Sunday, September 29, 2013

When Silence is Deadly: The Blacklisted Whistleblower

Dictionary definition of blacklist: 
A list of persons who are disapproved of or are to be punished or boycotted
On September 26, I was a guest on The Jenny Hatch Show.  
Jenny first contacted me a few years ago after reading some of the reports on my website and has since become a dear friend. She has told me that the patterns I have outlined and described in detail --of harassment, stalking, libel/slander, threats and general blacklisting of a Target-- were entirely consistent with what had been happening to her, as a result of her activism for Family Sovereignty and freedom of choice in the areas of education, health care and related issues.
In this 45 minute program, we focus on counterintelligence operations against Targets, with an emphasis on the absolute necessity of speaking out against government crimes and corruption, standing up for Liberty and God-given rights, no matter the consequences.
And although Jenny has titled the broadcast, The Barbara Hartwell Story, this story is not unique to me, but rather has universal applications: It is the story of the person from anywhere, from any time, speaking out against tyranny, defending Liberty, fighting for Justice. 
**The high price of speaking out, telling the unadulterated truth, defying tyranny, refusing to compromise principles
**God-given unalienable rights and sovereignty of the Individual vs. enslavement by collectivism
**Leftists/progressives masquerade as do-gooders promoting "peace and love", but are actually violent thugs, tyrants who will enforce their ideologies at the point of a gun
**Tactics used in neutralization campaigns against Targets
**The destruction of the Target's family relationships: estrangement, alienation, abandonment, betrayal
** Fear of the truth spoken by whistleblowers & efforts by family/friends to silence them 
** Financial destitution engendered by campaigns against a Target
**Blacklisting: ostracized, shunned, rejected by conventional institutions of mainstream society, prevented from obtaining basic necessities to sustain life, housing, gainful employment, support systems of family, friends, colleagues
**Web of corruption: government agencies, CIA, FBI, FDA, etc. & Medical Mafia, Big Pharma et al in collusion to target & silence whistleblowers, truth-tellers, political dissidents
** CIA's true history: formed in 1947, with Nazi war criminals, scientists, brought to the U.S. under Project Paperclip
**Function of CIA as propaganda ministry, using mainstream/alternative media shills & liars-for-hire 
I have always employed a policy of scrupulous discretion in deciding how much to expose, what to expose, and the timing of such exposures. When it comes to the bad guys, if they are committing acts of aggression or crimes against persons, are involved in corruption, if they are the enemies of Liberty, if they are promoting lies against decent, honorable, law-abiding persons and/or  disseminating anti-Liberty propaganda, if they are invading the privacy/personal boundaries of others, then I have no concern whatsoever for any damages to them: they have brought it on themselves by their wrongdoing and works of iniquity. Wrongdoers deserve to be exposed, and the populace at large needs to be warned against them. 
As for what I choose NOT to expose, my foremost concerns are: Will the privacy of innocent law-abiding persons be invaded? Will their security be compromised, or their safety endangered? Have they specifically requested that I NOT use their names, or divulge certain information, held in confidence? Will they be harmed in any way as a direct result of my reports? If  the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then on principle, such information will not be included in what I publish, even in cases where it could blow the cover of criminal perps sky-high, or furnish irrefutable evidence against the evildoers.
Also to be considered: Is a particular issue "public" or "private"? I fiercely guard my own privacy, and by the same token, I respect the privacy of others, just as I respect their fundamental rights and liberties.
But to be silent on the vital ISSUES, especially those so profoundly affecting my life, as a government whistleblower, as a Christian, and as a person dedicated to defending Liberty and the God-given rights of all and sundry, would be to negate and betray everything I stand for, all that I believe in. I have never done it, and never will.
On a personal level, some of the most painful and frustrating experiences I have had are related to the efforts of others, including those closest to me, to silence me:
--by making the true nature of my background, my experiences, and the atrocities committed against me and others by the government, a "taboo" subject for "polite society"
--by trying to manipulate me into silence by disapproval, and/or withholding support
--by denying the truth of what I have reported
--by "blaming the victim" (that would be me) of persecution, through criticism based on false perceptions, callous disregard and profound denial
--by aggressively applying pressure, in attempts to force me into compromises
--by attempts to minimize/marginalize my truthful testimony
--by refusing to discuss issues, refusing to listen, blocking of all communications and/or prohibiting communications
None of these efforts to silence me have ever been successful. They have only resulted in alienation (to one degree or another), as well as heartbreak, at least for me. When the people I love most are not willing to acknowledge the truth, a truth I have made every effort to clearly explain, not only in public reports, but in private conversations and communications, by documents, by letters, by every means available to me, then there may be nothing more I can do, except to pray that God will give them a love of the truth, and that they may be delivered from any form of bondage or satanic  strongholds which prevent them from seeing, hearing, knowing, and finally, acknowledging the truth. If a truth cannot be acknowledged, it cannot hold the power to motivate one to take action in defense of Liberty and God-given unalienable rights.
Here follow quotes about silence, in the context of its negative aspects, when employed to discourage, obfuscate, deny, neutralize the truth, and the truth-teller.
In its positive aspect, silence can be a blessing, as in the peace of silence or spiritual contemplation, communing with God. Personally, I enjoy silence, and prefer it to mindless chatter, noise pollution, cacophony, and most often find silence to be healing and restorative. But when silence is used as a weapon, it becomes a deadly denial of truth.
I ask the reader to consider these words, written and spoken by those who know the price of silence, when it would have been far wiser, and ultimately righteous, to speak the truth.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
September 29, 2013 
“When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.”
  --Yevgeny Yevtushenko
  “The cruelest lies are often told in silence.” 
  --Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers
 “Secrets, silent, stony sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants willing to be dethroned.” 
  --James Joyce
  “At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right”
--Miguel de Unamuno
“I was going to die, sooner or later, whether or not I had even spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silences will not protect you.... What are the words you do not yet have? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own need for language."

