Friday, July 13, 2007

The Family Jewels: Nothing New Under the Sun

What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.
--Mark Twain

In June, 2007, nearly 700 pages of declassified CIA documents were released to the public. CIA insiders have for decades called certain of their black-budget programs and operations (including 'Special Access Projects', waived from congressional oversight) the "Family Jewels".

True to form, the very name Family Jewels is emblematic of the arrogance, elitism, patriarchal hegemony --the limitless hubris characteristic of the Central Intelligence Agency.

However, for anyone to believe that this particular collection of documents sheds light on the ACTUAL "Family Jewels" is akin to a belief in the Tooth Fairy.

As someone who was directly involved in some of the black operations known as Family Jewels, I can state with certainty that the documents which have been "exposed" with such fanfare are:

1) But a small fraction of what comprised the black projects running since CIA's inception in 1947, as well as those which predated it, coming from CIA's precursor, OSS. And despite the claims of CIA, most of these projects did not "go away"; they simply went deeper black, under different code names. As for the plethora of gory details, they'll never see the light of day, at least not voluntarily by CIA from their own files.

2) Merely a conciliatory gesture in the hope of misdirecting the public yet again as to the true nature of CIA. Keeping the lid on while pretending to bring the truth to the light of day --so very typical of the way things are done at CIA.

3) A form of 'containment' which attempts to sanitize, minimize, trivialize and marginalize the pervasive human rights violations; abuses of God-given rights (as protected and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution) which began long before 9-11, but which have now become institutionalized under the treasonous Patriot Acts and the fascist behemoth of Homeland Security.

This tyranny and treason was all planned long in advance. It didn't just spring up full-blown after 9-11, as the criminals in government would have you believe. Having had direct knowledge of this plot for a One World Totalitarian Government (New World Order) for many years, I tried to warn others, but most would not listen.

As always, the main issue, the ONLY REAL ISSUE, beside which all others pale, is Individual Rights. I speak of what I call the "Inviolability of Personhood". Such a 'natural' state of being is bestowed by God on each individual. 

Acknowledgment of this state and the practice of moral absolutes by each individual is required to defend and protect it.

Secular humanists, New Agers , socialists, communists, or proponents of ANY form of World Government may try to persuade people to believe that collectivism, in one form or another, will solve the problem of human rights abuses. They'll say: We must have consensus. Let's all get together and Be One --One People, One World, One Global Government. Let's erase the borders. Forget about National Sovereignty, forget about Individual Sovereignty, let's have a Global Village!

But there is no such thing as a "benign", "humane", "just" or otherwise ethical Global Government.

Limited Constitutional government, which protects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL, by acknowledging those God-given rights and by protecting Individual Rights FROM THE ABUSES OF GOVERNMENT is the ONLY acceptable and ethical form of government. Government should be the servant of the People, not the other way around.

It must be made clear that the Inviolability of Personhood and the natural rights (through Individual Sovereignty) are NOT 'civil rights'. Neither are they 'Constitutional rights.' Natural (God-given) rights come from the Creator, NOT from government. Rights are NOT privileges. Rights do NOT require government authorization, licensing or approval. Government has absolutely NO BUSINESS interfering in any way, shape or form with the natural rights of the individual, as bestowed by God.

As for the Constitution, it is meant to protect and guarantee these unalienable rights. Why unalienable? Because they are bestowed by the Creator. Who can take away that which God has given? They can't, not unless we let them.

CIA, especially through their black operations, has been violating the natural (God-given) rights of individuals for the past sixty years. Illegal domestic covert operations have wreaked havoc on the lives of countless Americans.
Without understanding this basic truth, no one can possibly begin to comprehend what CIA (and the illegitimate government that spawned them) are all about. CIA is the bastard child of a bastard shadow government. As such, they should be held accountable for their crimes against God and humanity by every Defender of Liberty worthy of the name.

So, if you're thinking along the aforementioned lines, forget "civil rights"; forget collectivism and consensus; forget being a cog in the wheels of a corrupt system. Start defending your GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

Here, I present some of CIA's PR material from the official CIA website:

The first is a propaganda tract on the "Family Jewels". What, other than propaganda, could possibly come from a mouthpiece such as the "chief CIA historian"?

Next, there's a CIA "mission statement". Your (unlawful and extorted) tax dollars at work in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

And lastly, an excerpt from CIA's "Kids' Page" for indoctrination of young children, which I find of particular interest, considering the fact that CIA got their hooks into me prior to the age range (K- grade 5) of children for which this was written.

