Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to Recognize COINTELPRO Tactics & Government Shills

NOTE: This is a brilliant analysis on COINTELPRO and the tactics of government shills/totalitarian disinformers by Liberty activist John Perna.

It is has been edited for length, but can be found in its entirety (and in varying forms) on many message boards all over the World Wide Web.

If you are unfamiliar with COINTELPRO tactics, read this for your own protection. Others who are aware of COINTELPRO (and those who have been targeted by these operations) might want to pass this along to educate others.


By John Perna
Most people just want to be free.  
In the entire political spectrum; from left to right, there are people, who want to be free.

In the entire political spectrum, from left to right, there are ALSO people, who want to take our freedoms away. The freedom loving people out number the totalitarians, by orders of magnitude.

Yet; over and over again, the totalitarians are winning. The totalitarians are winning because they are organized. The freedom loving people need to get organized. The totalitarians are winning because have their disinformers sowing strife, among the freedom loving people: causing them to fight EACH OTHER.

The freedom loving people need to work TOGETHER to oppose totalitarianism.

Mao Tse Dung, summed it up quite well: "The stronghold is broken easily from the INSIDE"

Divide and conquer is a VERY OLD trick.

"If your enemy is stronger divide him." -Sun Tzu

Amazingly, in the entire political spectrum; from left to right, people often agree as to who the totalitarians are, yet they still cannot work together.

IF you really understand the power brokers of this world, you will understand that these instruments of totalitarians are often tentacles of the same monster,all controlled by the New World Order.

The CIA works for the New World Order.

The FBI is now controlled by the New World Order.

Al Qaeda works for the New World Order.

The governments of many countries are a part of the New World Order.

The "industrial-military complex" IS the New World Order.

Yet often those who agree on EXACTLY WHO IT IS, that is destroying our freedom, cannot work together, because they want to give them different labels.

At the same time, the totalitarians have disinformers working among the human rights activists.

The false human rights activist will present himself as a defender of liberty, BUT he will spend most of his time attacking the defenders of liberty, under numerous pretenses.

If you total up all of the defenders of liberty; who are attacked by the false human rights activist, you will quickly notice that it is practically the ENTIRE human rights movement.

Those; whom he praises, are usually in JAIL. Obviously, no one will have his approval, until they are in jail!



When you find that the same person; WHO OPPOSES EVERY HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST, OF EVERY TYPE, YET is also quite comfortable, with those who preach totalitarianism, then there can be NO DOUBT as to his real goals.

When the disinformers become very desperate they will attempt to fabricate "band wagon appeal", by claiming that no one is listening to the most effective defenders of liberty. Of course; if that was true, The New World Order would not have disinformers devoting so much time, and energy, to opposing them!

It is very simple: We learn who the most effective human rights activists are, by seeing who the totalitarian government shills attack.

We learn who the totalitarian government shills are, by seeing who attacks the most effective human rights activists.

With a small amount of checking, we often find that these government shills are convicted criminals, who mysteriously received incredibly large reductions in prison time.

These government shills might even be sex offenders, who were not required to register for the National Sex Offenders list.

The false human rights activist will spend a great deal of effort on the following:

1. Dividing the defenders of liberty into fighting each other by creating strife among freedom activists. (This is often called "infighting", but it actually comes from a person, who is working to build tyranny.)

2. Attempting to waste the time of freedom activists, by forcing them to respond to personal attacks, or endless debate about trivia.

3. ABOVE ALL: Accusing the most effective freedom activists of being false opposition.


Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.

The Disinformer's Gambit - the Tactics of Disinformers

In the game of chess there exists a term; which describes a maneuver, a stratagem, and a ploy; using different pieces working together, to accomplish a secret purpose. This is called a gambit.

Those who hope to build totalitarian control over freedom loving people, also use many gambits. BUT, the chess player has the advantage of always knowing which pieces are on the other side.

Those who would defend liberty have no such luxury. The most treacherous player in the gambit is the false patriot.

The false human rights activist will present himself as a defender of liberty, BUT he will spend most of his time attacking the defenders of liberty, under numerous pretenses.

The false human rights activist will attempt to re-direct attention in every direction EXCEPT at those, who are building tyranny.

The false human rights activist will attempt to re-direct attention to an entire race, a religion, a large group with a few problems, or even against freedom activists. This is essentially the very old military strategy of the creation a "decoy to draw enemy fire." The ultimate success of this deception is to cause defenders of liberty to "fire" on non-combatants, or even to "fire" on their own friends, and allies.

In addition, the false human rights activist will neutralize the efforts of the defenders of liberty. The false patriot, like every other player in the gambit, will neutralize the efforts of the defenders of liberty by:

1. Deceiving the defenders of liberty into supporting hoaxes. Any time that a simple request for evidence results in vitriolic personal attacks, or an attempt to censor, with no attempt to address the issue, you can be sure that you are dealing with a hoax.

2. Dividing the defenders of liberty into fighting each other by creating strife among patriots.

3. Deceiving the defenders of liberty into creating class struggle by promoting ethnic hatred.

4. Attempting to waste the time of human rights activists, by forcing them to respond to personal attacks, or endless debate about trivia.

5. ABOVE ALL: Accusing the most effective patriots of being false opposition.


Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.

It is VERY simple. Those who spend their time fighting tyranny, are freedom activists.

Those who spend their time fighting freedom activists are working for the advancement of tyranny.

If you will study the tactics used by the FBI COINTELPRO program. THEN you will recognize FBI COINTELPRO immediately.


Take note of the following paragraph:

"The FBI COINTELPRO program was initiated in 1956. Its purpose, as described later by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was "to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities" of those individuals and organizations whose ideas or goals he opposed. Tactics included: falsely labeling individuals as informants; infiltrating groups with persons instructed to disrupt the group; sending anonymous or forged letters designed to promote strife between groups; initiating politically motivated IRS investigations; carrying out burglaries of offices and unlawful wiretaps; and disseminating to other government agencies and to the media unlawfully obtained derogatory information on individuals and groups."

If you understand the meaning of the tactic "to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities" you will understand that the person who is most likely of being a Fed, is the one who involves patriots in activities that have no effect on those who are building tyranny, and activities that will destroy the credibility of the patriots.

Those who are building tyranny would love to convince people that we are all a bunch of paranoid nuts, so that we will we unable to warn people about the building of tyranny.