Wednesday, August 26, 2015


NOTE: This report (originally posted in 2012) has been edited and updated regarding current circumstances.
In 2013, I barely survived a disaster of unprecedented proportions. I lost my home, along with nearly everything I owned. This was a direct result of a counterintelligence/persecution campaign, retaliation (with extreme prejudice) against a government whistleblower.

The help I sought and needed, in attempts to avoid this disaster, never came. The damages were extreme and severe (from which, to date, I have not been able to recover), and resulted in a greatly reduced capacity to continue my professional work.

I've had to give up radio appearances, along with most of the case work in efforts to help others under persecution.

As for the issues outlined here, they still apply, with a few minor changes to the report.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
August 26, 2015

Go to the website (or read the literature) of any corporation, PAC, activist group, coalition, committee, etc. etc. and you will usually find a "mission statement" and/or "position statement", notifying the public of  "our policy".

Some of the most obvious reasons for these public notices are:

1) To clearly state the objectives, purposes, agenda of the entity (be it an Individual or group).

2) To invite like-minded persons to join with and/or support the stated  endeavors of the entity.

3) To solicit donations from those aligned with or sympathetic to "the cause" (whatever that may be).

4) To discourage or repel advances of those NOT sympathetic to "the cause".

5) To avoid wasting their time (and yours) by making it as clear as possible what they stand for and/or what they stand against.

6) To prevent any sort of legal liability.

I could go on...but I think I've made my point.

The reason I find it necessary to post this notice is that (sigh...) I continue to receive letters from readers who seem to be very misinformed about who I am; my professional background; the work I do; my personal life (which is entirely PRIVATE and not an open book for public consumption); what I stand for and what I stand against; my affiliations with various groups or individuals (past and present); my family relationships (again, a PRIVATE matter); my "religious" beliefs (a matter between me and God Almighty)...again, I could go on...

When I use the word "misinformed" I do so in the most all-encompassing sense of the word. Being misinformed could be attributed to any number of causes, but the end result is the same: These individuals are not in possession of truthful, accurate, factual information about Barbara Hartwell. They then act on false information, contacting me for any number of reasons, resulting in a waste of their time, and to a lesser extent, mine.

Anyone with a public website, anyone considered to be a "public figure", may easily be on the receiving end of unwanted attention and certain types of communications, from those who are misinformed; but for the purposes of this report, let me make it clear that I am speaking strictly for myself.


1) Buying into purposeful "disinformation" widely disseminated about the Individual on the Internet.

Those with whom the disinformation originates are usually perpetrators of a counterintelligence operation, with the agenda of discrediting the Target (in this case Barbara Hartwell);  and/or are those operating from malicious motives of some personal vendetta against Barbara Hartwell.  Unfortunately, there are many such people out there, and I have no control over the outrageous lies they promote.

The problem is, this disinformation is then disseminated by a loose network of COINTELPRO minions and stooges, and proclaimed as "truth" or "fact" by "alternative media" shills, print or electronic.

2)  Unwarranted assumptions, uninformed speculation, erroneous suppositions.

Many people have read my reports, and instead of focusing on the material presented therein (which they are free to believe or disbelieve, accept or reject, suspend judgment pending further research, etc.), they seem to feel compelled to jump to false conclusions, or make assumptions, based not on the actual material presented, but on their subjective preconceptions, or by taking the opinions of others on similar subject matter as "gospel", when in fact there is no connection, no commonality and no similarity whatsoever.

False assumptions, I have found, are probably the most prevalent cause of being misinformed. People misinform themselves, because rather than seeking objective truth, they allow their judgment to be clouded by:

3) Projecting their own ideas, biases, experiences, feelings, beliefs on the Individual, and thus seeing through the taint (colored glasses) of their own projections.

I have found that projection is a very prevalent form of neurosis in society. Because many people lack a core of inner individual integrity --meaning  "wholeness" in and of themselves, regardless of what others may think, believe, feel-- they tend to operate on the false premise that "everyone is the same", or "everyone is like them".  A very foolish, and sometimes dangerous, mindset. 

Such persons also may be overly concerned with "what other people think" and may be seeking approval, rather than trusting their own spiritual/intellectual  discernment in making assessments of information presented for their consideration.


Now, to some of my own "policies", which are clearly stated and posted in prominent locations on this website. I have made every effort to be crystal clear in these notices, and yet people continue to ignore them, or disregard them completely.

The most prevalent and blatant example: I have often wondered how anyone could fail to understand the simple and clear statement: FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.

I have a website, of which I am the sole architect and administrator. I publish reports, which are based on my own personal/professional experience, investigations, research. I do not charge anything, it is all free, and I have nothing to sell on this website. The readers are free to make of the published material what they will, including any and all opinions, viewpoints expressed on this website.

I do not have a public e-mail address. I do not seek any form of contact or 'networking' with the general public, nor am I interested in receiving "feedback".  If someone reads my material and wants to comment publicly on it, they are free to do so in any way they choose. I am also free to verify or refute their comments, or (in most cases) to ignore them altogether, depending on the nature of the commentary, or the author(s) of that commentary . That is called freedom of speech and I wholeheartedly support it.

For those who choose to libel or slander me in any public forum, they will be exposed as malicious liars and calumniators. For those who choose to harass, threaten or perpetrate other crimes such as stalking, forgery, identity theft, etc. they will be reported to the appropriate authorities for the public record, even if in most cases the authorities tend to disregard the criminal complaints. It is all very simple, at least for me.


I do not join any online groups, chat rooms, forums, message boards, nor do I post on them. I am not a member of Facebook, Twitter, etc. Anything I have to say, meant for the general public, I say on my own website, in my own reports, and/or on radio/TV programs on which I agree to be interviewed.

Forgers and identity thieves have stolen my name and identity and posted bogus "comments" and even solicited donations, using my name, committing fraud/forgery by so doing.  If it is NOT posted on my website, it did NOT come from me, unless by my express permission for someone else to use my name/material.


Each and every report posted on this site is dated, along with my byline at the END of the report. Reports are time sensitive, in that what is stated at any given time may reflect the circumstances being addressed at that time. 

Therefore, if you read a report dated from five years ago, for example, the circumstances addressed are likely to have changed, especially if the report is of a personal nature. Usually personal information is given only when necessary to document events which are relevant to the general subject matter covered on this site.

Please check the dates of all reports to avoid making false assumptions about the material covered therein.


I am not a member of any political party (never have been), nor do I support/endorse any political party. I am a defender of the U.S. Constitution, abide by the rule of law, and I am a fierce defender of God-given, Unalienable  Individual Rights, as protected under the Constitution.

I am a Christian, a believer in, and ordained minister of, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the rest is between me and God...