In fact, my own formal training (including reading and writing, usually begun in Grade One --and military drills, unheard of in most grade schools) began at the age of three (3). 

Not surprising, having been born into a CIA/military intelligence community family, going back to OSS. Just like the Mafia, CIA recruits, indoctrinates, exploits and utilizes their own, direct from family bloodlines. They arrange politically expedient marriages within these bloodlines; engage in 'eugenics', all for the purpose of 'keeping it in the Family'.

Regarding all this, and in light of the recent purported "exposure" of the Family Jewels, I have some comments I find it necessary to make. I also have some questions for the folks at CIA; of course they are all rhetorical. After all, I was trained never to ask questions (at least in public) to which I don't already have the answers.


But before I get to that, I should mention that in addition to the massive disinformation and propaganda being promoted by CIA itself, mostly through its operatives in the government-controlled news media (including but certainly not limited to the Family Jewels), there is an even greater amount of such disinfo being disseminated on the Internet by various people, specifically rank amateurs, who have absolutely no background or training in intelligence work. Neither are these people trained investigators or journalists, though some audaciously make these claims.

Some of the disinformers claim to be "targets" of CIA and other government agencies. Some claim to be "whistleblowers". Some are distributing second and third hand information, gleaned from professional disinfo specialists (CIA and others.) Such disinfo is being fed to these dupes and stooges with the aim of discrediting legitimate whistleblowers and contaminating the TRUTHFUL, FACTUAL information being exposed by those of us who are former agents of CIA, FBI et al.

A "whistleblower" by strict definition comes from INSIDE the agency/bureau/company, etc. about which information (usually relating to crime and corruption) is being exposed. A whistleblower speaks from firsthand experience, as a witness and/or victim and/or participant rather than merely parroting what genuine whistleblowers have exposed; or as a result of personal speculation or rehashing of information previously exposed by real whistleblowers and expositors.

Real whistleblowers put their lives on the line by defying the liars and crooks in government; and as a result of exposing truthful, accurate, factual information (including names of perpetrators) usually become high-profile targets of the government agencies they expose.

As for the fools, liars and stooges promoting the misinformation (as well as purposeful disinformation), who claim to be "exposing" government agencies like CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., they have poisoned the well to such an extent that it has become nearly impossible for anyone from the general public, searching for accurate, factual information on CIA to find anything even remotely resembling the truth. And that's just the way CIA likes it.

In my considered professional opinion, as a trained intelligence analyst, investigator and Jungian analyst; and as a former intelligence operative utilized in psychological operations, most of these people are just attention/approval seekers, wannabes and/or groupies who want to "be somebody". Some have an axe to grind and blame "the intelligence agencies" or "the government" for all their personal problems, failures, character flaws and shortcomings. In short, they don't know what they are talking about.

Although some may "mean well", these misguided people routinely write and speak about issues they actually know little or nothing about. Their "reports" consist mostly of emotional ranting, exaggeration, name-calling, hyperbole and fear-mongering. Subjective (and often uninformed) personal opinions and erroneous assumptions replace facts, evidence and reliable witnesses.

But getting back to CIA. One thing I can guarantee: CIA will never reveal the truth about their organization, their overarching agenda, their "mission", their operations, their personnel, their policies, protocols, affiliations and least of all their raison d'etre.

To reveal the truth would be self-destructive. CIA philosophy goes something like this: A lie is the truth and the truth is a lie. When the truth is nailed down, simply deny it. Plausible deniabilty is among the most effective tools of tradecraft.

After all, fabricating lies, used to manipulate people, organizations and governments (including their own) by deception, is their stock-in-trade. And unlike most of the self-appointed political pundits, those who call themselves "journalists" and other commentators on CIA, I speak from many years of direct personal experience.

My reports are FYI, and the readers may make of them what they will.


My comments in response to CIA are in brackets, preceded by my intials, BH. I have used bold italics to highlight some of the more preposterous statements, where they did not appear in the original.

Perspective on the Jewels From the C.I.A.'s Chief Historian 
by David Robarge

For more than 30 years, the Family Jewels have clouded the C.I.A.'s reputation, even though most of their contents have long been known from official reports and ad hoc disclosures. William Colby -- who oversaw the compilation of the Jewels while serving as the agency's operations chief and director-designate -- is the source of some durable misconceptions about them. In his memoir, Honorable Men (p. 340), Colby says that the Jewels consist of "693 pages of possible violations of, or at least questionable activities in regard to, the C.I.A.'s legislative charter"; that among the contents are "bizarre and tragic cases wherein the Agency experimented with mind-control drugs"; and that accompanying them was "a separate and even more secret annex" that "summarized a 1967 survey of C.I.A.'s involvement in assassination attempts or plans against Castro, Lumumba and Trujillo."

These misstatements were repeated at least in part in several widely read works, including Thomas Powers's The Man Who Kept the Secrets, John Ranelagh's The Agency, G.J.A. O'Toole's Encyclopedia of American Intelligence and Espionage, and Norman Polmar and Thomas Allen's Spy Book. Less informed observers also have suggested that the Jewels include details about political and paramilitary covert actions and definitive proof that the C.I.A.'s controversial counterintelligence chief, James Angleton, was the mastermind behind the domestic spying program called MHCHAOS.

[BH: "Durable misconceptions"? "Misstatements"? This is just fancy double-talk for the purpose of denying the truth. How about some facts for a change....

Fact: Mind control drugs were indeed administered --most despicably, to children, under the auspices of MK Ultra.

I was one of those children. At various times, while still under the 'legal age' of 18, I was given drugs without my knowledge and/or consent. These drugs included (but were not limited to) librium; laudanum; scopolomine; LSD (including 'STP', a very potent and toxic hallucinogen).

In 1968, at the age of seventeen (17) a rogue CIA operative administered STP to me by injection. I became violently ill and nearly died from it, and was hospitalized at Bellevue in New York City. Had my father not taken measures to ensure my release (they tried to hold me for 'observation'); and had he not instructed me precisely as to how to protect myself, survive the ordeal and how to deal with hospital personnel, I don't know what kind of further extreme damage might have resulted. This is just one example of 'unintended consequences' when arrogant rogue operatives start freelancing and toying with people's lives, just for the hell of it.

Later, during young adulthood, under the auspices of MK Ultra, I was prescribed various drugs by CIA psychiatrists, one of whom was a handler who first trained me in the use of hypnosis. Some of the drugs were used to wipe my memory; others to 'contain' me so that I could be utilized for their purposes. I won't go into further detail, except to say that drugging a person against her will, for the purpose of exploiting her talents, is one of the most despicable abuses which can be perpetrated.

I was also drugged periodically without my knowledge or consent up until the time I finally broke out of CIA in 1994. On certain occasions, I was hit with an aerosol to knock me out, then abducted for 'hostile interrogation'. The last such incident took place in 1994, the year I finally broke out of CIA. This, after battling my handlers for years; after refusing to comply; after refusing missions and turning down contracts. I just wanted out, and through the grace of God, I finally succeeded.

CIA is like Krazy-glue: Just try getting unstuck from them, and see what your life will become. Any former CIA (and there ARE some of us) who have managed to accomplish such a task, and live to tell about it, can attest to the truth of my statements about the modus operandi of CIA.

Fact: Under MK Ultra, Frank Olsen was surreptitiously dosed with LSD, then murdered by CIA.

Fact: An assassination plot (one of many, as documented by former contract agents of CIA) against Fidel Castro was spawned by CIA in 1969, using a Special Forces operative, Reds Helmey.

Helmey hijacked a plane to Cuba, was tried and found innocent on grounds of "temporary insanity". Insanity? Or CIA mind control?

The case received lots of publicity in 1969-70, but then, like most such cases, seemed to fade from public view.

Many years later, Reds Helmey wrote an autobiographical book, The Lemon Dance: Tell Fidel El Rojo is Coming, which describes this incident as well as his experiences as a soldier in Special Forces and as his dealings with elusive CIA personnel who hovered around him and made periodic appearances in his life.

Reds sent me an autographed copy of his book and contacted me by e-mail after having read my reports on CIA black ops (including MK Ultra mind control operations) on various Internet sites.

Here's the inscription Reds wrote to me:

To Barbara,
Truth should be the first thing found and hope the last thing lost--
Your Friend
Bobby "Reds" Helmey
God Bless America!
January, 2003

Reds approached me wanting information to help him make sense of what had happened to him, specifically in connection with his dealings with CIA. He wanted to be debriefed by a professional, namely myself. Why me? Because he recognized the truth (some of which he had personally experienced) contained in my reports on CIA and military black ops.