"I began to ask each time: "What's the worst that could happen to me if I tell this truth?" Unlike women in other countries, our breaking silence is unlikely to have us jailed, "disappeared" or run off the road at night. Our speaking out will irritate some people, get us called bitchy or hypersensitive and disrupt some dinner parties. And then our speaking out will permit other women to speak, until laws are changed and lives are saved and the world is altered forever."
"Next time, ask: What's the worst that will happen? Then push yourself a little further than you dare. Once you start to speak, people will yell at you. They will interrupt you, put you down and suggest it's personal. And the world won't end."
--Audre Lorde
 “It is not easy to keep silent when silence is a lie.”
  --Victor Hugo
“Now listen, we need to be quiet as mice. No, quieter than that. As quiet"
"Dead mice?" Reynie suggested.
"Perfect," said Kate with an approving nod. "As quiet as dead mice.”
 --Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma
 “It was the same way with silence. This was more than silence. A deaf person can feel vibrations. Here there was nothing to feel.” 
 --Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
“It does not do to rely too much on silent majorities, Evey, for silence is a fragile thing, one loud noise, and it's gone. But the people are so cowed and disorganised. A few might take the opportunity to protest, but it'll just be a voice crying in the wilderness. Noise is relative to the silence preceding it. The more absolute the hush, the more shocking the thunderclap. Our masters have not heard the people's voice for generations, Evey and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.”
--Alan Moore, V for Vendetta
“If you are trading silence or compliance for love, you are being cheated. When acceptance or love is withheld if you reveal secrets, the value of the relationship is just an illusion. Love cannot be earned, bought or traded–only freely given. You are worthy of love that doesn’t require you to protect your abuser or sacrifice yourself.”
--Christina Enevoldsen
“They were silent, humiliated by this return of the defeated, furious at their own silence, but the more it was prolonged the less capable they were of breaking it.”
--Albert Camus, The Adulterous Woman
“Anyone who remains silent in the face of murder is an accomplice to murder. Anyone who does not condemn approves.”
--Zofia Kossak-Szczucka
“I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity.” 
--Nadezhda Mandelstam, Hope Against Hope
 “Better to be a laughing-stock than lose the fort for fear of being one.”
 --Rosemary Sutcliff, The Eagle of the North
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