I am not any kind of 'fundamentalist' and I don't enjoy being proselytized by those who are. So please, don't send me religious tracts in attempts to advise me what I "should" or "should not", be believing, doing, thinking, advocating. I respect the right of all to believe as they will, worship as they will, whatever their faith or creed, as long as that does not violate the rights and liberties of others, mine included. Amen and amen.


As of 2014, I no longer solicit donations from the general public. My reasons for changing this policy are mostly personal. My experience has been that all too many people who make a donation falsely seem to believe that this "buys" them some of my time, or my gratitude, or "entitles" them in some way to encroach on my life, personally or professionally.

I have never tolerated such behavior, and certain of those who were, in the past, regular supporters, have caused more trouble with their intrusive behavior than I can even begin to describe. These individuals simply disregarded my clearly posted NOTICES about donations, which apply to all and sundry, no exceptions (strangers, acquaintances, friends, family, colleagues):

I accept only donations which are given free and clear, in the spirit of Christian charity or love gifts, no strings attached, no questions asked. I have had people send donations with the false expectation that I will somehow be beholden to them; that making a donation "buys" them some of my time or some form of alliance; that it "buys" them the right to interrogate me about my personal/professional life, or to receive answers to their questions about any number of topics about which I write or speak. 

Worst of all, I have been the Target of busybodies who have the false notion that making a donation "buys" them the right to meddle in my personal/professional business, or to become an unwanted "spokesperson", intermediary or matchmaker. Unbelievable!...but true.

So, I'm through actively soliciting donations, but not because I don't "need" them.

I do not "sell" information, nor do I sell my time or allegiance.

So please, if you want to make a donation, let it be solely because you value my work and want to support me and my endeavors, on behalf of the principles I uphold, such as Liberty, Individual God-given, Unalienable Rights and Justice for those who have been targeted for terror, torture, harassment and persecution.  And please know you are assured of my thanks for your generosity and concern.
As for any other motive or agenda, please be advised that I do not want or need that type of "support".

I am limited in what I can do, and how much I can do, by the resources at my disposal at any particular time. Regular readers will have noticed that the number of postings (per month and per year) have diminished over time.

Basic survival comes first, and I have long passed the time where I would be willing to go hungry just to keep my computer running and my website online. I have not been able to afford a "real" website since my original site (Barbara Hartwell DOT COM) went offline in 2004.

So I've been stuck with this "blog", and have had to make do as best I can. I have been the victim of censorship, when Google DELETED some of my material, as a result of bogus complaints by malicious liars who have targeted me for a libel campaign, also the same criminals who have perpetrated fraud, identity theft and forgery, using my name. (See reports on this site for names of perps.)

Had I had the resources, I would have done much more, such as hosting/producing a radio program (electronic media is part of my professional background), but as it stands now, I don't have the time or resources for anything beyond appearing as an occasional guest on other people's shows. 

As I have stated repeatedly, I do not offer professional services (counseling, investigations, etc.) to the general public, nor do I have the time or resources to investigate cases of mind control victims or Targets of harassment. So please do not send me personal testimony or legal documents about these issues. I'm sorry, but I can't help you.


I've lost count of the times that someone has contacted me, stating that they think I am "connected" with any number of individuals, usually those promoting themselves as "Monarch" survivors, "satanic ritual abuse survivors" or "sex slaves". 

"Monarch" was never a CIA operation, nor a sub-project of MK Ultra.

"Monarch" is a side-show to misdirect attention from the official CIA MK Ultra program, initiated during the Cold War Era in attempts to "create the perfect spy".

Anyone promoting "Monarch": 

1) Does not know what they are talking about, and is simply repeating what they have read or heard from other sources...or,

2) Has been deceived by false information (as stated above)...or,

3) Is disseminating disinformation for an agenda.

For the public record, and based on my own long term investigations, and considered professional opinion, this is my position. Take it or leave it, make of it what you will, and if you really want the facts, take the time to do your own research. But please, don't EVER mention my name in connection with "Monarch" or any of the characters who promote it. I have no dealings with these people and do not endorse or support them in any way.

Or, people have been led to believe (or simply assumed) that I have a similar background, or experiences as these individuals. Nothing could be further from the truth.

For the Public Record:

I am a survivor of CIA MK Ultra, and other black operations. I have no history of sexual abuse; have never participated (willingly or unwillingly) in any 'satanic rituals', and was never utilized by CIA for anything other than basic "intelligence work", of one kind or another. 

I am trained as an intelligence analyst (involving several disciplines), and also in tradecraft for field work (Camp Peary and elsewhere), and worked mostly in the area of Psychological Operations.  In my own family, I am a third generation FORMER  intelligence professional, with the first generation being OSS, precursor to CIA. I left CIA operations for good in 1994 and first went public with my case in 1995. Please note the word: FORMER. It is an important distinction, given that I am routinely accused of being a "CIA agent".

If you are seeking legitimate, accurate factual information about the background and experiences of Barbara Hartwell, you may find what is available on this website, but will not find it elsewhere. The information is limited to what I have chosen to divulge, and what I have chosen to divulge is solely my prerogative, for my own reasons, and in consideration for my own privacy, security and safety, as well as to protect the rights of certain others who may have been involved. Any questions readers may have regarding the subject matter presented on this site, are either answered in the archived reports, or not.

And as stated repeatedly on this website, the readers may make of the information offered here what they will.

I truly hope you find my work, and this website, to be of value. For those who support me, you should know that you are helping others as well, in the interest of Liberty and Justice for ALL.

Thank you for your consideration.

Barbara Hartwell
April 15, 2012

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA

Saturday, August 8, 2015

IMAGINE THIS: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF...? Counterintelligence & Rampant Political Persecution in America

"The central question of our time is to determine how many people globally have been murdered by fbi/cia operatives in covert, illegal, counterintelligence programs, etc., by methods (among others) described in our reports. As the crime of murder has no time limits for court prosecutions, we must prosecute the criminals in the fbi/cia who are responsible for the crimes suggested herein."

-- Former FBI agent Geral Sosbee

"Mr. Upton, if you are the best the government rat bastards have in their stable of cyber-stalking provocateurs, they are surely in trouble. And by the way, does your mother know what you do for a living? Why don't you get yourself a real job, something that would make your mother proud of you. Try being a man for a change, instead of a pathetic little government flunkey. Shame on you, Mr. Upton."

--Barbara Hartwell to "J. Robert Upton", government-issue stalker, liar, slanderer, thug, minion of Satan, one of many such reprobates assigned to target former FBI agent/whistleblower Geral Sosbee (2012)

He deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

Proverbs. 6:14-19
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them.

