Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ted Gunderson & Alex Jones: COINTELPRO at Work

Recently, while conducting a search on "COINTELPRO and Ted Gunderson" I found a video on  You Tube, Alex Jones interviewing ex-FBI Chief Ted Gunderson, dated April 2010.

The interview, according to Jones, was conducted from Gunderson's hospital room, where he is recovering from cancer surgery.  I should say up front that despite my adversarial relationship with Ted over the past decade, that I am very sorry for him and have prayed for his recovery.

It is important to me to state that I do not hate Ted Gunderson. However, in good conscience, as a matter of principle, I have never been able to just stand by while the lies and cover-ups of Gunderson (and his cronies, minions, shills and stooges) proliferate at the expense of legitimate whistleblowers, patriots and journalists, and at the expense of this country at large.

I have exposed Ted Gunderson as COINTELPRO for the past decade. Ted has countered my allegations by claiming I am a CIA disinfo agent. But up until Ted's recent interview with Alex Jones,  I had never heard Gunderson admit that he was in fact part of COINTELPRO during his FBI service. 

Rather, he has vociferously denied it, as have his shills, most notably Ken Adachi. On this point, Adachi and his fellow government stooges have accused Barbara Hartwell many times of being a liar, and much worse. The massive libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell has resulted in ruining my good name, and in tremendous destruction in almost every area of my life. But of course, that is what COINTELPRO is all neutralize whistleblowers so that the government crimes and cover-ups can continue.

But although it was unprecedented (at least to my knowledge), Gunderson's admission did not surprise me. There have been similar admissions, following on the heels of  vehement denials, but only AFTER the facts and the evidence produced by the expositors (including Barbara Hartwell) had become irrefutable and a matter of public record.

One example is the fact that Ted Gunderson sold Stinger missiles to Osama bin Laden in 1979 while still working for the FBI. He denied it, calling Barbara Hartwell a liar. He shouted his denials on radio programs, all the while attacking the credibilty and the character of Barbara Hartwell and others. 

Gunderson later admitted it, using the "Red Menace" as an excuse. 

But whatever his excuses may be, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for telling lies.  Just as there is NO EXCUSE for demonizing others who expose those lies.

In fact, Gunderson, in addition to his COINTELPRO confession, admitted the very same thing in this latest interview with Alex Jones.

What can we make of this pattern of denials followed by admissions?

As a trained intelligence analyst, I would have to say that when the "plausible denials" are no longer working, when the credibility of the perps has suffered beyond the point of salvage, the promoters of the lies, the criminals who have perpetrated the cover-ups, don't have much choice but to admit to at least a portion of the truth. The spin they put on it is another story, but it almost always involves an attempt to justify the crimes and cover-ups.

But when government-sponsored perps finally make such an admission, they must find a venue which is guaranteed to provide maximum exposure, and they must find a sympathetic ear, accompanied by a voice that people in the "patriot" community will be listening to.

Enter Alex Jones. Alex Jones, the "patriot celebrity", plain and simple, is a government shill. Personally, I have no doubt of this. In my opinion, based on my personal/professional experience, my investigations and research, Jones is most likley a part of Mockingbird, a CIA operation which uses journalists to promote propaganda as controlled opposition.

What's more, Alex Jones has been promoting Ted Gunderson and his crony, John DeCamp, for years. As for anyone (including Barbara Hartwell) who has exposed the criminal activities of Gunderson/DeCamp and their cabal, we are vilified by Jones, and/or censored. In my case, both.

It is way past time that sincere truth seekers and patriots, those who have been hoodwinked by the likes of Jones, Gunderson and DeCamp, take a hard look at the facts and the truth.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Here, to elaborate on past events referenced here, I have provided some links and excerpts from previously published material.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
June 30, 2010

Links for Alex Jones's three-part interview with Ted Gunderson.

Ted Gunderson: Ex-Officio COINTELPRO, De Facto COINTELPRO


[Edited for relevance. See original report.]


"I am one of the radio talk show hosts on Genesis and I must now release several things starting with this.
As well, others have the right to know first hand that this story from Barbara Hartwell is true. Barbara did get cut from Genesis last night on my program and it was out of my control.

The following information that I am about to post took place on my radio program last night on Genesis Communications radio network.
What I am about to report to you took place and you can take any of what I am about to say as hearsay if you want, but this has been an on going problem that I have had to deal with for a number of years, dealing with people I have gotten on the air and talked about issues other people will not cover.

During the interview I got a call from Alex Jones and the person that was running the show at the time, a woman by the name of Stephanie, told me during a break that Alex Jones wanted to talk to me after the broadcast about the person that I was having on the air in this case Barbara Hartwell.
After which I thought nothing of it at the time and continued with the interview.
Later, about 5 mins towards the last half of the 2 hour show, about 7:31 pm Mountain time, I was told another message from Stef that Michael Trudeau, who I have been told and have a letter from, is the Vice President of Genesis, told me and the board operator that I had to let my guest [Barbara Hartwell] go. I was not told why and didn't do it.
After coming back from the 30 min break, Barbara had about 3 min and 20 seconds, from my best guess before Genesis cut her with out my permission. In this case it deals with the Franklin Coverup and people directly involved in covering up the incident, John Decamp, Ted Gunderson, & George Pender, Known as "Operation Brownstone".
After this book was released a second book was put out following up book one, The Franklin Coverup, to continue to coverup the incidents involving child abuse, rape and other things.
It was done by these 2 [Gunderson and DeCamp] after the information leaked out on radio years ago. These 2 were used by the CIA to spin the story about what really happend and who was really involved.

But there is more. There is one last commerical that takes place at about :45 after or rather closer to :50 after the hour, at which time I got another call from Alex Jones saying to me the following.

That this issue with Ted Gunderson he knew all about, but that I was not and I quote NOT to contact Barbara Hartwell or Stew Webb again or have them on the program again. What needs to be said beyond this are several things but I don't have alot of time left to explain this sitution so I will try to be brief.

See, here is the thing: there is so much more to this story and what it is I have seen since being on this network, it's going to take me weeks posting articles like this, but it boils down to this. This Ted Gunderson issue is so hot that Alex Jones called me 3 times in a 40 min period to get me to stop what it was I was broadcasting [Barbara Hartwell] not to mention the vice president of Genesis, Michael Trudeau."



In November, 2003, I, Barbara Hartwell, was summarily cut off in the middle of a radio broadcast on the Floyd Report by Alex Jones, who threatened the host, Jeremy Floyd, never to speak to me again --or else!....I was also permanently banned from Genesis Communications Network, courtesy of Alex Jones and others operating in the shadows...

Jeremy Floyd quit his job at GCN over that incident of censorship, on principle, and went over to Truth Radio. I know this to be a fact, as I discussed it at length with Jeremy and he told me all the details. Alex Jones then lied, claiming that Jeremy had been fired, in what was clearly an attempt to cover up the truth. I was denounced as a "nark" and a "CIA disinfo agent" by some of Jones's cronies at GCN and on his websites, Prison Planet and Info Wars, including by some arrogant punk kid, Jones's sidekick, Paul Joseph Watson.

I'd been on GCN many times before, over a period of years, at least since 1997, on various programs, and this was an unprecedented event. Now, I am officially banned from GCN, have been since November 2003, when Alex Jones literally pulled the plug on me in the middle of a broadcast. I do not know Alex Jones personally and have never had any direct contact with him. But another shady character seems to be involved here: Larry Lawson, who claims he was the person who called Alex Jones to "warn" him about Barbara Hartwell being "CIA". I have no way of knowing if this is true, because Larry Lawson is yet another notorious liar, who has been on my case, libeling and harassing me (and many others) since 2001.

Why was I censored and banned? For telling the truth about some of the criminal activities of Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp, including the FACT that Ted Gunderson indeed sold Stinger missiles to Osama bin Laden in 1979, while still working for the FBI. Alex Jones later described John DeCamp as "a Great American" on his program on GCN, on which John DeCamp was interviewed. Ted Gunderson has also been a guest on Alex Jones's program.

Later, after Jeremy Floyd quit GCN and went over to Truth Radio, he introduced me on one of his programs as, Barbara Hartwell, the woman who has been banned from nearly every radio show in America. How true that is. Most of the "patriot" and "Christian" radio shows have run on GCN for years, along with an affiliate WWCR (from which I was also banned, after having appeared on various programs for years.) In fact, Ted Gunderson had his "Wake Up America!" radio show on WWCR. I was on the program myself, as well as on Ted's cable TV show.

As I have publicly stated many times, I cut off my professional association with Ted Gunderson in January 2000, when I finally realized (and had gathered the evidence to substantiate) the level of corruption in which he was involved, both while inside the FBI and since his" retirement" in 1979.

So, for those Alex Jones apologists, I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways. You either support and defend selective censorship, bullying, threats and lying, or you don't. You support coddling, promoting and covering for criminals, or you don't. There is nothing "patriotic" in this behavior. It certainly has nothing to do with Truth.

I'm well aware that it is possible I will lose more friends over this "Alex Jones" issue, as I've never seen more people willing to make excuses for anyone, as they have for Alex Jones. But I do know that if people are REAL friends, they will be able to agree to disagree with me about Alex Jones, or just about anyone else. 

But l'd like to see how they would feel if THEY were the ones being censored, banned or blacklisted, for no other reason than for exposing the truth about criminals in government. I'll keep standing for the Truth, even if I have to stand alone. To hell with Alex Jones and his censorship.