"It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
"There are two enemies of the People: criminals and the government. Let us bind the second with the chains of the Constitution, so that it does not become the legalized version of the first."
 --Thomas Jefferson
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

--Rev. Martin Niemoller, on the reign of terror, Nazi Germany 

"The methods  that the fbi/cia  use against me, you and others defy description because many of our people cannot imagine that the United States of America could stoop so low as to engage in the activities we describe; the populace's failure to understand and to see the truth of our reports    feeds the tyrants' propaganda machine and prolongs the day of reckoning when the warmongers and terrorists among us must account for their crimes and omissions."
--Former FBI Agent/Whistleblower Geral Sosbee, from letter to Barbara Hartwell (2002)
"If they don't do the right thing here, I'll expose these bastards until the cows come home..."

--Bill Windsor, commenting on corruption of courts and judges in Hamilton, Montana (2013)


Here is a hard truth: Anyone who takes an uncompromising stand against government corruption and criminality, who is willing to step forward and expose the liars, thieves, tyrants, crooks, reprobates, the government rat bastards who are destroying this country from within, will be targeted for political persecution.

The Whistleblower, the Expositor, the Messenger of Truth, the Defender of Liberty, the Crusader for Justice, will be slandered, libeled, harassed, threatened, stalked by psychopaths, driven into financial destitution, ostracized, shunned, treated like a pariah, and more often than not, abandoned and betrayed, by those who claim to be "friends", even by their own families.

Such persecution is in fact the price one pays, for refusing to compromise his/her principles, for holding to moral absolutes, for not backing down in the face of evil, for simply telling the truth.

According to the government, they are waging a 'war on drugs', a 'war on poverty', a 'war on terror'.

Countless billions must be spent, countless lives destroyed and lost, decades must pass, for these endless 'wars', and yet, what has ever been gained? Who has ever benefited? Certainly not the purported "beneficiaries", the American people. 

And who is it, who in actuality, is PUSHING the drugs, DRIVING the people into poverty? Who is it, who has in fact been WAGING a war of terror, on its own citizens?

Who will stand up and fight, who will stand on the side of Truth?

From my observations and experience, hardly a soul. Therein lies the seemingly insurmountable obstacle to winning in the War on Truth. But to fight the battle on the side of Truth, one must first be willing to LEARN THE TRUTH, ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUTH.

Here are just a few TRUE stories told by those who have been targeted for persecution by the government and their minions and underlings. These stories come from the testimony of genuine, sincere and credible individuals, law-abiding people who love this country and all that it was meant to stand for, who have worked hard, who have given blood, sweat and tears in defense of their principles, but who have HAD ENOUGH of the criminals in government.

I ask that the you, the reader, consider what is given here with an open mind and compassionate heart. Then, if you decide that these stories are indeed true, please, for the love of God, do something in defense of that truth.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
September 18, 2013