Ephesians 5:11

This report is a composite containing excerpts from reports (old and new) by former FBI and CIA counterintelligence experts, Geral Sosbee and Barbara Hartwell. The material contained herein is based on decades of personal and professional experience and knowledge, gained both inside government service, and subsequently, as Targets of government retaliation against whistleblowers via covert, brutal and insidious (ongoing) counterintelligence operations.
The primary weapon at our disposal is the unvarnished, irrefutable truth, which we have documented on our websites, Sosbee v. FBI and Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA. No person or entity (government or otherwise) has ever been able to provide documentation, backed by evidence, which could possibly disprove the truth which we have dedicated our lives to exposing, no matter the consequences to ourselves.
Former FBI agent Geral Sosbee was forced to retire from the FBI in 1978, after only seven (7) years of service. He was targeted while still inside the FBI because he refused to "go along to get along" with the corrupt practices, refused to "play the game"; because he was true to his oath to defend the Constitution; because he defended the God-given, unalienable, constitutionally protected rights of ALL, including suspects.

But Geral Sosbee did not back down after he was forced out of the FBI. Instead, he became a whistleblower. As a result he was targeted for even worse persecution, still ongoing to this day.
In 1978, while he was working in New York City, the FBI orchestrated the breakup of Sosbee's marriage, using operatives to cause his wife to abandon the relationship. Then, having isolated Sosbee by removing his primary source of support, the FBI surrounded him one day in the apartment complex where he lived, using more than half a dozen FBI agents who gave him the following ultimatum: Resign or be incarcerated in a mental institution.

The FBI's reason for the forced resignation was that Sosbee had reported perjury, suppression of evidence and other irregularities --which comprised obstruction of justice-- to his supervisor years earlier. The cases in which the FBI crimes were committed implicated dozens of FBI agents, supervisors and possibly the Director himself. The same cases were used --and are still being used to the present day-- as legal precedent for all future cases of similar facts. The end of the appeal time for some of the plaintiffs and defendants in the cases in which Sosbee was involved as an FBI agent (and arresting officer) terminated at about the same time that Sosbee was forced out. The FBI waited until the statutory time limits elapsed for appeals (in the suspect cases) so as to preclude Sosbee from discovering and reporting the crimes and cover ups in the cases. Today the FBI uses the precedents mentioned above to prevent other defendants and plaintiffs from receiving a fair hearing.

Imagine that: A person who defends the Constitutional rights of both suspects and law enforcement personnel is deemed "insane". What a sorry nation we have become. How far we have fallen from the ideals of our Founding Fathers.
Geral Sosbee is not just any whistleblower. He is the primary whistleblower ever to come out of the FBI, and certainly the most controversial. He reports the atrocities --in detail-- that nobody else formerly in FBI service will cover: mind control tactics; electro-magnetic antipersonnel weaponry deployed against Targets; implants placed in the bodies of some of the FBI/CIA agents (which both Geral and I have had inflicted on us); chemical/biological warfare tactics used against Targets; synthetic kidney stones; psy war tactics, and on and on it goes....

Name it, if it is happening, he has exposed it. Not only exposed it, but presented evidence from his own experience. These atrocities were perpetrated upon HIM PERSONALLY.

Anyone doing research on the Internet will find numerous websites of people who claim to be "Targets", or "Targeted Individuals". Often, these persons will talk about COINTELPRO, an operation initiated by J. Edgar Hoover in 1956, and which has continued even after it was exposed and "officially" discontinued.

But most of the people making these claims have no credibility. FBI and CIA do not just go around randomly "targeting" people. Real Targets of the federal government would have to be deemed a "threat" in some way. This is something that all former intelligence professionals know.

Targets are legitimate whistleblowers, those who actually KNOW what they are talking about, and have been INVOLVED in the operations they are exposing. Or, they could be legitimate professional journalists who are actually in possession of accurate information which the government does not want exposed.

The COINTELPRO exploits a large number of minions and stooges, in a loosely organized network, most of whom claim to be Targets, but who are actually attacking and attempting to discredit REAL Targets. They are amateurs, mostly uneducated, they are 'wannabes" and they are seeking attention and approval for themselves, rather than being concerned with defending Liberty or pursuing Justice. Many of them are racists, bigots and misogynists. And though some claim to be "journalists", they are just parroting (even in some cases, plagiarizing) the work of others, be it legitimate or not. Both Geral and I have been targeted by this gaggle of COINTELPRO stooges.
COINTELPRO & War of Agression Exposed by Sosbee & Hartwell (2012)
Geral Sosbee and I have worked together for over a decade (since 2001) in exposing the massive corruption and criminality of the fed government, especially when it comes to the psy war against American citizens, most notably human rights activists, whistleblowers, journalists and patriots.
COINTELPRO, on which we have written extensively, has become the catch-all term for operations meant to neutralize Targets, who are most often considered "dissidents", those who refuse to tolerate or participate in any form of human rights violations, or to obey unconstitutional statutes. Those who defend the God-given rights and Liberty on which this nation was founded.
We expose not only the violations, but the government lies and coverups which are always connected to their crimes and wrongdoing.
The root of all such offenses which trample the Individual's God-given unalienable rights, protected and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, is AGGRESSION.
It is the right of ALL Individuals to be free from aggression, be it by a government, by any collective, entity or individual.
Aggression comes in many forms, from the snooping, meddling, gate-crashing and tale-bearing of a garden variety busybody, to atrocities in the felony crime category, such as rape and murder.
The rights of one Individual end at the point where he oversteps his bounds and violates the rights, invades the privacy, crosses the personal boundaries, of another. You have the right to swing your fist through the air as far as you like, but that 'right' ends at the other fellow's person, at which point it becomes assault.
It is really all that simple --but the aggressors of the world refuse to respect, or in some cases, even acknowledge, the personal boundaries, the Inviolability of Personhood, which God has bestowed on each and every Individual.
These offenses, when used in a multi-pronged attack, tend to create an overriding and pervasive state of extreme stress, against which the Target is hard-pressed to defend himself, often because he lacks the resources and/or because he receives little or no support from family, friends or professional colleagues.
FBI Assassins Show Their Evil Intent..& Other Horror Stories
By Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee
The president 'presides' over fbi/cia sponsored chaos, murder and global terror. The world's population must focus on the real problem: the fbi/cia cointelpro which in one form or another threatens all peoples:

For the layman, 'cointelpro' may be loosely defined as information and technology systematically used by government agents and operatives (particularly fbi/cia) who, while asserting powerful influence over all branches of government at all levels (including the judiciary), engage in torture, imprisonment or murder of an expanding number of Targets.