Reds also asked me to be a "tactical advisor" on a film (based on his book) about the true story of his involvement in the Castro assassination plot. I spoke at length with Reds, as well as with the Hollywood producer, who after hearing my personal stories about CIA (which he said made his jaw drop) also wanted my involvement in the film project. 

He even expressed interest in making a film about my experiences. I told him this would 'not be allowed' to happen.

Unfortunately (and just as I predicted) CIA stepped in (like they always do) and prevented me from being involved in the film project. I was also unable to assist Reds Helmey, though I very much wanted to.

Over the years, since leaving CIA, I have worked with quite a number of ex-military/intelligence people to help them understand what really happened to them; and to help them in retrieving lost memories, especially when they had "missing time", as a result of their memories being 'wiped' by drugs, hypnosis, psychotronic technology, mind control programming or all of same. I never took money for this work, I helped only because I care and because I want to stop the abuses of military and intelligence people by their own government.

Fact: Ex-CIA operative Gene "Chip" Tatum was tasked with the assassination of Ross Perot by George H.W. Bush.

In 1997, I first met Chip Tatum, when we were both speakers at the Global Sciences Congress in Denver, Colorado. Subsequently, I had the opportunity to discuss many issues with Mr. Tatum, related to CIA black operations in which we were both involved.

Chip Tatum publicly admitted to having been (among other things) an assassin for CIA. Specifically, he admitted to me personally to having carried out no less than 17 assassinations during his CIA career, spanning twenty-five (25) years.
What's more, Chip gave me a copy of the original letter re the "neutralization" of Ross Perot, signed by George H.W. Bush.

I had intended to publish this letter on my former website, in 2000. However, it, along with other documents, was stolen from my home in a break-in while I was traveling. During the same 'black bag job', the perps dismantled my computer, leaving it for me to find as a "calling card" upon returning home.

A second copy of the document was similarly stolen during a break-in at the home of my (then) webmaster in New York City. His apartment was completely tossed and trashed. The perps piled much of his equipment in the bathtub under water; destroyed his computer, after stealing the files, and stole all the documents I had given him for publication. Their finishing touch was to scatter dozens of copies of a flyer, Barbara Hartwell, CIA black ops survivor, promoting my website all over his apartment. Their message was crystal clear: Stay away from Barbara Hartwell --or else.

However, the document was also given to others and has since been published on several websites. Here is a copy. I can attest that this copy is exactly the same in wording, having seen the original and committed it to memory.]




D. G. Chip Tatum Codename: Pegasus

You are hereby ordered into service of the United States Government.

It has been determined that Independent Presidential Candidate Ross Perot, has illegally obtained documents which are of vital concern to the security of the United States and selected allies of the United States.

It has therefore been determined by Finding of the National Security Council, That these documents must be recovered. Due to this determination, you are authorized to use whatever means necessary to recover said documents and insure that this criminal is brought to justice.

You are authorized to exceed existing regulations and FTM's to accomplish this mission. If loss of life occurs as a result of the performance of your duties, you shall be exempt and protected from prosecution.
George Bush

[BH: Chip Tatum refused to carry out the mission. He told me that Bush (who, in addition to Colby, had been one of Tatum's direct handlers) threatened that he would be "toast" if he failed to comply.

Chip in fact did refuse to comply. He said he refused to assassinate an American citizen. Chip, naturally, became a target, but created his own "insurance policy" by secretly taping conversations between Raymond "Buddy" Young (a Clinton minion) and a Mossad operative named Mike Harari, while serving as a helicopter pilot. For details, and the rest of the story (at least what has been published) run a search using "Chip Tatum" and "Pegasus."

Chip was subsequently arrested, tried and convicted of "treason". He spent two years in a federal prison for his "crimes". After his release from prison, he went public on radio, TV and on the lecture circuit.

The last time I saw Chip Tatum was at a conference in Daytona Beach, Florida, February, 1998. At that time he told me he was leaving the country for good. He had advised me to leave as well, if I valued my life.

Since that time, numerous rumors have circulated about Chip Tatum. A body washed up on the beach in Costa Rica, which some claimed was Chip Tatum. Some (former insiders) have told me he took money from GHW Bush to disappear. Others (also former insiders) have claimed they heard from him, as late as 2002.

I have no reason to trust the sources of any of these reports on the whereabouts and fate of Chip Tatum.

I don't know what happened to Chip Tatum, or whether he is dead or alive. I suspect he is no longer among the living, considering some of what he exposed (including re Iran-Contra, CIA drug-running, and POW-MIA issues) revealing the true nature of the criminal activities of CIA. But I could be wrong, and hope that I am.

And the two examples given here of CIA assassination plots to which I have been made privy by the principals, the intended "hit men", are ones that failed. What about the many assassination plots that succeeded?

I have personal knowledge of a number of such assassinations, including of 
relatives, family friends and former colleagues.

Now, after all this, here's CIA's version of the truth:

"C.I.A. has never carried out a political assassination, nor has it induced, employed or suggested one which occurred."

If you believe this, I guess you'll believe anything.]

The release of the Jewels should end much of the mythology about them. For starters, the compendium is not a 693-page catalogue of crime and immorality. Repetitive reports, duplicate documents, blank pages, file dividers, cover sheets, distribution lists and news clippings comprise approximately 30 percent of the total. Among the remaining 500 or so pages of substance, except for an account of the use of Mafioso Johnny Roselli in a plot to kill Castro (12-16) -- of note is that the director of central intelligence at the time, Allen Dulles, approved it -- there are only passing references to already disclosed assassination plots and drug-testing programs and next to nothing of importance about purely foreign operations.

That may disappoint some expectant readers but should not be surprising because the whole point of an order by James Schlesinger, a later director of central intelligence, that produced the Jewels was to get information about activities that possibly violated the C.I.A.'s charter. Consequently, the collection is nearly all about activities involving American citizens or occurring inside the United States -- most of the latter, as an Agency officer noted, "completely innocent, although subject to misconstrual" in the political atmosphere of 1973 (36) -- and includes much about agency contact with the White House "Plumbers," the Watergate break-in perpetrators, and now-obscure characters such as the fugitive financier Robert Vesco. 

The hypersensitivity about anything that could be interpreted as having domestic political implications -- or perhaps simply the bureaucratic instinct for self-protection -- may explain the inclusion of the lengthy set of mundane documents about a small C.I.A. expenditure for postal services on behalf of the White House (83-104), and a memo about the Office of Logistics disposing of the National Security Council's classified trash (324).

[BH:For anyone to proclaim that the collection is "completely innocent, though subject to miscontrual", is but another example of the utter arrogance which permeates the mind-set of the "loyal Americans" at CIA.]

Although put together haphazardly, the Jewels can be divided into several categories: dealings with Watergate-related figures, liaison with government agencies, administrative and support activities, collection operations, security investigations and counterintelligence programs. Pages 5 to37 probably will attract the most initial attention because they concern a list of activities specifically identified as "Family Jewels," but the unredacted items will be familiar to students of the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee reports. The entry on the K.G.B. defector Yuri Nosenko (23-24) fails to mention that he was treated so harshly because of suspicions that he was hiding Soviet involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In the remaining several hundred pages can be found occasional stray new details about well-worn stories.

In the context of Seymour Hersh's famous exposé about the Jewels in The New York Times on Dec. 22, 1974 -- in an article headlined "Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years" -- the long set of documents about C.I.A.'s involvement with United States Government activities targeting American dissidents suspected of receiving foreign assistance to help them disrupt the presidential nominating conventions in 1972 (549-74) is worth mentioning. Not only is Angleton's hand not prominent, but the extent to which MHCHAOS and related programs concentrated on the foreign angle becomes clear. As the records show, no evidence of anything more than political and moral support was ever found. The C.I.A. History Staff's recently declassified study of Richard Helms as director of central intelligence, available on the agency's public Web site in the F.O.I.A. reading room, has a thorough discussion of MHCHAOS based on materials other than the Jewels.

The Jewels close with two groups of documents that convey the tenor of the times. One series (634-58) deals with a leak about agency technical assistance to a suburban Washington police department. It was a good news story -- the C.I.A.-supplied device might have prevented a cop killing -- but a revelation of that sort could not be countenanced in 1973, and the incident was reported. Documents 659 to 693 involve an exchange between Colby and the Parade Magazine editor Lloyd Shearer over a charge in Shearer's publication that the agency "uses political assassination as a weapon," citing the Phoenix program in Vietnam. Colby, who managed Phoenix, replied that "C.I.A. has never carried out a political assassination, nor has it induced, employed or suggested one which occurred." Based on what is known about the agency's assassination planning and Phoenix, that carefully crafted answer was not only accurate, but an exemplar of the lawyerly intellect that Colby would put to good use during the Congressional investigations of 1975-76, when his policy of controlled disclosure may have saved the C.I.A. from dissolution. These final records -- several of them in Colby's own hand -- make an unintentionally fitting conclusion to the Jewels collection, the product of a process he orchestrated as a damage control exercise but which almost proved to be the agency's undoing.

Due to his current employment as the C.I.A.'s chief historian, the material in this post was reviewed by agency officials before publication.

[BH: Yes, indeed, I'm sure agency officials reviewed it well. And made damn sure to redact anything containing a grain of truth.]


CIA Vision, Mission & Values
One Agency. One Community. An Agency unmatched in its core capabilities, functioning as one team, fully integrated into the Intelligence Community.

[BH: Your "community" vision needs a serious overhaul. How about incorporating some genuine moral values, like a respect for human life? Your "core capabilities" may have been unmatched in the past by most (except by Mossad); I won't argue with you on that point. Why not use them to bring some truth and light into the world?

And why are you so threatened by those of us who have refused to be team players, because were not willing to compromise our principles to carry out your dirty work? Most of us were either driven out by your "team" or left in disgust. Then, we are persecuted unto the death.]


We are the nation’s first line of defense. We accomplish what others cannot accomplish and go where others cannot go. We carry out our mission by:
Collecting information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action.

Producing timely analysis that provides insight, warning and opportunity to the President and decisionmakers charged with protecting and advancing America’s interests.

Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats or achieve US policy objectives.

[BH: Who are your adversaries? Did they draw first blood, or did you? How many countries have you invaded? How many governments have you overthrown to further your crusade for corporate imperialism?

Is the American public your adversary? I would say so, based on the fact that you lie, steal and cheat to accomplish your objectives, with callous disregard for the lives, liberty and property of anyone you deem a threat to your agenda.
You've never done a damn thing to advance America's interests. America's interests should be first and foremost FREEDOM & JUSTICE FOR ALL IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.

You people are the ones who created enemies worldwide, by interfering where you had no legitimate business. Are you sanctioned to police the universe? It sure seems that way, according to your misguided belief system.

And I guess "preempting threats" includes targeting for persecution or elimination anyone who tells the truth about your organization; defends Liberty; advocates for Justice or otherwise throws a wrench into your plot for World Dominion via the New World Order, of which, I should add, you are only a lowly servant. The Olympic Cartel, we used to call them. Remember? Or have you fallen into a complete state of denial and delusion?

 Core Values

Service. We put Country first and Agency before self. Quiet patriotism is our hallmark. We are dedicated to the mission, and we pride ourselves on our extraordinary responsiveness to the needs of our customers.

[BH: Patriotism? Please, spare me. True patriots don't keep quiet. Nor do they operate by deception in the darkness. The guilty speak in whispers, the innocent and the righteous shout from the rooftops.]

Integrity. We uphold the highest standards of conduct. We seek and speak the truth—to our colleagues and to our customers. We honor those Agency officers who have come before us and we honor the colleagues with whom we work today.

[BH: Now, here we see a stunning example of CIA duplicity in action. Would your "integrity" stand up to scrutiny by anyone with the slightest bit of moral or spiritual discernment?

And speaking of "integrity", here is an excerpt from my report, Tyranny, Treachery, Terrorism & Trauma: The Formula.

George Hunter White, colleague of Nazi criminal Sydney Gottlieb, described his involvement in the CIA's infamous MKULTRA project this way:

"I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun.....Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all-highest?"

Indeed, where else? Where else, but in America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Home of the Criminally Insane Agency. (End excerpt.)

And if you value "the truth", why have you made a mockery of truth? Why have you told so many lies, to the general public, as well as to your own people? Maybe it's because no decent person would want to work for you if they knew the truth.

Well, you've got a strange concept of "honor"....just ask anyone who's ever been exploited, betrayed, chewed up, spit out and abandoned for the so-called "collective good" of your "community" and your "team."]

Excellence. We hold ourselves—and each other—to the highest standards. We embrace personal accountability. We reflect on our performance and learn from that reflection.

[BH: If you truly embraced personal accountability, you wouldn't have to spend so much time on containment operations, damage control and propaganda campaigns to cover up your massive abuses of human rights and your disastrous interference via foreign and domestic illegal covert operations.
As for your Family Jewels, truly, there is nothing new under the sun.]


K-5th Grade

You may have heard about the Central Intelligence Agency. But, do you know what we really do and how we do it? The people of the CIA do very important work. They help keep our country safe. They give our leaders information so they can make good decisions. And they take pride in their important jobs.

We have a lot of different jobs here. We have analysts, doctors, lawyers, scientists, geographers, and librarians, to name just a few.

Look through our pages and you will learn all about us. If you read carefully, you can become a CIA expert. We also have some fun stories and games for you.

[BH: This silly, patronizing little blurb speaks for itself. But I do have a few comments.

It is a known fact that CIA targets children for future recruits. They are known in many (though not all)cases to choose their future prospective recruits from early childhood, especially in connection with CIA/military intelligence families and 'elite' bloodlines.

Most of the CIA people I have ever spoken to were "recruited", rather than having joined on their own volition. Many were recruited via the military (some by coercion and/or deception); some on college campuses, where CIA has an aggressive recruiting program.

Most of those who told me they wanted to join, and applied, were turned down. One thing I've learned from my observations over many years is that CIA chooses their personnel carefully. They're always one step ahead of you, and even if you think you made your own decision, chances are it was made for you before it became a conscious thought in your mind.

And when I discussed these issues at length with these individuals (including while debriefing/interrogating them) I found that most had some awareness of CIA "interest" or involvement in some way in their lives from early childhood. Most felt they had been "chosen", but couldn't quite explain why.

CIA creates profiles of every individual, before targeting them for recruitment. Family members of CIA personnel are also profiled (without their knowledge or consent) as are family friends, professional/business associates, and anyone else who may be involved in the life of the individuals.

CIA analysts/profilers attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses, talents, capabilities, accomplishments, character traits.

The profile can then be used to manipulate the individual; to engineer life circumstances; to set up situations which allow the individual to be utilized to maximum capacity by CIA.

CIA is the ultimate "conformist" organization. Most of the personnel have been so fully indoctrinated into the CIA "values" that they have little hope of true individual, original thought, much less behavior dictated by spiritual integrity or moral absolutes.


I have had a lifelong involvement with CIA: Born into a CIA family; targeted from childhood; recruited; indoctrinated; literally brainwashed by mind control programming; utilized in their black ops; and finally, since 1994, when I finally broke free, in an openly adversarial relationship and targeted for political persecution.

This agency has, in the most fundamental ways, destroyed my life. They stole my childhood and co-opted my life for "government service", against my will.
They choreographed every aspect of my life; arranged where I would live and with whom; arranged my personal and professional relationships and my marriages.

They have committed horrendous psychiatric/emotional/spiritual and physical abuses against me and other members of my family, some of whom are still CIA, some of whom are deceased, including both my parents.

I have good reason to suspect CIA's involvement in a number of deaths of those close to me, including of family members.

As a direct result of abuses by CIA (including the ones mentioned above) I am seriously disabled and suffer from chronic illness. I am not "employable", as due to disability, I cannot be reliable in connection with any form of "employment".

I am not eligible for disability benefits; nor even for social security. I have no pension, no savings, no known prospects for even the slightest financial relief, much less future security.

They have driven me into financial destitution, stolen or destroyed most of my personal property.

I have no health insurance and no access to medical care, which I have been in desperate need of for years.

Most of my family and personal relationships have been destroyed, as a result of the machinations of this agency and/or because the people closest to me have had no real understanding of my situation. I believe it is more a lack of understanding than a lack of caring. Yet, either way, I still don't have the support I need.

As a result of all this, there is not a soul on earth I can rely on for anything. I have no support system (material or otherwise) and no backup.

As for the persecution, as a CIA whistleblower, I don't expect it will ever end.
The only way I have found to stop the worst of it is to remove myself from society altogether and limit my dealings with people. Almost no one can understand this, and those who do are likely to be up against similar circumstances of isolation, alienation and deprivation, designed to neutralize us as the targets.

In fact, at this time, the only people I know (or know of) who DO completely understand are former intelligence agents who have left government service under similar circumstances to my own: They refused to play the game, or be part of the team, part of the deception, the lies and the abuses of human rights. 

Instead, they chose Truth, and paid the price.

Barbara Hartwell
June 13, 2007