For most of my adult life, I have used what has come to be known as "alternative" medicine, almost exclusively. I have good reason to distrust medical doctors (M.D.), since they have done far more harm than good for me personally, as well as to others among my family and friends.
During the whole of my childhood, I was sent only to "government" doctors and dentists, due to my having been placed in CIA's MK Ultra program. Being a child, I had no choice. I subsequently developed a phobia of medical doctors, drugs, hospitals, and what are known as standard allopathic medical treatments, so from early adulthood I searched out and learned all I could about the various forms of natural medicine, which heal, but do no harm. Over the course of many years, my research and studies have given me a basic working knowledge of herbal and homeopathic/naturopathic medicine, at least enough to be able to help myself when professional treatment is not available, and it rarely has been, due to lack of resources and support.
I do not use drugs, with the exception of occasional use of aspirin and non-prescription allergy medicines. When possible, I try to get naturopathic medicines and supplements, but since the government has declared their war on all things "natural" (herbs and plants created by God), the prices have skyrocketed, which also applies to organic produce as well as just about anything else that might actually do good, rather than harm.
This war on natural substances (which I view as a war on God's creation) first came to my awareness some time during the early 1970s, while I was a college student. I later went on to fight the 'Codex Alimentarius', realizing that the goal of the government was to prevent people from having access to the most effective natural medicines, in order to force the populace to be enslaved, physically and mentally, by pharmaceutical drugs, just another form of control and genocide. Their so-called "war on drugs" is just another false operation to mislead people as to their true agenda.
I decided to become a vegetarian in 1969, not primarily for "health" related reasons, but due to my spiritual beliefs and my life-long love of animals. I refuse to participate in the horrific system of factory farming, and I daresay, many people would feel the same if they knew what really goes on, the way God's creatures are confined, brutalized and tortured, ending in a terrible death, at processing plants and slaughterhouses. Add to this the fact that most of the "livestock" (how I hate that word!) are pumped full of drugs, hormones, and are "genetically modified". When a person buys packaged meat in a supermarket, he/she is usually unaware of the suffering and brutality without which their dinner can be produced.
But in any case, I can say with certainty that none of the chronic illnesses or disabilities I suffer have ever, in any way, been related to my being a vegetarian, or the use of natural health care systems. I also know that had I not stood up and fought for my right NOT to be a part of this toxic system of drugs and poisoned food, the chances of my living as long as I have would be minascule. 
The reason for every ailment I have is simple: a lifetime of abuses and assaults on my person by criminals under the auspices of the U.S. government. I can never overstate this fact, which I have made it a priority to document (as I am doing here) for many years.
However, the unfortunate fact remains that those closest to me, including blood relatives, have become so indoctrinated into the beliefs of the mainstream, standard treatments of drugs and invasive surgery as the "cure" for every ailment, that they routinely dismiss anything I have to say about the disabilities from which I suffer; worse, they refuse to acknowledge the actual reason as being the government's "War on Designated Targets", including those persons like myself who have been exploited over a lifetime for the government's nefarious agenda.   
Here are disability letters from two doctors, one a naturopath and the other a chiropractor. I have not given their names, to protect their privacy.
I decided to publish these letters because at least there will be a public record, rather than just my statements. My friend Geral Sosbee, former FBI agent/whistleblower, also a Target of persecution by the government, whose story bears a striking resemblance to my own, has published certain of his medical records, as well as his testimony of malpractice and fraudulent diagnosis.
Political Targets & Medical Malpractice (2013)
Disability Letter from Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine 
December 9, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

Barbara Hartwell has been my patient since August, 2009, and as her primary care doctor, I have seen her for weekly appointments. Due to her financial status of being unemployed with no health insurance, I have set up a monthly payment plan for her to continue her care with me.

It is my understanding that Barbara Hartwell is unable to be employed due to various disabilities.

Due to HIPPA regulations, I can not divulge any information about her health. She will continue her regular medical treatments with me and possibly with other medical practitioners by referral as needed.

In case it is an issue, my patient has made it clear that for various personal reasons (including privacy) she does not wish to seek any form of healthcare assistance from the government.

Disability Letter from Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

To Whom It May Concern:

Barbara Hartwell has been my patient since October 2011. She is receiving care for longterm chronic conditions (including fibromyalgia) as well as spinal subluxations caused by previous severe injuries to the cervical vertebrae.

Her general condition constitutes a disability which limits the scope of her activities, and which is exacerbated by any form of stress, physical or emotional.

She requires ongoing treatment for this painful debilitating condition.


[NOTE: These letters do not include descriptions of most of the various conditions which constitute disability, but are given only for information purposes.] 

It should be noted that I was forced to stop my treatment from these doctors, in each case because I could not afford to continue. In the case of the chiropractor, I had been going 3X a week, from October 2011 until April 2012. 

As for the naturopathic doctor, I had at first been going once a week, until the doctor's office moved to a location in a city, where I was unable to drive myself due to disability. I recently saw this doctor in April, 2013, for an emergency due to an injury, but have not been able to get follow-up treatment, due to lack of resources.

