored useless idiot, Tim White, is that (in addition to the stalking, the e-mail and telephone harassment, the death threats, etc, etc.) he has published, many, many outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell, all over the World Wide Web, on literally hundreds of message boards. The most outlandish and libelous falsehoods imaginable.

Like: She is "George Bush's trollop". Like: She was "sent by CIA to take me down". Like: She is a "CIA disinfo agent". Like: "Langley gave her a new budget and new implants". Like: "She was involved in black ops of running drugs, child pornography and prostitution."

And there is much, much more where those lies came from.....

These are in fact the blackest of lies, with absolutely no basis in fact, and Tim White has disseminated this filth far and wide for OVER SEVEN YEARS. White has also called me the most obscene epithets imaginable, but I won't repeat them here.

Of course, Tim White had plenty of help in his libel/slander/harassment campaign. His accomplices, like Ken Adachi (another Gunderson shill); Brenda Negri (G-Man wannabe, nutcase, criminal); Shirley Anderson (grifter, nutcase); Todd Brendan Fahey (criminal stalker, blackmailer, forger, identity thief, porno-monger); Pam Schuffert (grifter, con artist, criminal stalker, Gunderson minion); Charles Bruce Stewart (nutcase); Larry Lawson (government-sponsered shill)...... just to name a few.

And of course, there are those pulling the strings of all these pathetic little minions, stooges and flunkies: Including (but certainly not limited to) Ted Gunderson; John DeCamp; FBI agent Mark Hostlaw.]

"I deny that he is FBI Division Five or that he is a pedophile,heinous and vicious false accusations by liars,libelers,and slanderers,Stew Webb and Barbara Hartwell and others with intent to silence Tim White If he was either one of these, I would disassociate from him."

[BHP: Eric Phelps can "deny" anything he wants re Tim White. That will not change the facts, nor will it change what I, and many others, know to be true of Tim White.

But where does he get off libeling Barbara Hartwell as a "liar, libeler, slanderer"? Mr. Phelps does not know me. He knows nothing about me and it is exceedingly clear that any "information" he thinks he knows about Barbara Hartwell has come straight from the mouth of the government-sponsored shill, Tim White.

Phelps is simply parroting the party line of Ted Gunderson, Ken Adachi, John DeCamp and most notably, Tim White.

How incredibly foolish of him. Will he next be stating that Barbara Hartwell is a "Jesuit Coadjutor"?

Nothing, absolutely nothing, would surprise me.]

"So, regardless of the opinions of others, I will continue to consult Tim and view him as a reliable source of information."

[BHP: Okay, Mr. Phelps, you do that. View Tim White as a reliable source. You've made your position clear.

Now, let me make MY POSITION CRYSTAL CLEAR: Tim White is anything BUT a "reliable source of information", especially about Barbara Hartwell.]

In Deep Disgust,
Barbara Hartwell Percival
October 4, 2008

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA