Saturday, February 20, 2010

White Trash: The Continuing Saga of a Psycho Stalker


White Trash: Ugly as Sin

NOTE: This report, written by Thomas Richards (2008-9) was originally posted on my site with only the title (Report on Tim White) and a link to it on Spiritually Smart.

I removed the link (and the page promoting the report) due to the fact that Thomas Richards's site had become inaccessible to the public. Recently, I found that the site is back online and can be accessed; so I decided to post not only the link, but the entire report.

I am always glad to find people who expose Tim White for the government shill, stalker, liar and lunatic (among many other things-- none of them good) that he is.

Because each person who exposes him adds to the body of evidence against this criminal; usually links him to some of the same accomplices; and what's more, almost everyone has the same experience related to Tim White.

White Trash (as he is known by many of his targets) first approaches a target claiming he has "information". It is sometimes claimed by White that the information is "important", or even "inside info"; but if not claimed, it is certainly implied.

White also uses the tactic of name-dropping, boasting of his connections to "important" people.

If the target is not impressed, not interested, does not respond or (almost always the case) finally, in disgust, tells White Trash to get lost, White launches a public attack on the target, usually involving obscene verbal assaults, sometimes threats. 

And, as you will see from this report, White engages in monstrous invasions of privacy (or tries) against the target. He publishes private, unlisted street addresses, along with outrageous lies about the target, thus soliciting further crimes of stalking and criminal harassment by like-minded criminals.

White Trash has a number of accomplices, those in collusion with him to libel/slander, invade privacy, solicit crimes. Among them are those who aid and abet White by giving him a forum for his outrageous lies and to publish PRIVATE info, thus also compromising security and endangering safety of targets and their families, some of whom have young children living in their homes.

Anyone who does this is the lowest criminal scum of the earth. These lowlifes (only a partial list)  include Craig Oxley and Eric Phelps (both mentioned here); Todd Brendan Fahey; Ken Adachi; John DeCamp; Xena Carpenter; Larry Lawson; Brenda Negri.

I have a particular disgust for this lowlife character, Craig Oxley, and his moronic website, The Unhived Mind. This slug is obviously concerned only with himself and how he can use people for his own ends. In addition to reeking of dishonesty and corruption (witness his alliance with Tim White); he's obviously an opportunist (and not a very bright one), as he is clearly swayed by every wind of doctrine, and reverses his position on a number of issues (and people) whenever it suits him. Evidently he does this without realizing that his credibility has been destroyed by his lack of consistency and his moral bankruptcy.

I intend to continue do all in my power to put this lowlife scum criminal, Tim White, out of business, once and for all.  This also goes for his accomplices, each and every one, who may find themselves in shock one day when they learn that they can be charged (at the very least) with aiding and abetting serious crimes, as part of a criminal conspiracy which includes racketeering.

Felony threats, criminal menace, criminal harassment, soliciting additional crimes, inciting violence and terrorism.....

By their fruits shall you know them.

February 20, 2010


Report on Tim White by Thomas Richards

This informational web page starts off with some updates and then gets into how this Tim White attacked me with slander, harassment and an attempted invasion of my privacy. Some of what you read is simply my opinion that was formed by my experience with Tim White.

This web page is necessary to testify what I have experienced in my dealings with Tim White first hand. This Tim White is not a legitimate truth seeker. Do you think he would be able to just look up on the Internet the residencies of CIA agents who are conducting black ops??

Here's the trick with understanding why and how Tim White could be FBI cointelpro. Obviously if I had broken some federal law the FBI would be able to find me in a heartbeat and come right to my house. What this Timothy White is doing is acting like he's just some regular guy who is seeking where I live so that he can make public my personal information in order to to threaten, harass me and intimidate me.

This STALKER, Tim White needs to be completely shunned. He thinks that "exposing" someone means finding out where they live and who their distant relatives are. I don't even know what my relatives do and I don't even talk to most of them.

Tim White also thinks that if you live in a big house then that's suspicious. In other words. He's CRAZY. And only crazy people will actually listen to his BUNK.

Remember, these attacks by Tim White kicked off after my EXPOSE' of two Vatican - disinfo - agents, John DeCamp and Ted L. Gunderson. ~Source (John DeCamp was the former aid to CIA Agent and Knight of Malta, William Colby. Colby later became the CIA chief (Video). Ted L Gunderson is a highly decorated retired FBI Special Agent.)

Further more Tim White is trying to gain favor with other truth-sayers such as Craig Oxley in order to split and divide this Vatican expose' "movement".

(Nov 29, 2008 **UPDATE** Eric Phelps and Craig have both done the right thing in response to all this and are disassociating themselves from Timothy White. I am glad about this and happy to report this. I am still going to leave this up though as a testimony against Timothy "Patrick Alexander" White)

(April 6th, 2009 - Another UPDATE) Craig Oxley to my disappointment is again friendly with this character and is posting Tim White material at Unhived Mind forum. Even after I received this email from Craig that was forwarded to several email recipients. In order to further understand this page I have to inform the reader that Craig has associated and disassociated himself with Time White about 3 times.


It seems Eric Jon Phelps has DISASSOCIATED with you for your reckless behaviour.  What a lovely thing to hear indeed.  Enjoy fighing talking to little pions.  Your exposed as the agent of trouble you are finally.  By the way I have a name of my source but no one needs to know it.  Take care fruit bat you'll need it in lonely land.  Start talking to David Icke again and have a friend somewhere.  Two intelligensia shits together!

bye for good
Craig Oxley"

This is very disappointing to me because Craig and I have worked hand in hand for a while now. And for him not to be able to spot that there is something VERY wrong with this Timothy White doesn't make sense to me. If any character came on the scene and began attacking Oxley, you would never see their material up on my web site. Yet Craig Oxley continues to spread Tim White's "research" (which is really mainly GARBAGE). Craig obviously does NOT respect my privacy. Nor me.


The following transpired back in November, 2008:

Thomas Richards Attacked by AGENTS through Eric Phelps' email list

Several months ago when I was on Eric Phelps' email list and much information was passed to me and from me which would often be forwarded with my email address in the headings and my name being mentioned. Soon I began to be contacted from people from his list who took it upon themselves or were told to by their handlers to contact me and challenge me and/or stir up strife with me.

One of these people was a man named Timothy White. Whether this is his real name is unknown by me. Who he really is, I do not know. He is not a public person like I am. He does not have videos of himself with his real name on the Internet so I can't guarantee he is who he says he is.

When I do research on any particular subject I pick and choose what info I repeat. It usually has to be verified by one or more other sources. If someone I do not know contacts me and begins to try and offer me information, I usually ignore them. In Tim White's case this is the email he sent to me:


I have info to communicate to you with regards to Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp, Bill Colby, Brig Gen Ben Partin, Greg Szymanski, Leo Zagami, Craig Oxley, many others... contact Eric Phelps who knows me very well...

Concerned Citizen,Researcher,Investigator,Whistleblower"

(keep in mind that he contacted me through Eric Phelps
as you continue reading this page)

I received this email and being that I was deep into what I was researching and putting my own information together, and didn't need any "help," I ignored this person's (Tim White) email. About 5 days later i had in my inbox another email from Tim White accusing me of being "disinfo" over this same topic he was trying to "communicate" more "info" about. I also was forwarded another email from John DeCamp to Timothy White.

If you haven't read my last web page regarding this you are welcomed to do so before you continue. (Link to other web page) Bottom line is because I "didn't have the courtesy" to respond to his email, I became the subject of a long drawn out public attack by this person Timothy White.

(11/29/08) Right now I am going to get on with the NEWER developments.) I am doing this web page because I believe this needs to be made public. I want this to be a testimony from me as to who and what Timothy White is really about.
Another friend of mine, Craig Oxley from the Unhived mind had the same problems I had with Timothy White. But just recently I received this email from Craig Oxley:


I have made a truce with Tim White.  I understand the Gunderson issues etc but lets just see what information he throws up and out and who it annoys exactly like the last time.


I want to make this clear that I am not trying to take a dig at Craig. But this has taken an odd turn and I need to explain the details so the reader understands what is taking place so they understand. Because this email from Craig lead to the turn I need to report today.

After Craig sent me this email, I sent Craig an email reminding him of certain things Timothy White has done and said in the past.

Craig and I exchanged thoughts a couple of times until he sent me this email with forwarded words of Timothy White

Subject: TIM WHITE MAY HAVE YOUR ADDRESS Date: 11/29/2008 2:44:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time

Dear Thomas,

Take a read of my mail back and from White.  Just keep doing what your doing and don't confront him.

(begin Timothy White's words:)

 .... "did you get that email on Hartwell?...

..and this crap from Richards is just should be taken OFF your site--this asshole never even had the courtesy to REPLY to me from my initial email to him so he would have found out WHY I sent him that in the first place..besides this--do you know where he lives ?...I ask you a question I know the answer to ...there's something screwwy about him too...


Here is Eric Phelps' response to this email I forwarded to him regarding Timothy White and White's inquiring about where I live with my F A M I L Y:

Date: 11/29/2008 1:01:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:

"Dear Brother Thomas,

This is strictly between you and Tim White.  I refuse to be brought into any of these exchanges.  As I have told others, if you do not wish to receive any emails from him just block him.  I have done this with a host of people.  Like you, I keep focused on the Jesuits and refuse to be distracted.  Tim White is an unsaved man with lots of anger, but he is loaded with useful information that I then research, confirm or disprove and then use or discard.  I suggest that you eat the meat and throw away the bones, or discard the whole chicken by blocking him.  Either way you benefit.

Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric"

After further explaining to Eric what Timothy White was doing I received this email from Eric:

Sent: 12/10/2008 10:07:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Re: (no subject)

"Dear Brother Thomas,

I have disassociated from White and thus anything about him is of no interest to me.  I recommend you and everyone else do likewise.  He is a drain on our efforts of exposing the Order.

Brother Eric"

So there you have it. I also want to add that at this exact time I received these emails from Craig Oxley about Tim White, Craig Oxley had placed a satellite image of Thomas Heneghan's house and address information on his Unhived Mind forum. Is this what Tim White wants to do with me? Or you?

I do not know Thomas Heneghan at all but do know when things are going too far. I have to disassociate myself from all these people for a time. Maybe permanently.


Thomas Richards

(April 6th 2009 Update. Apparantly Craig Oxley will no longer answer my emails. I do not know why, but can guess that it's because in order to expose White and protect my privacy I had to use his emails in this above message. It may be he has justified it in his mind that he should not "trust" me because I had to take these measures in order to defend myself. Or it could be that he changes his mind so often that he does not want to be held accountable for what he says to me. For instance, Oxley dissociating with White and then re-associating with him again..)