And if John DeCamp and his crony, Ted Gunderson, continue to be promoted by some of the largest radio programs and websites and held aloft as the Icons of Great American Patriots, I can only say TO HELL with the "patriot" movement and the Trojan Horse it rode in on!

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust


Monday, June 28, 2010

Psy War and COINTELPRO: The Assault on FBI/CIA Whistleblowers

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:19-21

Psy War and COINTELPRO: The Assault on FBI/CIA Whistleblowers

Former FBI Chief Ted L. Gunderson (FBI, 1951-1979) would have you believe that Barbara Hartwell is a CIA disinfo agent; and he has been spreading this outrageous lie for a decade.

Gunderson's personal vendetta (and the accompanying libel campaign) against Hartwell began in 2000, after I broke off a three year (1997-2000) professional association and personal friendship, based on what I then believed to be shared values and goals (exposing government corruption, defending Liberty, etc.).

My reason for disassociating from Ted Gunderson? I discovered that he (and his cronies, including, most notably, former senator John DeCamp) embodied the worst of the very tyranny and  corruption I am dedicated to exposing and fighting.

And for the record, it's important to state that Ted Gunderson, during his FBI service, was one of the most prominent COINTELPRO Kingpins, under J. Edgar Hoover. But nothing has changed, at least not much, since Gunderson retired from the FBI. The COINTELPRO legacy is very much alive, still wreaking havoc, still destroying the lives of those who would stand up against the criminals in government, who would speak the unvarnished truth, who refuse to compromise with evildoers, or to be enslaved by the tyranny which has become institutionalized in the U.S. government.

But Ted Gunderson is not operating alone in his psy war against legitimate whistleblowers, including Barbara Hartwell and former FBI agent Geral Sosbee. He has recruited a veritable army of minions, stooges, shills and toadies  --a brood of hissing vipers all eager to do the dirty work of harassing, stalking, threatening, libeling/slandering the targets of COINTELPRO.

And in conjunction with the collusion of his cronies (all professionals, former/current government operatives/agents/officials) Gunderson exploits this loosely organized network of unscrupulous and belligerent  amateurs for his own ends. Some are criminals (convicted or not), at least a few  of whom made a deal with the feds for early release from prison, or who have been able to avoid doing any time at all in exchange for their cooperation in targeting genuine whistleblowers,  journalists, patriots and Christians.

It is important to understand that although some of the minions, stooges and shills answer directly to Ted Gunderson, most in fact have simply been drawn into the criminal network via association with the Gunderson groupies (as I call them) --those who have direct contact with Gunderson, DeCamp  (inter alia) and who (for one reason or another) have an axe to grind --usually against the designated targets-- again (and especially as related to this report), including Hartwell and Sosbee.

Here I will provide a letter (2005),  from one such government stooge and Gunderson groupie, John Allman. This letter is published on Educate-Yourself, a New Age government disinfo website owned by Ken Adachi, who for at least the past decade, has served as the primary PR shill for Ted Gunderson and his cronies; and who also promotes many of his fellow liars, stooges and shills  --all of whom have taken it upon themselves to support, defend and promote Ted Gunderson et al, and to demonize, harass and/or threaten Barbara Hartwell and certain of my associates.

I should mention that this letter is relatively mild in attacking the targets, and is more about defending/promoting the "virtues" and "credibility" of Ted Gunderson.

However, I publish it here for three (3) reasons:

1) I have never addressed it and I consider it necessary to refute it for the public record.

2) It serves as an example of the profound ignorance and stupidity of those who would attack legitimate whistleblowers simply because they have been duped by the COINTELPRO black propaganda against targets which is fabricated and promoted by Gunderson and his ilk.

3) It has made the rounds on the Internet for the past five (5) years and is still prominently displayed on Adachi's website, in two special sections, one of which is dedicated to promoting/defending Ted Gunderson; the other,  dedicated to libeling Barbara Hartwell ("Barbara Hartwell, Founder and CEO of Liars, Inc").

As well, this poison pen letter somehow manages to continually surface among the top listings in Google (no surprise there) along with similar smear pieces fabricated and disseminated by the very same gaggle of government stooges (what a startling coincidence...)

Following the letter from John Allman, there are comments from my friend Geral Sosbee, rebutting the libel of Gunderson and Adachi and exposing them as malicious liars.

I have also included a list of the accomplices of Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp et al, who are all complicit in the libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell and other legitimate whistleblowers.

How do I define an accomplice? Anyone who in any way, shape or form aids and abets the persecution of a whistleblower and/or promotes, supports, defends the assailants, demonic liars, calumniators; anyone who disseminates/parrots the black propaganda/character assassination designed to discredit/neutralize/destroy the target.

Lastly, it is important to state that this letter from John Allman, published on Ken Adachi's site, is addressed to the notorious government stooge and G-Man wannabe, Tim White. White is a predicate felon, a fed snitch who made a deal with corrupt government agents and cops (2002) in exchange for a get-out-of-jail-free card. White (who served only a fraction of his sentence) is a drug trafficker, a sex pervert/predator, transvestite, a child porno freak, and a psycho stalker who has harassed, libeled and made death threats against numerous journalists, whistleblowers and patriots. White is exploited by Gunderson and DeCamp, who have sicced him on their targets, including Barbara Hartwell. 

Following the letter from Allman you will find a libelous assault from Tim White, accomplice of Gunderson and DeCamp, and fellow stooge/shill of Ken Adachi, who promotes Tim White extensively on his website.

[For the purposes of this report, I will only be addressing the allegations directed against Barbara Hartwell. I have added my comments, in brackets, preceded by my initials, BHP, in the main body of text.]


Barbara Hartwell and Stew Webb, A Response from John Allman
By John Allman
March 31, 2005

"Dear Tim [White]

These two, along with Kathy Kasten, are knee-deep in attempted character assassination of poor old Ted Gunderson. Ted is one of the twelve members of the international group I founded, called Christians Against Mental Slavery, the last person invited to join, if I recall correctly."

[BHP: "Poor old Ted Gunderson"? This character needs to wake up to reality; and if he wants to call himself a Christian, maybe he should ask God to give him a love of the truth before he jumps to unwarranted conclusions and takes it upon himself to libel people he does not know.

In any case, there has been no "character assassination" against Ted Gunderson, not by Barbara Hartwell. Speaking strictly for myself, I have only exposed factual, truthful, accurate information about the criminal activities of Ted Gunderson, both "inside" and "outside" of his FBI service.]

"Intelligent questions addressed to these three, amongst the handful of Ted's habitual detractors, intended on my part to elicit substantiation or retraction of their allegations, are typically met with belligerance, evasion, and even accusations directed at myself, but often addressed unethically only to third parties, of complicity on my own part with "the perps", accusations of the kind that would be especially hurtful to victims like me who were less resilient than I have learnt to become. Not so with the polite and open Mr Gunderson himself, whose home phone number I think is likely still on his website."

[BHP:  For the record:

1) Mr. Allman is a liar. I have never once been approached by Mr. Allman with any sort of "questions". Furthermore, I do not have a public e-mail address, so there would have been no way for him to contact me directly.

2) There have been no "belligerence", "evasion" or "accusations" coming from me.  I had never heard of this idiotic Allman character until I found HIS character assassination and outright lies about Barbara Hartwell published on Ken Adachi's website. And I have never once addressed this issue before today. Furthermore, I do not engage in discussions, debates or arguments with idiots, morons, government stooges, nor my detractors. I simply expose and refute the lies they are disseminating about me. Sooner or this case later. ]

"I gather that Gunderson hosted a radio phone-in once during which a caller to the program (me) made allegations (admittedly quite likely to be untrue) against another broadcaster, I think called Art Bell. I am informed that Gunderson promptly became a joint defendant with the radio station in a libel suit, and that his radio station employer's insurance company decided to settle out of court with the plaintiff, presumably the said Mr Bell, without Gunderson's admission of liability, and indeed without his being allowed, by his contract of employment, to deny liability in any court hearing."

[BHP: Is Allman admitting that he himself slandered Art Bell on Gunderson's radio show? It sure sounds that way. "Presumably"? There is absolutely  no doubt about the identity of the plaintiff.  Allman doesn't have his facts straight, so there is nothing further to say.]

"I know of no other skeletons in Gunderson's cupboard, ostensibly another repentent sinner saved by God's grace just like me, of a kind that that would discredit him as anything less than a stout friend of our movement, even though I don't suppose that he would claim to be an expert on what we suffer nowadays, and even though our particular struggle for justice - important to us though it seems to us and as it doubtless is for the benefit of future generations - is not at the centre of the aged Gunderson's personal agenda."

[BHP: What is this incoherent gobbeldygook? I'm hard-pressed to determine exactly what he means to say.  And I would not presume to make a judgment as to who is a recipient of God's grace, but if He granted it to Ted Gunderson, I would certainly rejoice --for Ted's sake. But so far, from my observations and personal experience, I can hardly view Gunderson as a "repentant sinner" --on the contrary, his behavior, over decades, reveals the polar oppositte.]
"Gunderson is an ex-FBI career man of well-earned prestige, who denies vigorously ever having been complicit in any so-called "black" operations, i.e. those undertaken by public sector law-enforcement, security or intelligence agencies that are of dubious legality. He retired from the FBI decades ago, and claims to have worked since then, at least part of his time, and often for free out of compassion for victims, or simple patriotism, precisely to expose such wrong-doing on the part of officialdom. It is unlikely, in my view, that he is in league with the perps of what are loosely called "mind control". If he is, he is hopelessly incompetent at working mischief that will benefit those particular malefactors."

[BHP: Mr. Allman once again reveals his ignorance --as well as his unwarranted bias in favor of Ted Gunderson. But then, ignorance and bias typically  complement each other. Do some "unbiased"  research on COINTELPRO and black operations, Mr. Allman, if you want to be relieved of your ignorance. Otherwise, stop talking about subjects (and people) you know nothing about --especially Barbara Hartwell.]

"Gunderson stated in writing that he was "proud" to join our anti-MC political group, and he has always treated me personally with civility, even though we are not yet close friends. At his great age, his life expectancy is actuarily so poor that any notion of the bad guys engaging him to infiltrate groups like ours as a "sleeper", only later for him to stab us in the back, is far fetched in the extreme."

[BHP: Nobody that I know of, Yours Truly included, has ever called Ted Gunderson a "sleeper". How utterly absurd. Perhaps Mr. Allman has been getting his "information" from spy novels.  But in any case, the bad guys wouldn't need to "engage" Ted Gunderson as an infiltrator. Gunderson is COINTELPRO --the Head Honcho of bad guy infiltrators.] 

"I respect and trust Gunderson, and pay little or no attention to any of the handful of his conspicuously less rational detractors. I advise you to do likewise."

[BHP: If anyone is irrational, it is those like Mr. Allman, who apparently see no need to gather facts or evidence before leaping to conclusions they cannot support. By my way of thinking, respect and trust must be earned. If Ted Gunderson has in fact earned your trust and respect, Mr. Allman, then I truly pity you as one of the most stupid people I have ever had the displeasure to address.]

"Yours respectfully,

John Allman
+44 7930 519793
Secretary, + +
98 High Street
N Yorks
United Kingdom"

"PS Please post freely this message on to groups, at your discretion. Please feel free to read how I have appraised Mr Gunderson on the CAMS' website's members pages."


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim White"
To: "John Allman" ;
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: BARBARA HARTWELL & STEW WEBB--response from John Allman


Thank you so much for this, you and I have been out of touch for several months, let us stay in contact more often.I am a close friend and associate of Teds' and am aware of all that you write here. I can tell you so much more on what is actually going on with this slander, libel, and smear hatchet job but I have more important things to attend to-of that I'm sure you would agree.The circumstances at the root of this latest attack are from Ted and I-and others too-putting out the truth about several very sensitive subjects that is causing great concern to the Dark Side so they have yet again unleashed their mind controlled disinfo agents-of which Hartwell and Webb are but two, they have now signed on yet another dupe here in Denver-to go after us in hopes of silencing us both.

It is NOT working now and will NOT work at any time. All that is being accomplished is Webb and Hartwell-and their accomplices-exposing THEMSELVES for what they really are-MIND CONTROLLED DISINFO/SET UP AGENTS CONTROLLED BY THE DARK SIDE-nothing less but possibly more. What is going on is not "attempted" but very real character assassination and I will seek legal remedies that have been offered to me PRO BONO, of that you can be sure also.


Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(Air Force)Concerned Citizen"

I will decline to address the idiocy of Tim White; it speaks loudly and clearly for itself. But let us move on to the comments of Geral Sosbee, also a target of COINTELPRO and its agents, minions and stooges. 


Ted Gunderson's Character
April 18, 2005

From Geral Sosbee
Sosbee vs. FBI  
Ted Gunderson (hereinafter referred to as 'gun') recently wrote the following words to my good friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell:

"Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came.

Ted L Gunderson, FBI-SAC(Ret)"

Sosbee writes:

Such words as quoted above when directed against one of the true and great Defenders of Liberty (Barbara Hartwell) offend all sensitive persons who read them, but especially those of us who know and respect Barbara for her stand against government corruption. Indeed the 'righteous' as you call them reject the use of such descriptions above because no human being merits such a label.

However, gun is steeped in the use of labels, especially those that send good and innocent people to torture chambers, to prisons or to their deaths; gun is an expert by his own proclamation of his credentials (i.e.:SAC) in a) black operations, b) mind games, c) secret agent-provocateur dirty deeds worldwide.

No, gun, you are wrong. The world needs Barbara Hartwell more than you could possibly know/imagine; and as you have sold out to the evil forces of a corrupt government (the United States of America) in return for your petty benefits, you are the one who must someday atone for the atrocities you approved, directed, or condoned against men and women over the past half century.

Come clean, gun, about your knowledge regarding offenses and crimes against Humanity; help save the lives of targeted individuals; and renounce the fascist state that you presently support; then, maybe intelligent and informed people will listen to you.

You dare pretend to show a concern for the people of the United States when in fact you exploit the ignorance and fear of all who listen to you in order to further your own private interests and in order to perpetuate the destructive agenda of the cia and the fbi. The downfall of this country into a fascist state is in part your doing, gun, and you should not be proud of that, no matter how high an office you have attained.

Sosbee writes for the record on April 30, 2005:
gun indicates on his website that he was chief inspector for the fbi in 1973; in such capacity, gun had the responsibility to investigate Sosbee's reports of fbi crimes during that year. Not only did he fail to perform his duties as chief inspector, he continued thereafter to serve in high level positions in the fbi at a time when Sosbee was being harassed for reporting the criminal conduct of numerous fbi agents as set forth in



In early 1971, the FBI's domestic counterintelligence program (code named "COINTELPRO") was brought to light when a "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI" removed secret files from an FBI office in Media, PA and released them to the press. Agents began to resign from the Bureau and blow the whistle on covert operations. That same year, publication of the Pentagon Papers, the Pentagon's top-secret history of the Vietnam War, exposed years of systematic official lies about the war.

More Comments from Ex-FBI Agent Geral Sosbee on Ted Gunderson

Barbara- gunderson is like a fire ant- he stings good but then he has nothing left to support his tiny vision.

His statement [Gunderson's accusation re Barbara Hartwell, in his open letter, 2005]:

"There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die" the rule, but you are proof that he is wrong; the same applies to me and the assassins of the fbi who are trying to kill me in the only cowardly manner they know. My question for gun is why he does nothing to expose the crimes against Humanity that are currently on going; and further, with his vast experience as a fbi chief, why he has not confessed to the world of his many crimes against the American people.


Succinctly, Ken Adachi is a malicious liar and a petty fraudster for writing the following statements about Geral Sosbee (regarding Gunderson, I have reason to believe that all statements written about him by my greatest friend, Barbara Hartwell, are true):


Adachi writes:

"...Barbara Hartwell's ... gets little coverage beyond Gerald Sosbee or Stew Webb or other government-controlled "whistleblower" flunkies. ...You can find most of my articles ... on my Ted Gunderson page".

Now, to wrap up this report, here are the names of those who have libeled/slandered and/or harassed and/or threatened legitimate government whistleblowers and journalists, including Barbara Hartwell, while promoting/supporting Ted Gunderson, and/or his minions and stooges.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
June 28, 2010


(Known fed agents are identified as such)

John DeCamp
Clarence Malcolm
D'Anne Burley
Timothy Patrick White
Brenda Negri
Todd Brendan Fahey
Ken Adachi
Don Nicoloff
James F. Marino
Larry Lawson
Sherry Shriner
Charles Bruce Stewart
Doug Millar
A. True Ott
Alex McGowin Studer
Pam Schuffert
Don Stacey (CIA)
Marilyn Guinnane
Aaron James
"Xena Carpenter" (may be an alias and also used as pseudonym by Todd Brendan Fahey)
Francine Kelly
Ronald Cerra (CIA)
Mary Ann Cerra (CIA)
Alex Jones
Paul Joseph Watson
Virginia McCollough
Dennis Slatton
Eric Hufshmid
Daryl Bradford Smith
Shirley Anderson
Mark Hostlaw (FBI)
Daryl Sturgis (aka Tim Hall)
Susan Ford (aka Brice Taylor)
Mark Phillips (CIA)
Rosalee Grable (aka Webfairy)
Mike Eggleston
Jon Gentry
Clay Douglas
John Allman
"James L. Choron" (pseudonym of Brenda Negri)
Michelle Ray
Christina Cook
Christina Kanas
Kevin Gagan
John Mecca
Vanessa Davis
Gerry Donaldson
Arlene Johnson
Peter Kawaja
Alex Merklinger
Robert Sterling
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Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust

Saturday, June 26, 2010

REAL I.D.: The Death Knell of Personal Privacy

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
--Amendment IV of the U.S. Constitution
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

13 Revelation
On May 10, 2005, the REAL I.D. Act was signed into "law" by traitor George W. Bush. REAL I.D., the brainchild of Wisconsin Congressman James Sensenbrenner (may he burn in hell), breezed its way through the House and Senate without so much as a whimper of protest. It has been documented that most of our so-called "representatives" did not even bother to read the bill before voting on it.
What was the purported reasoning behind the REAL I.D.?
Protecting Americans from "foreign terrorists" and stemming the tide of illegal aliens.
Really?  Why then, did Bush not simply close the borders? Why was the Border Patrol PREVENTED from doing their job? Why were Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compeon arrested and jailed, for of all things, enforcing the law?
The answer is simple. In fact, the tyrants in Washington D.C. have no concern whatsoever about the invasion of illegal aliens, despite the soaring crime rate in border states; despite the drug-running, the rapes and murders, the illegals flooding into the prison system --and all this at the expense of  American citizens, forced to foot the bill for these foreign criminals and freeloaders.
Bush actually pushed for amnesty for illegals --all the while trampling the rights and freedoms of Americans under the guise of "National Security", and the "War on Terror." 
Communist tyrant Obama, the usurper "president", also wants amnesty for millions of illegals (who are by definition criminals), while decent, hard-working, law-abiding Americans are losing their jobs, losing their homes through tax liens and foreclosure, seeing everything they have worked for go up in smoke.
This invasion of illegals is not only embraced by their fellow criminals in the U.S. government, the plot was spawned long ago as part and parcel of the North American Union.
But the subject of this report is not illegal aliens --the issue is the death knell for the God-given, unalienable, constitutionally protected RIGHT TO PRIVACY.
And although the government cannot take away the RIGHT to privacy, through coercion --at gunpoint and threat of arrest and imprisonment-- they can get away with monstrous invasions of an individual's privacy, unless that individual is willing to defend that right, and to do whatever it takes to stop them.
Several states protested the unconstitutional REAL I.D., but most have now caved to pressure from the federal government --which has absolutely no right and no lawful jurisdiction over the affairs of the disparate states, any more than they have jurisdiction over the affairs of the individual.
For awhile, it appeared that the REAL I.D. (slated to be implemented in 2008) had died an ignominious death. But when brute force fails, the evil of tyranny operates insidiously, and by deception.  Here's what really happened: REAL I.D. is being covertly entered into the beast system through the driver's license in many states.
The driver's license in most states is now morphing into a national I.D. card, invading the privacy of the individual by means of a nationwide electronic data base which allows personal information about any individual to be accessed and exchanged by law enforcement and other state and federal agencies.
The REAL I.D. by any other name is still a national I.D. card; only the  terminology has changed.  How about the "enhanced" driver's license...sounds less threatening, doesn't it? The liars tout the "benefits" ad infinitum. But it is far from benign.
Through the use of electronic technology, holograms and microchips are implanted in the license, visible only under certain types of light, or to those equipped with the special scanners designed to read them. This technology may also include the RFID (radio frequency) which can track an individual's location in real time, anywhere he/she happens to be.
I'm no technical expert --far from it-- but I have taken the time, over many years, to do my own research and to learn from those who do have the expertise I lack.
There is also a tremendous amount of information available on the Internet -- and as long as you avoid the conspiracy kooks with no scientific background, it's not hard to find.
But if you doubt that any of this is happening, just go to any DMV for the purpose of applying for a driver's license, or renewing one that is about to expire. You'll be hit with a bombshell: You will now need to produce a birth certificate to "prove" your identity, even if you've held a valid driver's license for decades. Even if you have other forms of identification, such as a passport, military papers, etc.
And most likely you will be ambushed by the clerk (the jerk) at the counter, as the DMV websites do not contain any information about REAL I.D. which would allow you to make an informed decision beforehand. 
But it gets worse: If the name on your birth certificate is different from that on other documents (such as in the case of a name change via a marriage; an adoption, etc.) you will then be required to produce the documents (marriage certificate, etc.) which further establish "proof" of your identity. If it so happens that you do not possess these documents, you are then forced to acquire them, which may be costly, time-consuming and in some cases, a nightmare of further red tape and invasions of personal privacy.
They also want to know exactly where you live.  A permanent "physical address" is required, which will appear on the driver's license, and to "prove" this, you will need to furnish mortgage papers, a lease, and/or a piece of mail delivered to that address from a government agency.
Why all this?
I won't bother overstating the obvious. I will only say that unless you want to be under police state surveillance everywhere you go; unless you have no problem with your personal, private information being available for all and sundry to peruse; unless you long to be a citizen of the North American Union and the New World Order --REFUSE THE REAL I.D. and any driver's license from any state which is implementing the REAL I.D., either brazenly or by stealth.
Of course, you have the God-given right to travel without a driver's license, without registering your vehicle or getting insurance. And there are lawful remedies under the common law if you declare yourself sovereign and remove yourself from the beast system.
For example, see:
If you're not prepared to declare personal sovereignty, for any number of reasons (and there are plenty of them, depending on your situation), but are serious about protecting your privacy, there are other ways to get around accepting the REAL I.D. or "enhanced" license.
*Move to a state which has not implemented REAL I.D.
*Hire a driver or ask friends and family for rides.
*Find an attorney or paralegal who can advise you what options are available.
Use your imagination and the sense God gave you --where there is a will, there is a way. But whatever you may decide to do, by all means, PROTEST LOUD AND LONG against this monstrous invasion of your privacy.
Invasions of privacy erode your Liberty. Make no mistake: Privacy is an integral part of your Liberty.
Make your sentiments public in whatever ways available to you and tell everyone you know that you will NOT be accepting the REAL I.D. -- or any driver's license which functions as a national I.D. card.
Stage a demonstration --or hand out flyers-- at your local town hall or department of motor vehicles.
If you're someone who believes in "working through the system", contact your representatives. Deluge them with calls, e-mails and letters by post.
Demand your God-given right to privacy and to travel unmolested when and where you please, and make sure they know you will hold them accountable if they participate in violating your rights.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Sovereign Child of God
Believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Enemy of the New World Order Police State
June 26, 2010
See these sources for more information:
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Bill text versions (REAL I.D.)
Also, to protect your privacy, you can get a standard lead-lined bag (the heavier the better) from most photo shops. Placing your license inside the bag --and leaving it there until you need to use it--will prevent remote scanning. Most current licenses (issued over the past 6-7 years) already have some form of electronic "enhancement."
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA 

