Monday, October 13, 2008

Government Shill Ken Adachi Defends Fellow Stooge, Tim White

NOTE: In 2005, Ken Adachi, the primary PR shill for ex-FBI agent Ted L. Gunderson, ramped up his libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell and Stew Webb, especially in "defense" of his fellow government stooge,Tim White.

Larry Lawson, another government-sponsored shill, who spreads libelous disinformation about patriots and whistleblowers, is also supported and promoted by Ken Adachi.

Adachi published the e-mail exchanges which follow, on his website, Educate-Yourself, for the obvious purpose of suggesting that Barbara Hartwell and Stew Webb have "duped" Rick Stanley into believing the "lie" that Tim White is a government-sponsored shill.

[One of Adachi's "news" headlines from this same time period reads: Rick Stanley, Another Patriot Duped by Barbara Hartwell and Stew Webb.]

Also note that Barbara Hartwell is never mentioned in these messages. But Adachi puts my name in the "headline" as a "Disinfo Robot", just for good measure, because in fact, his purpose is to libel/discredit me in any way he thinks he can get away with. He throws my name around everywhere, hoping that the oft-repeated lies will be believed by his readers. Ken Adachi has proven himself a malicious liar who will bear false witness against ANYONE whom Ted Gunderson orders him to target.

But this exchange between Rick Stanley and Tim White speaks for itself.

From Educate-Yourself, March, 2005

More Discerning Insights from Rick Stanley on Tim White
(A Victory for Disinfo Robots B. Hartwell and S. Webb)

Sent by Tim White
March 30, 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim White"  
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 11:23 AM

"I stuck my neck out for you in the past and get myself labeled by some of the FBI Gestapo here in Denver as a "terrorist" and I get back THIS from the likes of YOU?
NOTHING could be farther from the truth on THIS Stanley.I have been a target from this totally corrupted government far longer than you-it goes back AT LEAST 15 years that I am aware of and YOU are just in the past 4-5 years waking up to this.My fight against the criminals that have taken control has cost me EVERYTHING and you should know enough of the background to know why from what I have sent you and discussed with you in the past-when I STILL supported YOU. Now you STAB ME IN THE BACK and you think this is a good thing to do? I can assure you-YOU are 100% WRONG on this and I want a PUBLIC APOLOGY on EVERY group this was posted to.Many people across the country know for real who I really am and it is definitely NOT what you are LYING and LIBELING and SLANDERING me with! STIPEND? I am trying to survive on a daily basis because of what's around me, I had a GOON visit me with a personal warning back on 11-24-04, I filed a police report to have record of this. In short, STANLEY, YOU ARE A LIAR! AS far as Larry Lawson goes-he does whatever he damn well pleases and my email to him that he and you are BOTH wrong about EACH OTHER went unheeded.I have NOTHING to do with what he writes about you or anyone else-I put out my own info from my own experiences in this mess we call our country.Some of the very same people that came into my life years ago, entered yours years later and I sure as hell DON'T WORK FOR THEM and sure DON'T GET a "stipend" as you LIE about.HOW much are YOU getting paid by "them" Stanley? You see, I can ALSO MAKE THESE ALLEGATIONS. Something damn sure stinks in this and IT'S YOU.
Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(Air Force)Concerned Citizen"

----- Forwarded message from rick@... -----
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 23:08:34 -0600
From: rick@...
Reply-To: rick@...
Subject: More Exposure regarding Rick Stanley/Larry Lawson
To: Vicky Davis

STANLEY NOTE: "I believe it was but I have "encountered" him on multiple forums.

His primary issue with me started out that I had been on several radio shows like Alex Jones, John Stadtmiller, etc and these people were bad (not really patriots in his mind). I have my own radio show as well. He accused me of having a bad person (Stew Webb) on my show. He says Stew Webb is a phoney and government agent. I explained to him that I have been on over 400 radio shows, dozens of TV shows, thousands of internet sites, etc and sometimes one goes on a show with a hostile host etc. This has of course, happened to me as well as others.

He then went on a tirade that I was a PHONEY PAYtriot, which I suppose means that I take money for my efforts. I explained that wasn't true, that I had financed my own battles with government, with my business profits over the years, but now was running dry as time has gone on and my business has been attacked by the government as well. Later it took a "personal" turn when none of these issues proved viable for him to attack me. Seems he thinks now that I am a bad patriot leader, who will get other patriots killed. I explained that I was no ones leader and I had never gotten anyone killed yet, because I wasn't leading anyone. I have suggested to the Patriot movement that they should unite and defend themselves from the government when they are outside the boundaries of the constitution. Seems that this Lawson fellow appears to be a paid government agent to cause discord across the internet and to possibly set people up for future charges by the government by baiting tactics. I have had numerous reports from people who have been standing up to the government being harassed by Larry Lawson.

Anyone who speaks out about the unconstitutional actions of government gets attacked by Larry Lawson. Whistleblowers have been attacked by Larry Lawson. Numerous radio hosts have been attacked by Larry Lawson in the attempt to discredit them as Patriots or individuals that might be listened to. He has attempted to discredit and create disharmony.

All of this is clear to me what he is about. Folks will just have to decide for themselves. I already have. He has been attacking me behind my back for about two years it would seem. He came out with more numerous attacks in the past 4-5 months. I have decided to answer them and he increased the attacks at first, then backed off. Recently he has begun again, quietly adding lines that attack me on the forums in his postings. When I hear of them, I try and expose this little predator as I have had a lot of experience being attacked the last 4 years by his type of ilk. This one appears to have the backing of the FBI which has been confirmed by numerous individuals. He also has compatriots he works with to discredit Patriots across the internet and to contact people individually to try and set them up. People like Tim White of Denver. All of this has happened to numerous individuals across the country and recently to me, with not coincidently, Tim White. It is well coordinated and the onslaught is unrelenting. They seem to have nothing but time to attack patriots across the internet.

However, they are not very smart, certainly have been exposed time after time for their inaccuracies or just the inane arguments they use. They do not appear to be very intelligent. It would appear to be a low level operation. They probably receive a small stipend each month for their efforts. I have seen it before, not just on the internet but in the third parties (paid moles etc, to cause disharmony in the third parties). At every turn the perpetrators are exposed over a period of time.

God bless.
Live FREE or Die!
Rick Stanley
Received from Rick Stanley March 30, 2005:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:34 PM

STANLEY NOTE: Do I hear a wahhhh?

----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 22:27:35 -0600
To: Tim White

STANLEY NOTE: Your "support" includes smearing my name all over the internet WHITE. Does this bother you to have your name brought up on the internet? Seems so. Hypocritical it would seem. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander. Can't take the heat Tim? Get out. Stuck your neck out? That's a good one... Gee Timmy, when you bash me across the internet it's ok, but if I do some bashing about Timmy, it is "bad"? Hypocrisy at it's finest. Go whine to somebody who cares. What goes around comes around.

Don't even bother to lie back to me, that you haven't done this. I have seen it and so have dozens of others. So go cry to some of your cop buddies that you have befriended. I don't want or need any friendship from the likes of someone like you. With "so called friends" like you, who needs enemies?

Live FREE or Die!
Rick Stanley