A form of genocide is apparently in the making whereby a massive program (sometimes referred to as 'cointelpro') is now underway to remove/kill/control large numbers of people. Only a few Targets have credibility because an integral part of the deadly operation is to discredit people who try to report the crimes associated with such operations.
The reader is invited to venture into the mind(s) of the fbi’s homicidal sociopaths in order to comprehend the clear and present danger posed against our citizens by the very officials who are sworn to protect and defend our fundamental human, civil, and constitutional rights. One method to gain an insight into the twisted thinking patterns of the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia is to read their filthy comments which are recorded by Geral Sosbee as evidence that 1) the USA is destroyed from within by the fbi/cia agents, operatives, street thugs, assassins and torturers, such as J.Robert Upton and Johnny Smith and 2) all of mankind is threatened by the same unbridled brutality that attacks those of us Targets who are being harassed and tortured 24/7 for decades or for life.

Note: My best friend and colleague Barbara Hartwell also provides her assistance in the documentation of the criminal cyberstalking described herein.
From Geral Sosbee (2015):
One must recognize a universal truth when presented.

"In the beginning God created" and today the fbi and associates forge a hell on earth for Targets globally. Each fbi agent, operative, and associate in all government agencies & branches commit (or condone) murder, torture and mayhem in the name of the people.
I therefore charge such homicidal thugs of government with treason and crimes against humanity. No nation may justify support of this evil regime, and in time each human being on the face of the earth must condemn the assassins and torturers as beasts unworthy to rule in any capacity.
They all have avoided accountability because the congress, courts and president approve of all heinous offenses. The ruling elite of this nation place ungodly miscreants in high office who in turn give fbi & associates (cia, dod, nsa, irs) carte blanche authority to run massive kill campaigns against human beings globally.
As these maneuvers are inhumane and contrary to the rules of man, nature and God , the overthrown USA must necessarily FORFEIT ALL PRESUMED GAINS because life and human decency take precedence over power, money, military might. I therefore suggest that the overthrown government here is destined to bring upon the people the destruction that this regime imposes on others, foreign and domestic. My testimony is available on my sites for anyone who seeks evidence particularly describing atrocities committed against me and many others.
The following groups constitute in their respective houses of horror the most supreme threat to mankind ever and if they are not stopped, then all of the hopes, dreams and aspirations for the betterment of our species is lost:

president, congress, court.   


See my reports on “World In A Box” and “Committed To Healing” and ask yourself the following question.


the fbi/cia/nsa/dod, irs, etc., hijacked your life, took over every aspect of your existence, threatened, harassed, provoked, surveilled and discreetly attempted to kill you in their ‘kill’ program which is conducted against you 24/7/365 for life.

These groups also direct medical doctors, dentists and other health care professionals and attorneys to torture, insult, refuse service or to intentionally perform professional malpractice against you in order to harm or kill you.

Also, your mind (or sanity) is assaulted and used as a playground for the most sinister thugs in society as they (unsupervised) watch you respond to life threatening, dirty tricks; they come into your home to destroy or tamper with items that you need for everyday living, destroy your car or motorcycle. 

These government operatives and agents also prevent you from employment, from practicing your profession, from association with any former associate, friend, and even family member. They stop you from being able to rent any place to live, even while these very low hoodlums push you into bankruptcy and force you to sleep in a rental car, on the street, or at the airport.

What would you do if,

these dangerous fbi operatives then falsely record intimations of neurosis in your behavior and then take the evidence of such situational adult reactions to a civil judge who signs another order to medicate you. Then, the same corrupt and abusive civil process is used to attack you with directed energy weaponry, causing extreme sleep deprivation for life, to increase threats and other harassment against you by the so called law enforcement community.

All cops and others in authority come to your home and threaten you in your face, even as they issue false warnings to their friends in blue (or in the civilian population) to assault and intimidate you every time they see you. Everywhere you go the thugs then follow you, spreading outrageous rumors that you are a threat to public safety, a deranged psychopath and a murderer; that you are a diseased maniac who must be carefully watched all the time; and that even in your neighborhoods, grocery stores , shopping malls, public libraries, etc., the thugs turn all ordinary citizens against you.

In some instances the members of the general population actually engage in felonies against you, while the fbi watches. See my reports on the corruption of the global disease surveillance system and the results of “fbi designs on medical patients” where I also document fbi’s macabre human experimentation program involving assaults by chemical, biological and viral agents.

The above experiences are all part of my real life experiences for the past twenty five years, continuing to date, and I have dedicated my life to exposing these atrocities. All persons who assist the fbi in the assaults are guilty as accessories to torture, attempted murder and attempts by the fbi to force a final exit.

As I am not the only person so targeted, I have become friends online with many others in similar situations. They have stories not altogether unlike mine and they bravely come forward publicly to ask the government and the people to stop the madness. No doubt many other victims have decided to remain silent, fearing further complications associated with public disclosure of the atrocities that they endure.

So, I ask the reader to consider why one would accept a world dominated by the kind of sub humans (as I name them) who engage in torture, attempted forced suicide, imprisonment, and murder of Targets whom the fbi and company deem activists and whistleblowers. By answering or refusing the question, one reveals his own character as either benign and brave or as evil and cowardly.

So far, all members of the three houses mentioned above have proven that they authorize, condone and profit from the unconscionable crimes that I have documented, See my report on, “This congress will live in infamy”. Consider also my papers on the corruption of law and society by the fbi and the illegal ‘CJS’ forged by the fbi at

Finally, as the dod is part of all crimes committed by this overthrown regime, the responsibility for global mass murder, torture, and widespread mayhem delivered upon the world’s population by the dod, rests on our own USA population.


See my report on fbi efforts to silence me from reporting their crimes. Many Indymedia groups and all main street media now block my efforts to publish.

The fbi in efforts to both silence me and to discredit my work engages in multiple crimes against me including the following:

Cause doctors to falsify my medical records.

Falsely attribute the words, “kill people” to me.

Commit crimes and plant my name at the scene of the crime.

Send federal and state investigators to my home to threaten me.

Assign street thugs of different ages to assault and commit battery on my person.

Falsify sworn documents before judge/magistrate who then issues abusive court orders against my person.

Continue torture and extreme psychological operations against me including 24/7 surveillance and repeated assaults almost everywhere I go for the past 25 years and apparently for life.

Destroy my car periodically and enter my home to destroy my clothes, etc.

News hidden and covered up by main street media.

Fbi repeatedly attempts by fraudulent methods to publicly portray combat vet, whistleblower, as a threat to the general public. Where is the Army and where are veterans' groups hiding while this corrupt and sinister regime engages in such chicanery. 

See my reports, the latest of which shows how the fbi enters the words, "kill people" on my Facebook page online and attributes such inflammatory exhortation to Geral Sosbee. The fbi actually tries to label me as a ‘murderer’ or a possible ‘’mass murderer’’.

Federal & State Police fraudulently descend on my home as a result of such fbi 'cointel' operation, doctors enters false report possibly for fbi. Then, the same doctor is hired by VA where this vet seeks medical care for service connected injuries. Thus, this vet prefers to avoid VA clinic. See part 20 of “My Story”.

The apparent goals of these illegal fbi operations are:

To contain me through a counterintelligence program which has been in effect for 25 years.

To frighten me.

To gather fraudulent evidence to be presented to the same corrupt judge/magistrate who issued the abusive civil process against me.
To portray me publicly as a threat to the public.

To suggest to all that this combat veteran is homicidal as a result of his service on the battlefield on behalf of the United States of America.

To isolate, marginalize, alienate, demonize, disenfranchise and otherwise destroy my life.

The above report is for informational purposes and is not a request for help and is not a pleading.

Geral Sosbee, Attorney (inactive)

Texas State Bar 18855625

The atrocities described by Geral Sosbee are unfortunately very familiar to me. Geral and I have in so many ways led parallel lives. 

We have been driven into financial destitution, and at some point, homelessness. 

We have been libeled, slandered and harassed, on a regular basis, for decades on end. Our good names have been horribly damaged by numerous falsehoods and 'false light' misrepresentations and diabolical calumny.

We have been abandoned and/or betrayed by some of those closest to us, including those we once considered friends. 

We have had our personal property stolen and destroyed, which we could not afford to replace, including cars, computers and other valuable possessions. 

We have been treated as pariahs, ostracized and driven to the margins of society. 

We have been falsely accused of crimes (and other offenses) we did not commit, and been set up in efforts to find a pretext for a wrongful arrest and prosecution. 

We have had our sanity impugned and our honor insulted. 

We have been tortured via electronic weaponry assaults, as well as chemical/viral weaponry. We have had attempts on our lives, all of which (so far) by the grace of God, we have survived.

All this, this living hell imposed on us by the devil and his henchmen, for exposing the truth about the hideous tyranny and the evil New World Order global police state which threatens every single man, woman and child in the entire world --whether they know it or not.

And like Geral, I have often given much thought to his central question: What would you do IF? I answered that question many years ago, and like Geral, I have taken action in response to the outrageous persecution directed against me, my family, friends and colleagues.

So I would ask the readers to imagine this happening to you, or to your loved ones. And to consider this question: What would YOU do IF.....

Geral Sosbee, the person targeted for political persecution, is a law-abiding citizen. He is decorated combat veteran (Vietnam). He is a former police instructor (FBI Academy); and instructor of Law; a former judge and prosecutor.

While serving in the FBI, Geral Sosbee was awarded several letters of commendation for "excellence" in service.


Mr. Geral W. Sosbee
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Chicago, Illinois

You are indeed worthy of commendation for your laudable efforts in regard to the investigation of the Civil Rights case involving Edward Thomas Carmody Sr.

As a result of the diligent and imaginative manner in which you conducted vitally important interviews with the victims in this complex undertaking, you were instrumental in effecting the fine results attained. I want to express my sincere gratitude to you for the excellent job that you did.

Sincerely Yours,
Clarence M. Kelly


Finally, I will present this question for consideration of the readers: 

If Geral Sosbee, a Messenger of Truth and Defender of Liberty, with impeccable credentials, who served his country, in various capacities, always with honor in his heart, is a Target of such diabolical persecution, what does that say about the government of the country who engineered this campaign against him?

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
August 8, 2015

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA

Monday, August 3, 2015

Formal Warning to Howard Nemaizer aka Howard Nema: CEASE & DESIST Exploitation & Misrepresentation of the Name & Website of Barbara Hartwell

Howard Nemaizer (who bills himself as Howard Nema), host of TRASH TALK NEWS (aka "Truth Talk News") has gone wild in his outrageous exploitation of the name of Barbara Hartwell. Until recently, I had no idea the actual extent of it.
I am now using his real name, Nemaizer, because to use his pseudonym, Nema, would not be accurate, factual or truthful. That is what this report is about --separating the facts and the truth from the falsehoods promoted by Howard Nemaizer. Since this is a formal warning to cease and desist, I will issue this warning in the name of the actual person for whom it is intended, Howard Nemaizer.
And since he has taken it upon himself to very publicly, consistently and repeatedly misrepresent Barbara Hartwell, my work and my website, Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA, I find it necessary (once again), in my own defense, to give an accurate, factual and truthful account to set the record straight.
For quite some time, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I was as polite and respectful as I could possibly have been, under the circumstances. I asked him politely, "with all due respect" to remove the false information he has posted, in connection with my name. I gave him the opportunity to remove the falsehoods he had published about Barbara Hartwell, which he could easily have done, had he chosen the right and honorable course of action. But by his actions, in his persistent, aggressive and unprincipled refusal to respect my clearly stated wishes, my privacy and personal boundaries, he has made it necessary for me to continue to stand in my own defense, against what I can only view as acts of aggression and extreme provocation.
I demand that he STOP USING MY NAME. I demand that he REMOVE his fraudulent promotions of Barbara Hartwell from his websites.
By the end of 2013, I had walked away from any association with Howard Nemaizer aka Howard Nema. By that time, he had revealed himself, by his words and actions, to be indiscreet, untrustworthy, dishonest, manipulative and lacking in integrity. 
Because of Howard Nemaizer, his false pretenses and promises, in offers and assurances of "help", including "sanctuary", made to me, while I was in one of the most dreadful situations of my life, I (a disabled senior citizen, under persecution, and totally destitute) narrowly escaped being thrown into the street, into true homelessness, which I would not have survived. 
By the grace of God, I was delivered from such a fate, no thanks to Nemaizer.
Howard Nemaizer was responsible for losses and damages of quite a number of my personal possessions, of great value to me (most of which are irreplaceable), which I could ill afford, after having lost literally everything else I owned. 
He lied to me, misrepresented circumstances which directly affected me, and withheld vital information which I had a right to know. 
He placed me in a position where I could have been implicated in a crime, when, without my knowledge or consent, he enlisted his friend, a drunk-driving convict, to drive my car illegally, from the state of Maine to Connecticut, a five hour drive. I was not told of this until after the fact. Naturally, I was outraged by this negligence, which considering the circumstances, placed me at great risk, and could have resulted in even worse disasters for me.
And the list goes on...but I have already documented much of this in detail in previous reports (see links below), which, had he not continued exploiting my name, after this grossly unjust and disrespectful treatment, I would not have found it necessary to document for the public record.
By May, 2015, I thought I had finally set the public record straight, with the truth and the facts. I did not have the time, nor the inclination, to pursue this issue further, nor thought that it would be necessary, in defense of myself and my good name. I had decided to boycott his websites, and had suspended my efforts to stop him from misrepresenting and exploiting my name, which were draining my precious time. But I was astounded when I discovered that Howard Nemaizer has left his grimy footprints all over my name, since the time I ended my association with him, in December, 2013.
While conducting a search for an unrelated subject, what do I find but more of Howard Nemaizer's trash. I know I haven't found it all, because I haven't taken the time to search for it, and it only causes further distress to see my name exploited and misrepresented, with each such discovery. But for now, here's what I found on his website, dated in late 2014, almost a year since I had broken off any association with him.
"Ever since this broadcast, Howard Nema has joined forces with Sherri Kane, Dr. Horowitz, Barbara Hartwell and Michael Vara to expose COINTELPRO."
For the record, I have never "joined forces" with Howard Nema(izer) to expose anything. I have been exposing COINTELPRO for more than two decades, based on my direct personal/professional knowledge of same, as a counterintelligence expert, former CIA. Nema(izer) tries to present this as some sort of "team effort", apparently to make himself seem important by association --as usual, at my expense. (And for the record, this is not meant to reflect negatively on any of the others mentioned here. These individuals have nothing to do with my grievances against Howard Nemaizer, nor do I have any issues with them.)
And now, this, from October 22, 2014. Here, Howard Nema(izer) publishes audiotapes WITHOUT MY CONSENT, which were actually interviews he did with me (not aired on his TV show), which I had clearly stated to him were NOT meant to be made public. At the time, I had told him that these interviews (called The Barbara Hartwell Chronicles) were to be held from publication, and to be sold, in future, once there were enough of them to form a numbered collection. I was in desperate need of money, and I explained that I would split the profits from the sale of these interviews with him. That was the sole reason for these interviews, to offer them for sale; some of the information was such that it had not previously been made public by me.
But that plan never came to fruition. So, what did Howard Nema(izer) do? He published the tapes, in DIRECT DISREGARD of an agreement I had made with him. He co-opted the name "The Barbara Hartwell Chronicles", without my permission. He violated the agreement, and simply used the tapes without my knowledge or consent. There was only a "good faith" verbal agreement, no contract. But that doesn't change the fact that he acted in bad faith, using these tapes without my knowledge or consent, for his own ends, at my expense. 
For the record, these tapes are NOT "The Barbara Hartwell Chronicles", a title I had chosen for my own work, which has nothing to do with Howard Nemaizer.
What kind of person would do such an unscrupulous thing? 
Alex Jones, for one. He betrayed the trust of the Gray family, when he published interviews they had given, without their consent, violated his agreement with them, then SOLD the tapes to make money for himself, causing extreme distress for this family, also compromising their security, endangering their safety and placing them at risk of furthur unlawful intrusions by the federal government.
Another example: Ted Gunderson and Susan Ford (aka Brice Taylor), who published a bootleg version of an interview on Chicago Health Television, hosted by Ryan Elliott (1998), which the station had deemed too incendiary for airing. The subject was "Insider Secrets of Government Corruption".
What did Gunderson and Ford do? They made a pirated copy, videotaped simultaneously by Jon Gentry, one of Gunderson's lackeys, then SOLD it over the Internet. It was sold on Amazon, David Icke dot com, and by Susan Ford herself. 
I had NEVER signed a release for my interview to be used, EXCEPT for by Chicago Health Televsion. NOT Jon Gentry. NOT Ted Gunderson. NOT Susan Ford, or anyone else. These unscrupulous individuals infringed on the copyright, made money off it (of which I received nothing), exploited my work and name for their own profit, and later, to add insult to injury, used my interview in government disinfo videos about "mind control" (including the so-called "Monarch" project, which was not a CIA operation under MK Ultra), in attempts to discredit Barbara Hartwell, causing extreme damages by libelous falsehoods and character assassination. They also posted the video all over the Internet (once they had made what profit they could, from private sales) with the title "CIA Disinfo Agent Barbara Hartwell", or "CIA Plant Barbara Hartwell"... etc. etc.
This bootleg tape was also exploited by a government disinfo/new age website, Rumor Mill News, run by a scamster and busybody named Rayelan Allan (aka Rae Smith aka Darlene Rae Smith, etc. etc.), where one of the "news agents", a low grade moron named Lynda Brasier (aka "Susoni") posted a video where the producers of this piece of trash outrageously linked the name of Barbara Hartwell to Brittany Spears, who they claimed was a "Monarch slave". For the record, there has never been any connection whatsoever between Brittany Spears and Barbara Hartwell. No connection between Barbara Hartwell and the sideshow called "Monarch".
This is insufferable. It never ends...the scavengers are everywhere, and there appears to be no way to stop them. All I can do is expose as many of them as possible, in defense of the truth and of my good name; but given the large amounts of time it takes, unfortunately I can't go after them all.
But back to Howard Nemaizer. Again, he exploited my name and reputation, thinking he could latch on and co-opt the fruits of my labor for his own ends.
Howard Nema(izer) wrote:
"This is the complete collection of interviews with my good friend and sister in Liberty former CIA whistle blower Barbara Hartwell."
[Link removed.]
For the record, I have not listened to this "collection" of videos. I don't know exactly which ones he has included, some of which may have been appearances on his TV show. I won't allow him to steal any more of my precious time than is absolutely necessary in my efforts to refute his falsehoods. 
Nema(izer)'s claim of me as a "good friend" and "sister in Liberty" is a fantasy. Scavengers of my material, who lie and cheat, and exploit me and my name to serve their own ends, are no friends of mine, nor do they have any business with "Liberty"...except, that is, in taking liberties, at the expense of the rights of others. Unbelievable.
Howard Nema(izer) has continued to exploit and grossly misrepresent the name of Barbara Hartwell via his TV program 'TRUTH TALK NEWS', which I now call, more appropriately, TRASH TALK NEWS. 
This has been going on (to my knowledge) since January 2014, in total disregard of my clearly stated public requests since 2012, again on December 15, 2014, and later, my demands, as of February 2015, that he REMOVE MY NAME from ALL promotions on his websites. (See links below for documentation.)
What part, exactly, about the phrase "REMOVE MY NAME" does he not understand? This issue has always been non-negotiable, and has never been up for discussion. It is a demand, one I have every right to make, on both ethical and legal grounds.
I have never had any affiliation whatsoever with Howard Nema(izer), nor his websites nor radio/TV programs. At no time had I ever been anything more than an occasional guest on his program, by his invitation, at various times between mid-2012 and December 2013, at which time was my final appearance on 'TRUTH TALK NEWS'. That was the extent of it --a number of guest appearances over a time period of one and a half years.
As a professional journalist, I have worked in electronic and print media for well over three (3) decades. I hosted/produced my own radio and TV programs in the 1980s and '90s, and have appeared as a guest on hundreds of other radio/TV programs since the late 1970s, most of which were in the mainstream media, rather than so-called "alternative" media, which uses the Internet as its main venue. In the "old days" (to which I dearly wish I could return, but alas...), journalism was a true profession, and the standards for professionalism and journalistic ethics were far higher. Today, anyone who can afford the equipment can place himself behind a microphone, or appear on a screen, and spout off his personal opinions and viewpoints to the world at large, whether or not he knows what he is talking about. That is not my idea of journalism. 
But I must make it clear that never, at any time, did Howard Nema(izer) have any role in my professional work, except as one of many talk show hosts who invited me as a guest on his program.
So why has he obstinately and unscrupulously refused to REMOVE MY NAME from his promotions? He throws my name around as if he were the Town Crier, issuing alerts about the cloak and dagger intrigue of Barbara Hartwell, and promoting his friends and cohorts in connection with my name AS IF I am to be included in some sort of group effort, as a "team player", where I in fact have no involvement whatsoever. 
He has, in essence, acted as a self-appointed, unwanted, uninvited PR rep for Barbara Hartwell, something I never agreed to, and which, on the contrary, I have vehemently protested against. Who does Howard Nemaizer think he is? Even were he promoting "truth", as he so vociferously claims, he has no right to speak for me, or about me. It is NOT his story to tell.
Howard Nema(izer) continues to promote a video (which he produced without my prior knowledge or consent, with no involvement on my part) which he has named "MK Ultra & the CIA Book of Dirty Tricks" (July 2014). It is listed in a column on his website, Howard Nema dot com, titled "CATEGORIES", where it is posted with other unrelated subject matter.
In this video, based on a book I gave him in 2013 ("The CIA Black Book of Dirty Tricks") he is promoting FALSE information about Barbara Hartwell, making FALSE statements about my background, as well as about CIA itself. When he expressed interest in this book, I gave it to him, as I had no use for it. It mostly contained recipes for explosive devices and uses of weaponry. Since I have no intention of building any explosive devices (Heaven forbid), and have all the knowledge I would need about weaponry, for my purposes (not gleaned from this book, but via my previous training), I saw no problem in giving this book to Howard Nema. 
But after seeing the unprincipled use to which he put it, I realized my mistake. (In hindsight, I might have found it prudent to issue a disclaimer. WARNING: Don't try this at home.)
I did not give Howard Nema(izer) any information about how I came to own this book. The book was NOT "classified", nor was it issued to me by CIA. The book had been published, which means it could not possibly have been "classified" at the time of its publication. Yet Howard Nema(izer), clearly through his erroneous assumptions and speculation, tried to turn this book into some huge, sensationalist "revelation". (You heard it HERE FIRST! On TRUTH TALK NEWS! The CIA is teaching their agents to make bombs! Beware, beware!)
Holding the book up to the camera, he informs the audience that this book is "CLASSIFIED"! (Look right here, folks, it says "CLASSIFIED" right on the cover!) And, that former CIA agent Barbara Hartwell was "issued" this book by CIA some time during the 1960s or '70s. This statement has no basis in fact. CIA does not issue such books to their agents. And I repeat: Never, at any time, did I make such a statement to Howard Nema, nor gave him any other information about the book's provenance. Later, he changed the title of the video to add "MK Ultra". This book has absolutely no connection to MK Ultra...except obviously in the fanciful and misinformed mind of Howard Nema(izer).
He knows this information is FALSE (as of December 15, 2014, when I made a public statement refuting the false information and asking him to remove it), yet he continues to promote this video (as of this time, August, 2015), in total disregard of my subsequent public demands that it be REMOVED. 
And so, the false information about Barbara Hartwell continues to be spread, and the damages to my good name continue, and increase, each and every time one of his viewers watches this program. His own profound ignorance about CIA is being displayed and promoted, AS IF I, Barbara Hartwell were the "source" of this false information. And, just so there can be no doubt, it makes my blood boil.
I won't have it. This is an outrage which I will not tolerate. Since he has refused to remove this video, he will be held accountable by me (as is my policy) and will be exposed for his wrongdoing, until such time (if ever) he REMOVES this offensive video from the Internet. An honorable person would not wait for a demand, but would immediately remove any false information (in this case, the video), the first time he was asked to do so. He would acknowledge his error and issue a public apology for his indiscretion. But not Howard Nema. This video has been up on his websites, as well as on YouTube for over a year...and counting. What the hell?
In a report of December 15, 2014, I politely and "with all due respect" requested that Howard Nema(izer) REMOVE my name from notices on his websites, 'TRUTH TALK NEWS' and Howard Nema dot com, after I discovered that he had been slinging my name around, dropping my name at his whim, inserting it all over the place, where it did not belong, and promoting false information in connection with my name. He was grossly misrepresenting the name of Barbara Hartwell, as well as my professional background with CIA, clearly basing his statements on nothing more than his own wild speculation and erroneous suppositions.
I can guarantee that Howard Nema(izer) does not know what he is talking about, especially as regards CIA operations, including MK Ultra. He merely scavenges his "information" from well known public sources, copy-cat style, and, like so many others of his ilk, adds his own uninformed opinions (and sensationalist comments), resulting in a hodge-podge of inaccurate information. If he wants to advertise his ignorance, that is his problem, but he has absolutely NO BUSINESS USING MY NAME in connection with it.
Howard Nema(izer) was also using my name in his broadcasts on 'Truth Broadcast Network' (where his program is aired), run by Harry Link, in discussions with his guests, including Janet Phelan. Janet Phelan appeared on his show in 2014, to promote her book, 'EXILE', and had the incredible nerve to use me as a "source" in attempts to gain credibility for her story that a man named Jack Smith, whom she claimed was a "federal agent", had "lured" her into a "romantic relationship". She actually quoted me (falsely) from a previous private conversation (Barbara Hartwell said.....), while Howard Nema sat there, as usual, nodding along and agreeing with everything she said. (How would he know?...he wasn't privy to my private conversations.)
The very mundane fact of the matter is that Janet Phelan had placed an advertisement in a "dating service". She herself openly solicited the "romantic" attentions of this man, Jack Smith, which she had admitted in some of her prior public statements, as well as in private conversations with me. At no time did I ever state to Janet Phelan, or to anyone else, publicly or privately, that I had reason to believe this Jack Smith was a "federal agent". I will state for the record that I did not form any such opinion, based on anything I had been told by Janet Phelan, nor from any other source. But that didn't stop these two, Phelan and Nemaizer, from exploiting my name (as a legitimate, bona fide CIA whistleblower) in connection with this story, for what was clearly the purpose of trying to enhance their own "credibility", at my expense.
More to the point, I had broken off my association with Janet Phelan in 2012, for cause, due to her increasingly aggressive, intrusive and manipulative behavior, her lack of discretion in connection with my name, and her betrayal of my trust by openly trafficking with my known enemies (including the infamous PR shill Ken Adachi, who promoted and supported Janet Phelan on his website, while running a libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell; and stalker Michelle Wolven, both malicious liars and criminals, running libel/slander/harassment campaigns against Barbara Hartwell), and even discussing me with these individuals, as well as with a number of others. No "friend" of mine discusses me (or even uses my name) with those they know to be my enemies, nor gossips about me behind my back, with anyone, be it friend or foe.
As well, Janet Phelan's "left-wing politics" (her own phrase) and her clear affiliation with the evil communist United Nations (regularly agitating for its propaganda and supporting its agenda) finally made it clear to me that she was working AGAINST everything I stand for (and have risked my life to defend): Liberty and God-given, Unalienable Rights of the Individual. Her mentality, in my opinion, is that of a communist. Howard Nema(izer) was well aware of my position regarding Janet Phelan, which I had publicly stated in my reports, as of 2012, one of which (Trafficking with the Devil) Howard Nema(izer) actually published on 'Truth Broadcast Network'. (Not at my request; I discovered this after the fact.)
All this, from Howard Nema(izer), AFTER I had made it very clear quite some time before (since 2012) that I did NOT want my name ever promoted in connection with 'Truth Broadcast Network', Harry Link, or Janet Phelan. I have never endorsed 'Truth Broadcast Network' (Trash Broadcast Network), nor have ever had any dealings with Harry Link, whom I consider to be just another loud-mouthed, boastful, aggressive and ambitious amateur, promoting sensationalist "news stories", ranting against the New World Order (which it is clear he knows nothing about), in his buffoonish garb. I do not have dealings with such individuals, and made that crystal clear to Howard Nema(izer). I told him in no uncertain terms to LEAVE MY NAME OUT of anything connected to Harry Link and his network. Did Howard Nema(izer) respect my clearly stated wishes? No, he simply disregarded them, and did as he pleased, at my expense.
I also found statements posted by Howard Nema(izer), promoting my name in direct connection with Janet Phelan and Harry Link:
"....truth tellers such as myself [Howard Nema(izer)], Janet Phelan, Harry Link and Barbara Hartwell..."...blah blah blah...
Could there be any more flagrant, in-your-face fraudulent promotions? Linking the name of Barbara Hartwell with these individuals, KNOWING FULL WELL that it was untrue, and against my wishes. There is simply no excuse. And for the record, I do not consider Howard Nema(izer), Janet Phelan or Harry Link to be "truth tellers".
The worst offense was that Howard Nema has included my name and website, Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA dot com, in a fraudulent promotion on his websites, "TRUSTED PARTNERS IN TRUTH". 
This notice was widely promoted, by Howard Nema's admission, in MORE THAN 200 posts on his websites, beginning in February 2014. And he continued to promote this, KNOWING IT TO BE FALSE.
Listed among the so-called "trusted partners in truth" are Harry Link (Truth Broadcast Network) and Janet Phelan (Janet Phelan dot com). Both of whom, as Howard Nema was well aware, had been openly and publicly denounced by Barbara Hartwell, for cause. Both of whom, as I had clearly stated, I did NOT want my name connected to in any way. There is also the fact that none of the others named in this fraudulent promotion had ever been a "partner" of Barbara Hartwell, including Howard Nema(izer) himself, who took it upon himself to exploit my name in this unscrupulous manner, for the obvious purpose of attaching his name to a person with the actual hard won credentials, professional experience and knowledge which he himself lacks.
When my request to REMOVE MY NAME from these fraudulent promotions became a demand, in February 2015, Howard Nema, rather than having the common decency to do the right and honorable thing, decided instead to defend the indefensible, to attempt to justify the unjustifiable, by publicly attacking me and making false accusations against me.
He stated:
"Sadly, I am forced to post this. I will not spend hours deleting TRUSTED PARTNERS IN TRUTH from more than 200 posts on this website going back to Feb 2014 at the request of Barbara Hartwell, unless she would like to pay me for my time. I move ahead, not backwards."
Who, pray tell, "forced" him to post this? Did someone hold a gun to his head? And note that he actually is so arrogant that he expects to be PAID, to cash in, on his offenses against Barbara Hartwell. Could anything be more dishonorable, or patently ridiculous?
He also stated:
"By the way, Barbara, you are very welcome for all the financial support I rendered to you over the years. In closing, I truly regret my acts of kindness and charity given to Barbara Hartwell, who I feel is a terribly ungrateful soul."
Aside from contradicting himself in two sentences, he now wants to drag in a totally unrelated issue, his so-called "acts of kindness and charity". Evidently, he is so blinded by his own delusions that he actually considers his utterly insufferable and dishonorable treatment of me as something to boast about, and be given credit for. 
According to Howard Nemaizer, I should be "grateful" for his false promises, his lies; for putting me at grave risk, and for the fact that due to his ill-advised and negligent actions, I nearly ended up homeless in the street?
I was fortunate to have escaped with my life. But apparently, Howard Nemaizer believes that because of his "charity", this had "bought" him the right to exploit my name, to use my material as he sees fit, to discuss me publicly with all and sundry, to disregard my clearly stated protests against his misrepresentations of my name and website, and his fraudulent promotions, which are seriously damaging to my name and reputation.
Dead wrong, on all counts.
At this point, given the longstanding attitude of total disrespect and disregard for my privacy, personal boundaries, and fundamental rights displayed by Howard Nemaizer, I would be foolish to expect a public apology or retraction; that would be the action of an honorable person.
I am not demanding that Howard Nemaizer remove the videos containing interviews given by me on 'TRUTH TALK NEWS', which were obviously made with my knowledge and consent.
But I am demanding that he REMOVE, once and for all, every written promotion using the name of Barbara Hartwell. Every video made or posted without my knowledge/consent, including "MK Ultra and the CIA Book of Dirty Tricks". 
Including the falsely labeled "Barbara Hartwell Chronicles". 
As well as any and all other unauthorized, false, fraudulent material using the name of Barbara Hartwell.
CEASE & DESIST all exploitation and misrepresentation of the name, work (fruits of labor) and website of Barbara Hartwell.
Stating the Truth, in Good Faith, for the Public Record
Barbara Hartwell
August 3, 2015