Friday, June 25, 2010


NOTE: I have often read the comments of people I can only call useless idiots, on some of the message boards where Geral Sosbee has posted reports like this one. These characters jeer and taunt Geral, in efforts to provoke him, or to  impugn his sanity, attempting to discredit his message.

And although the Internet is rife with many paranoid conspiracy theorists, real whack jobs and nut cases, claiming that they have been targeted by the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. etc., Geral Sosbee is most certainly not one of them.

In truth, corrupt agencies of the government only target real whistleblowers and legitimate journalists --those who expose factual information, and who have the evidence to support their claims. Geral Sosbee is such a person, a patriot who loves his country, and who has served this nation with honor, in various capacities, including as an FBI agent, a decorated military veteran, and as a professor of constitutional law. And because my dear friend Geral is far too humble to ever tout his accomplishments, I will!

What has he got for his trouble, for his faithful service to this country, for honoring his oath to defend the Constitution? Political persecution, relentless harassment and psy war terror tactics directed against him, which have all but completely destroyed his life.

I have been Geral Sosbee's friend, professional colleague and witness for nearly a decade, and I know better than any living person (aside from his oppressors) precisely what he has endured.

Each time I read a report by Geral Sosbee, it makes my blood boil, while breaking my heart at the same time. I know from many years of personal experience, as well as from my own investigations (including of Geral's case) that every word he speaks is the truth.

The government in this country is comprised mostly of criminals, plain and simple.  And it takes a real patriot, who truly loves his country, to tell it like it is, regardless of the consequences to himself.

Thank you, Geral, for being a Messenger of Truth and a Defender of Liberty.

Please see this report (2004) if you care to know the truth about how shamefully the government has treated one of its own federal agents, simply for telling the truth and defending the Constitution.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
June 25, 2010

From Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee


June 25, 2010

Imagine that a mafia type moves into your neighborhood, subtly sets himself up as a kind of authority and pseudo friend to those who bow to him. He becomes in time a protector to his followers and an oppressor to those who refuse his orders. Ultimately, as this mafia figure has the backing of the ‘organization’, all persons in the neighborhood realize that the best course to maintain peace in the home is to subscribe to the mafia’s doctrine and at the same time pretend that all is for the greater good. Many are then rewarded for their loyalty to the mafia lord.

Now, this is the scenario today on the world stage with the fbi/cia/pentagon (and their minions, stooges, shills, thugs, punks, assassins, operatives, agents, informants, and police/national guard Gen d’armes), all acting as mafia type figures.

For purposes of this report the main focus is on the dual disciples of satan, the fbi/cia, as mafia, and on their demand that all the world accept the new world order as defined and as enforced by their organization (i.e.: the war machine). Those who surrender their persons and countries unto the authority of the fbi/cia mafia are rewarded (first by not being killed or imprisoned, followed by some temporary economic benefits to the country’s ruling elite). Those who resist or fight the terrorists of the fbi/cia mafia are hunted down like dogs and are killed. Thus, the real war on terror takes on a very special meaning to all who are affected by the aggression of the most dangerous and bold group of blood thirsty killers ever to live on the planet earth: the fbi/cia mafia and their associates and facilitators throughout society.

Today the people of the world recognize that as the fbi/cia gang represents the failed leadership of the United States of America, and that this nation is thereby a homicidal menace to Humanity because the fbi/cia’s war machine continues the assault on the world’s population with threats, armed invasions, and ultra high tech weaponry (including mind control and brain entrainment gadgetry) and by whatever other methods be available in their arsenal.

Now a clear and present danger to the peace and stability of all peoples is apparent; unless stopped now the future of mankind is in great peril with regard to human and civil rights, individual liberty issues and freedom from oppression.

The sentiment grows around the globe to stop the invaders of the fbi/cia gang . The mantra of the freedom fighters may be summarized in a simple but universal expression of rage as follows and the war on terror has hardly just begun:

Invade My Country, I Invade Yours;
Attack My Brain, All Bets Are Off.




QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210


Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust