Saturday, February 6, 2010

Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier: 34 Years of Wrongful Imprisonment


Greetings to everyone,

34 years. It doesn't even sound like a real number to me. Not when one really thinks about being in a jail cell for that long. All these years and I swear, I still think sometimes I'll wake up from this nightmare in my own bed, in my own home, with my family in the next room. I would never have imagined such a thing. Surely the only place people are unjustly imprisoned for 34 years is in far away lands, books or fairy tales.

It's been that long since I woke up when I needed to, worked where I wanted to, loved who I was supposed to love, or did what I was compelled to do. It's been that long-long enough to see my children have grandchildren. Long enough to have many of my friends and loved ones die in the course of a normal life, while I was here unable to know them in their final days.

So often in my daily life, the thought creeps in - "I don't deserve this". It lingers like acid in my mouth. But I have to push those types of thoughts away. I made a commitment long ago, many of us did. Some didn't live up to their commitments, and some of us didn't have a choice. Joe Stuntz didn't have a choice. Neither did Buddy Lamont. I never thought my commitment would mean sacrificing like this, but I was willing to do so nonetheless. And really, if necessary, I'd do it all over again, because it was the right thing to do. We didn't go to ceremony and say "I'll fight for the people as long as it doesn't cost too much". We prayed, and we gave. Like I say, some of us didn't have a choice. Our only other option was to run away, and we couldn't even do that. Back then, we had no where left to run to.

I have cried so many tears over these three plus decades. Like the many families directly affected by this whole series of events, my family's tears have not been in short supply. Our tears have joined all the tears from over 500 years of oppression. Together our tears come together and form a giant river of suffering and I hope, cleansing. Injustice is never final, I keep telling myself. I pray this is true for all of us.

To those who know I am innocent, thank you for your faith. And I hope you continue working for my release. That is, to work towards truth and justice. To those who think me guilty, I ask you to believe in and work for the rule of law. Even the law says I should be free by now, regardless of guilt. What has happened to me isn't justice, it isn't the law, it isn't fair, it isn't right. This has been a long battle in an even longer war. But we have to remain vigilant, as we have a righteous cause. After all this time, I can only ask this: Don’t give up. Not ever. Stay in this fight with me. Suffer with me. Grieve with me. Endure with me. Believe with me. Outlast with me. And one day, celebrate freedom with me. 
Hoka hey!

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,

Leonard Peltier

NOTE: One of the major priorities in my work (and indeed, in my life) is working to free political prisoners, those who have been unjustly accused, wrongfully and unlawfully arrested, tried and convicted of crimes they did not commit.

I have been a Leonard Peltier supporter for decades, ever since I read the book In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, by Peter Matthiessen. If you haven't read this book, I urge you to do so. If you have read the book, then assuming you are a Messenger of Truth and Defender of Liberty, then I know you are as outraged as I am.

Today, February 6, marks 34 years of wrongful imprisonment for Leonard Peltier.

Leonard Peltier is innocent!

Free Leonard Peltier!

February 6, 2010

February 5th 2010: 

LP-DOC - PO Box 7488 - Fargo, ND 58106
Phone: 701/235-2206; Fax:701/235-5045

Parole Appeal

Eric Seitz filed an appeal of the August parole decision with the U.S. Parole Commission months ago. Concerned that the decision was taking more time than is usual, Attorney Seitz recently called the Commission. The Commission claimed to have never received the appeal!

There is a time limit for filing an appeal of a parole decision. Failure to file within the required period of time is considered a waiver of appeal, which is not Leonard’s intention.

Seitz immediately sent another set of materials to the Parole Commission together with proof of delivery of the original set.

As of several days ago, the Parole Commission confirmed receipt and also acknowledged they were at fault for “losing” the original set of materials. Therefore, Leonard’s appeal of the parole decision will go forward. The Commission’s final decision is expected soon.

Any operating unit within the U.S. Department of Justice would lose its head if not attached, it seems. The prison infirmary at USP-Lewisburg recently “lost” x-rays taken when Leonard received “care” for a head laceration sustained when he slipped and fell on some ice. A second set of x-rays was taken, doubling Leonard’s exposure to radiation. His symptoms blurred vision, for example have not yet been fully addressed.

We’ll keep you posted.

Attention Artists

Moved by recent images of children in distress, Leonard is organizing an art auction to benefit the children of Haiti. The benefit will be held at the Trickster Gallery at 190 South Roselle Road in Schaumburg, Illinois, on Saturday, March 6.

Leonard asks that other Indigenous artists participate and help make the event a success.

If you’re interested in donating your artwork for the benefit, please call Kari Ann at the LP-DOC (701-235-2206) or send an e-mail:

Please also help to spread the word to other artists. We’ll release more detail about the benefit soon.

February 6: 34 Years! 

Tomorrow (Friday, February 5), in recognition of Leonard’s arrest on February 6, 1976 (and 34 years of imprisonment), please contact the Attorney General to demand an Executive Review of the Peltier case.

Write to:

Attorney General Eric Holder
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

You also can fax your letter to (202) 307-6777.

Call: (202) 514-2000.

E-Mail: (Be sure to mark your e-mail to the attention of AG Holder.)

NEW Giclée Reproductions
Images of new paintings by Leonard Peltier are generated from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto your choice of canvas, fine art, or photo-base paper. Visit Leonard Peltier Art for details and order your reproduction today.
Original Paintings for Sale

Leonard's artwork is timeless and available. These paintings are the prime resource for the Committee to raise funds.