The treatments of both doctors helped tremendously, but my condition has since gotten far worse, as a result of lack of necessary care. Over a period of many years, other doctors whom I have seen, at times when I was able to pay for treatment, have diagnosed the same chronic illnesses, the same disabilities, all of which were known to be "severe", and which prevented me from being "employable" in any way which would require me to operate on any definite schedule, be reliable in carrying out work-related duties, or to meet deadlines.

According to "legal" standards of disability, I should have qualified for "100% disability". Other doctors I have seen over a period of years have known that, based on their diagnoses. And yet, I will get nothing at all, from the very government who is responsible for the disabilities.

Also see:
Starving the Target: Isolation, Alienation, Deprivation

Numerous reports are in the archives of this website, outlining political persecution against Barbara Hartwell.

THE WAR ON TRUTH: Target Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee
Targeted for Terror: Ex-FBI Agent's Gruesome Ordeal (2004)

He is now, at age 58, financially destitute, having been forced into bankruptcy in 2003 resulting from the FBI and CIA campaign to destroy him. He was at one time forced to live in his car, moving from place to place; and to borrow from his credit cards to survive as he sought safe haven from his tormentors.
He suffers physical disabilities (associated with a back injury in Viet Nam and a knee injury sustained while in FBI service) both of which have been exacerbated by the chronic illnesses brought on by poisonings and assaults with directed energy ("non-lethal") weaponry.
He has had most of his property stolen or destroyed, including two (2) computers, a car and a motorcycle (which were not protected by bumper-to-bumper warranties). Now being without a vehicle, unable to afford to replace his losses, he is forced to walk or take public transportation.
Being without a computer, he is forced to go to a library or pay for the use of a computer elsewhere in order to continue his work. Work for which he receives no compensation but pursues as a tormented labor of love, still driven by the need to serve his country in the pursuit of Liberty and Justice for All.
The same liberty and justice which have been denied to him by the henchmen of the corrupt system he seeks to expose and to hold accountable for its crimes against its own citizens.
This story of political persecution, violations of privacy and outrageous abuses of human rights, that of ex-FBI agent Geral W. Sosbee, may stretch credibility to the breaking point, but is nonetheless the unvarnished truth. How can I be so sure his story is true? Because the hero of the story is a man I have come to know well, and now consider to be my best friend.
Read entire report here:
Also see Geral Sosbee's websites:
Stop fbi/cia's own terrorists from their efforts to subjugate all of mankind through torture, imprisonment, calumny and murder.
THE WAR ON TRUTH: Target Dr. Antonella Carpenter
The Medical Conspiracy Radio Show & Co-host Barbara Hartwell
Dr. Carpenter, formerly employed as a physicist in the defense industry, with expertise in laser technology, became a whistleblower when she discovered and reported safety hazards, and was subsequently targeted --for the same reason most whistleblowers are targeted: They refuse to stay silent when lives are at stake, when wrongdoing, corruption, malfeasance are running rampant. As a result of the persecution directed against her, as retaliation for blowing the whistle, Dr. Carpenter was driven into financial destitution, and at one point even ended up homeless.
But by the time I first came into contact with her, many years later, Dr. Carpenter had become the Target of other special interest groups involving a vast web of corruption: The Medical Mafia, Big Pharma and their henchmen, thugs from the FDA.
Among the series of events which transpired in attempts to neutralize Dr. Carpenter and shut down her business, Lase Med Inc., were a monkey trial, a travesty of justice, where Dr. Carpenter was falsely accused, sued, and a judgment awarded against her for $2.5 MILLION, after being bilked and betrayed by her own attorneys; a libel/slander campaign via mainstream and alternative media; numerous and ongoing acts of criminal harassment, vandalism, stalking and political persecution; a raid by the FDA in July 2012, accomplished only by deception by lying FDA agents, in which most of her property was confiscated, including her lasers, her files and all the money she had in a safe at her office: $7800.00 in cash.
Her practice, in the state of Oklahoma, was shut down by FDA, this despite the fact that Dr. Carpenter had at no time violated any laws, but was operating in full compliance with the laws, under the Health Care Freedom Act. Nor had she ever harmed a patient. She did however, save lives, as the patients testified.
Subsequently, Dr. Carpenter lost her office. Then she lost her home, a rental property, as she had no money to pay the rent. She lost most of her personal property as well, and was left (once again) destitute and homeless.
But there's more...shortly after the FDA raid, Dr. Carpenter lost both of her vehicles. The first vehicle was stolen and used in a robbery. She was unable to recover her car, even though she was the victim of the crime. Her second vehicle, a van used for her business, was taken from her by a far more sinister means: She was hit (purposefully) while driving alone after dropping her grandson off at a school event. The van was hit with such a violent impact that it was turned upside down, trapping Dr. Carpenter inside, until she was able to get out only by her own efforts. The van was totalled (naturally), leaving Dr. Carpenter without any transportation, stranded, with no money, no way to continue to work for her living. The perpetrators (including federal agents) of this neutralization campaign against her had stolen or destroyed nearly everything she had, leaving her isolated and bereft.
Does any of this sound as if it could possibly be "coincidence"? Not where counterintelligence operations are concerned. I've seen the same pattern repeated over and over, in the cases I have investigated for over two decades. But more to the point, in my own life, having been targeted as a CIA whistleblower. I am intimately familiar with this storyline, and unfortunately it has been next to impossible to get any support, simply because people either "blame the victim", or "don't believe" the truthful testimony of the person targeted. Some, I'm sure, just don't give a damn.
But it gets worse. Early this year Dr. Carpenter received a "target letter" from the DOJ, informing her that she was now a target of a Grand Jury Investigation. She could not find an attorney to represent her. Everyone she contacted wanted a large sum of money up front, from $10,000 at the low end, to $100,000. Nobody would help, no attorney would take her case pro bono. Nobody cared, nobody would help...the same old, same old.
Read more here:
Also see:
THE WAR ON TRUTH: Target Bill Windsor & Lawless America

Lawless America

For the past few years, I've been reading Bill Windsor's website and watching his videos. I don't know him personally, but I was so profoundly impressed by his tireless and uncompromising activism against government corruption that I added a link to Lawless America on my own website.

I would not presume to speak for Bill Windsor, but I can recognize the truth of his story, from his own testimony. How could I not? The same things have happened to me...  stalked by criminal psychopaths, threatened with bodily harm, even death, slandered, libeled, harassed by lunatics and malicious liars, and having all my efforts to seek justice quashed and sabotaged by the very "legal" system which was designed to "protect" my rights and liberties. Lawless America indeed.

Please take the time to peruse Bill Windsor's website and watch his videos. For those who want yet another firsthand account of persecution against a law-abiding citizen, a Messenger of Truth, he has furnished a large body of evidence, not only about his own case, but those of hundreds of Americans seeking justice for the crimes committed against them by their own government, who know the truth from their own experiences, who want to "save America" from the evildoers who are destroying this nation from within.
"If they don't do the right thing here, I'll expose these bastards until the cows come home..."

--Bill Windsor, commenting on corruption of courts and judges

"My family's completely terrorized, so terrorized that my wife of 42 years divorced me and this Sean Boushie stalked her, threatened her with lawsuits, sent her a letter threatening her, sent e-mail to virtually everyone she worked with, calling her...all kinds of horrible things, claiming that she was stalking him. She's so afraid for her safety, the safety of her children and grandchildren that she divorced me. Not only that, but my children and grandchildren no longer talk to me. I'm not allowed to have any communication with my two granddaughters, who I love more than words could ever express. So I qualify for a stalking protective order, but I was turned away..."

In this video, Bill Windsor tells the story of the terror campaign against him, in which a criminal named Sean Boushie stalked and threatened him, causing Bill to be in fear for his life.

Hear for yourself how Bill Windsor was treated by the "authorities" from whom he sought an order of protection from this criminal menace, Sean Boushie.

Bill Windsor report from Hamilton Montana & Ravalli County Courthouse
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA       

Monday, September 2, 2013


Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA is the one and only official website of Barbara Hartwell. The archives of this site contain roughly two decades of documentation related to government crimes, corruption, coverups and the conspiracies that I have personally witnessed, investigated, and by which I, and others have at various times been victimized/targeted.
The purpose of this website is firstly to provide a body of information and corresponding evidence, for the public record. Secondly, my reports serve as just one of various forms of activism, in defense of the God-given unalienable rights and liberties of the Individual. 
The crimes committed by the U.S. government against my person have been literally a lifelong ordeal, and my battle against the evildoers has been ongoing since childhood. I am now a senior citizen, blessed with three beloved grandsons, and it is for their future that my concern is greatest.
What kind of country can they expect to inherit? Will they ever see true Liberty in their lifetime?
I can only pray that I will be able to live long enough to make a real difference in their lives.
I am only one person, and over these many years, I have had to stand alone, due to lack of resources and support. I've never had even one person I could rely on for anything, including material support, and the same holds true to this day. This fact is one that I find it extremely important to document for the public record.
Most of any personal property I have ever owned has been stolen, destroyed or otherwise taken from me (one way or another) by the government. Let's just say they "arranged" for it to happen, always with plausible deniability. 
Due to having no official employment history, I am not eligible even for social security, much less disabilty benefits, although I am disabled. All disabilities from which I suffer (including chronic illnesses) are a direct result of assaults on my person by various means, including (but not limited to) "arranged" car crashes, directed-energy weaponry, biological/chemical warfare, genetic tampering, military hardware and other implements of torture and destruction.
I have only rarely, over a period of decades, been able to get even the most rudimentary medical care, even in cases of acute injuries. I have never had any medical insurance, nor have been able to afford the regular health care I need, especially considering the disabilities. I have disability letters from doctors, which have simply been disregarded by persons from whom I sought support, even those from whom I should have a "reasonable expectation" of concern for my well-being. In their lack of concern, they refuse to acknowledge the disabilities, as well as the cause. Or, they falsely believe that "benefits" are available to me, where they are not (the government, again.)
My list of grievances against the government, especially CIA (and their hirelings and minions) is a mile long, and yet I have never been able to find any legal assistance whatsoever, though I certainly have grounds for lawsuits galore -- "justice", from my experience, may be for sale, but not to someone like me, or others who have been targeted for persecution by the very government who is responsible for the atrocities visited upon us.
My current situation is by far the worst it has ever been. I have no regular source of support, material or otherwise, and I no longer have a secure home.
I cannot afford treatment for debilitating illnesses. I cannot afford gas for my car, nor to pay for the car insurance. The only way to put food on the table is Christian charities, but even so there is not enough available, as their resources are limited.
My electric power will soon be shut off, that is, unless I can find some way to pay the bill. The Salvation Army has already paid a portion, but it was only a one-time thing. I have oil heat/hot water, but no money to order a delivery of fuel, and now that the summer is ending, I am at greater risk than ever.
To put it bluntly, unless I get some assistance soon, I am probably not long for this world. This is no exaggeration, but the unvarnished truth.
As for my Internet/phone service, I've got another final disconnect notice, effective in the next few days. I can only thank my good friend Dr. Antonella Carpenter for raising the money to pay for that over the last 3 months, but each month I must prepare to lose my communications, along with all possibilities of continuing my work online and as co-host of the Medical Conspiracy radio show  with Dr. Carpenter, my fellow whistleblower and Target of extreme government persecution.
If you find my work, this website, and my radio broadcasts with Dr. Carpenter of value, in your own fight for Liberty, your own stand against tyranny, injustice and corruption, and/or simply because you care, please make a donation.
Thank you very much for your consideration, and for anything, in the spirit of Christian charity or love gifts, you may find it in your heart to donate. No amount is too small, even a few dollars can buy cat food for Kyra, or other vital necessities.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
September 2, 2013
Barbara Hartwell Perc
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA