Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Alex Studer Defends Criminal Conspiracy of COINTELPRO Perps, Attacks Legitimate Journalists/Whistleblowers


The real violence exerted by propaganda is this: by means of apparent truth and apparent reason, it induces us to surrender our freedom and self-possession. It predetermines us to certain conclusions, and does so in such a way that we imagine that we are fully free in reaching them by our own judgment and our own thought. Propaganda makes up our minds for us but in such a way that it leaves us the sense of pride and satisfaction of men who have made up their own minds. And, in the last analysis, propaganda achieves this effect because we want it to.

--Thomas Merton
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander

A few days ago, I found the following article posted on Lab Virus, a site run by Alex Studer:

Peter Boudreau aka “Ken Adachi” engages in slanderous attacks initiated by CIA’s Barbara Hartwell
Alex Studer wrote:

"This is the latest chapter in a long saga of CIA-sponsored psyop disinfo agents. This drama is yet another example of psychological warfare against those whistleblowers actually presenting truth.

Sherri Kane (Caen) is the female half of the dynamic duo also comprised of Knight of Malta “doctor” Len Horowitz [he's a dentist].

Janet Phelan is another disinfo liar, and is a cohort of Hartwell’s. This has been a long saga involving Tim White Ted Gunderson and others, and it is clear these agent provocateurs aim to undermine these researchers’ credibility by creating false accusations and stirring up drama. Seriously, this all reminds me of our early encounters with “citizen” Jane Burgermeister. Same MO, same behavior, same language. I submit theres a high likelihood some of these folks are MKultra subjects and are likely part of the Monarch program."

I have given here only the commentary by Studer. To see the entire article, which consists only of accompanying links:

Peter Boudreau aka “Ken Adachi” engages in slanderous attacks initiated by CIA’s Barbara Hartwell

Who is this buffoon, Alex Studer? And why is he attacking Barbara Hartwell?

The first I heard of this idiot Studer was in 2010, when I found, on the front page of his website, 'Lab Virus', some outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell  --the same old, same old: lies regularly  fabricated and disseminated by a gaggle of government stooges and their government controllers, which are plastered all over the Internet. 

Who, specifically, furnished the libelous falsehoods about Hartwell to Studer? Surprise, surprise: fed snitch, government stooge, Tim White, the aggressive, loudmouthed busybody and Town Crier. (Look at me!  You heard it here first!  I'm TIM WHITE and I'M A PLAYER!  Make sure you give ME credit for this IMPORTANT INFORMATION! And make sure it is widely known that my PERSONAL FRIENDS are none other than Ted Gunderson, and John DeCamp! etc. etc.) 

Where were these particular lies originally published? On the "Xena Carpenter" website, where cowards, pathological liars, forgers, Todd Fahey and Tim White, the demonic duo, regularly attack patriots, journalists and whistleblowers,  hiding behind pseudonyms.

Studer claims that I am a "CIA disinfo agent". He also claims I am a "slut", along with numerous others slurs.

Has Alex Studer ever presented any facts or evidence to substantiate these allegations against Barbara Hartwell? None whatsoever.

So, where does Alex Studer come up with these allegations? What/who are his sources?

First and foremost, COINTELPRO Kingpin Ted L. Gunderson and his lackey, predicate felon, psycho stalker, Tim White.  Of course, other minions and stooges of Gunderson are involved as well: namely Todd Brendan Fahey (White's "other half" of the demonic duo), "Xena Carpenter"  (one of many aliases used by Todd Fahey; if "she" is in fact a real person, then she is clearly Fahey's female alter ego of choice, a loudmouthed, ignorant, vulgar, bubble-headed buffoon.)

It is clear that Studer, like other government stooges of his ilk, is simply parroting what he hears or reads, then posting it on his website. And he, like the others, takes it a step further. Studer adds his own editorial comments,  AS IF he knows what he is talking about, trying to make himself seem "in the know" and "important."

In this latest, Studer also attacks Sherri Kane (adding a false name), Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Janet Phelan. Who are, significantly, also targets of  Ted Gunderson, Tim White, Todd Fahey et al.

But oddly, in the title of the article he cites "Peter Boudreau aka Ken Adachi", claiming that "CIA's Barbara Hartwell" has "initiated" "slanderous attacks" that came from Adachi.

What in the hell is Studer talking about?

Does Studer present any evidence of such "slanderous attacks" by Adachi? None at all. Does Studer tell us WHO was purportedly the target of these "slanderous attacks"? No. Does Studer give any information at all which could possibly lead the readers to find their own evidence of such an attack? No. And lastly, does he establish any connection whatsoever between  these alleged (unnamed, unsourced)  "attacks" and Barbara Hartwell? No, not at all.

I searched diligently for all of the above, but there was nothing to be found.

I have to wonder, is Alex Studer's ignorance so profound that he is not aware of the fact that Ken Adachi has been the primary PR shill for Ted Gunderson for more than a decade? That Adachi's   website, 'Educate-Yourself', is rife with outrageous libel against Barbara Hartwell and others who have exposed truthful, factual information about Ted Gunderson?  That these two, Gunderson and Adachi, are thick as thieves?

Ken Adachi is another malicious liar and COINTELPRO stooge, just like Tim White. Both endorse,  promote, support and defend Ted Gunderson. Both have been instrumental in the massive, longterm government-sponsored libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell.  Adachi's site is in fact chock-full of lies which came DIRECTLY from Tim White, and what's more, White himself is promoted there.

Alex Studer claims that Ted Gunderson is a "REAL Patriot" who "defends our Constitution and freedoms". He says the same about the rest of Gunderson's criminal cabal, including John DeCamp, Doug Millar, A. True Ott et al. Ken Adachi promotes the very same crew, and in the same way...

But back to this latest idiocy posted by Studer.

In every piece I have ever read by Studer, what is most apparent is his gross ignorance: he  presumes to speak about subjects, issues and persons which it is abundantly clear he knows absolutely nothing about. Here, for example, Studer talks about "CIA-sponsored psyop disinfo agents".

But how would Alex Studer know anything about such things? Answer: He wouldn't and he doesn't.

Does Studer have any background, any training, any experience which would qualify him to comment, or lend any credibility to his comments? No, none at all.

Like many others of his ilk, loudmouthed aggressive busybodies and Intel groupies/wannabes, Studer is merely parroting the government-sponsored disinformation and propaganda being fed to him by Gunderson et al. And, like his fellow stooges, he takes pride in thinking he is "connected" to former government agents who are "truthtellers" and "patriots". Meanwhile, I guaranatee that they are laughing at him behind his back, as they exploit him to do the dirty work of attacking their targets.

It amazes me how many people are out there on the Internet, rank amateurs  presuming to write about subjects they know absolutely NOTHING about!

Speaking for myself, I speak and write only about those issues on which I have professional  expertise. If there is an issue on which I lack knowledge, I leave it to those who are qualified. All the other legitmate professionals I know do the same. They don't pretend to be something they are not; nor do they pretend to know about things, if they do not.

One subject on which I DO have expertise is psychological operations. This applies in the broadest sense, as well as relating to the particulars. I am qualified to speak about this subject, because I have developed the knowledge; I have received the training and education --the best government money can buy-- and I have worked professionally in this area (both 'inside' and 'outside') for decades.

Ignoramuses like Alex Studer, seeking attention and approval (earmarks of the archetypal  busybody) get ego-gratification by shooting their mouths off on subjects they do not begin to understand (Look at me, everyone! I know all about Psy ops!); they seem to think "psy ops" is a narrow term which relates only to a government agency (such as CIA) using its agents to spread disinformation about people who are exposing "truth". 

Psy Ops (and the various methodologies and disciplines involved) go far, far beyond such a simplistic function. But the likes of Alex Studer will never comprehend that, and that is precisely why he can be used as a stooge. 

Stooges can only by definition be those with severely limited knowledge, intelligence, talent, intellectuual/spiritual discernment. Otherwise, how could they be used as stooges?

Just one more example; Studer has this to say:  
"I submit theres a high likelihood some of these folks are MKultra subjects and are likely part of the Monarch program."

Well, "submit" anything you please, fool!  Again, Studer has no idea what he is talking about. There was never any project called "Monarch", connected to CIA's MK Ultra. "Monarch" is a side-show, of the "sex-slaves and satanism" variety, meant to distract attention from the real black operations run by CIA (including MK Ultra), which have an entirely different agenda.  

Studer is again parroting those using him, like A. True Ott and Doug Millar, both of whom promote the "Monarch" mind control cult of CIA agent Mark Phillips, charlatan Fritz Springmeier, and other satanic mind control handlers.

And I can absolutely guarantee that none of the people being attacked by Studer (Hartwell, Horowitz, Kane) have ever been involved in any way in "Monarch."

Maybe Studer thinks such comments give him "credibility", but rather, they only expose the depth of his ignorance.

But for those interested in the truth (or some evidence, for a change) here is an excerpt from a report, in which Ted Gunderson is exposed, IN HIS OWN WORDS, as a COINTELPRO operative. This came from a hard-copy document written and signed by Ted Gunderson, sent to Larry Flynt, 1998.

Ted Gunderson's Published Proposal to Deploy COINTELPRO Tactics

Excerpt from Ted Gunderson's Letter to Larry Flynt

[December 21, 1998
Larry Flynt
Flynt Publications



I. Counter Intelligence Operation

Organize a select group of trusted, loyal Americans to operate an effective legal counter-intelligence operation. The goal of a counter-intelligence operation is to educate and, in some instances, to disrupt the enemy by mailing anonymous letters to selected individuals and groups in order to create distrust and paranoia. Another goal is to furnish disinformation and create confusion. I was a counter-intelligence expert in the FBI and I am aware of numerous techniques with which to work towards this goal. I wish to emphasize we will not conduct any criminal or illegal activity, nor violate any laws. All activities would be legal. There are other techniques than can be used, in addition to anonymous letters, i.e., telephone calls from public telephones. Disinformation can also be spread on radio and television talk shows.]

First, I would say that Gunderson's choice of an accomplice for his operation, the notorious pornographer, publisher of Hustler magazine, has got to be the lowest sleazoid on the planet. Ask yourself, who would want to do business with a low-life like Flynt?

Next, note that Ted Gunderson states that he was "a counter-intelligence expert in the FBI." Really? Then any reasonable person is left to draw the conclusion that Ted Gunderson was COINTELPRO, as that is the primary counter-intelligence operation in the FBI.

And now, he is looking to recruit more accomplices for his "legal" counter-intelligence operation.

"A select group of trusted, loyal Americans..."

Who could these "loyal Americans" be?

Let's start with some known associates of Ted L. Gunderson: Ken Adachi; Timothy Patrick White; Larry Lawson; Pamela Schuffert; John DeCamp. There are others, too numerous to mention, but these names will certainly be recognizable to anyone with an interest in the controversy this issue has generated over the past decade.

And for a damning statement, this one can't be beat: "Disinformation can also be spread on radio and television talk shows."

So, Ted Gunderson, in his own words, suggests spreading disinformation! And as many of us who have become his targets know, he's done just that, and in spades.

I can't count the times that Ted has gone on the airwaves slandering Barbara Hartwell, stating that I am a "government spook" or "CIA disinfo agent."

[For the primary example, at least in print, see the New Age/government disinformation website of Gunderson's PR shill, Ken Adachi.]

Fact is, this operation has been running for a long time. Ted Gunderson, joined by his cronies and amateur recruits (government stooges Tim White, Pam Schuffert, Ken Adachi, Todd Fahey, Larry Lawson et al) have wreaked havoc on the lives of many COINTELPRO targets. And there is no end in sight.....

As far as I can see, this so-called "legal" counter-intelligence operation will continue until the lives of the targets are so far destroyed that there is no hope to repair the damages.

And by the way, there is nothing "legal" about fraud, criminal stalking, identity theft, forgery,  extortion, criminal harassment, death threats, murder-for hire schemes, inciting violence and terrorism.....this operation is a criminal conspiracy par excellence, rife with most every crime imaginable. Racketeering at its finest.

As for the privacy invasions and the libel/slander campaigns against targets, I guess you might stretch it to say these are "legal". After all, these are civil matters.

And since most of the law enforcement to whom we have reported these crimes refuse to do anything to protect the targets of criminal harassment/stalking and threats of violence and death (which are crimes) --or more to the point, to enforce the law-- who is going to care that the reputations of decent, legitimate Messengers of Truth and Defenders of Liberty are being destroyed, along with every other area of our lives? Nobody. After all, that is what "neutralization" is all about.


"You admit you were once in the CIA. There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die."

"Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came."

-- Ex FBI Agent Ted Gunderson to Barbara Hartwell

Source: Open Letter to Barbara Hartwell from Ted Gunderson, published by Ken Adachi.


"There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die"... the rule, but you are proof that he is wrong; the same applies to me and the assassins of the fbi who are trying to kill me in the only cowardly manner they know. My question for gun is why he does nothing to expose the crimes against Humanity that are currently on going; and further, with his vast experience as a fbi chief, why he has not confessed to the world of his many crimes against the American people.

ted gunderson, former fbi chief, verbally assaults a true American Hero, Barbara Hartwell, by the use of language that reveals gun's own warped character.

Ted Gunderson (hereinafter referred to as 'gun') recently wrote the following words to my good friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell:

"Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came.

Ted L Gunderson, FBI-SAC(Ret)"

Sosbee writes:

"Such words as quoted above when directed against one of the true and great Defenders of Liberty (Barbara Hartwell) offend all sensitive persons who read them, but especially those of us who know and respect Barbara for her stand against government corruption. Indeed the 'righteous' as you call them reject the use of such descriptions above because no human being merits such a label.

However, gun is steeped in the use of labels, especially those that send good and innocent people to torture chambers, to prisons or to their deaths; gun is an expert by his own proclamation of his credentials (i.e.:SAC) in a) black operations, b) mind games, c) secret agent-provocateur dirty deeds worldwide.

No, gun, you are wrong. The world needs Barbara Hartwell more than you could possibly know/imagine; and as you have sold out to the evil forces of a corrupt government (the United States of America) in return for your petty benefits, you are the one who must someday atone for the atrocities you approved, directed, or condoned against men and women over the past half century.

Come clean, gun, about your knowledge regarding offenses and crimes against Humanity; help save the lives of targeted individuals; and renounce the fascist state that you presently support; then, maybe intelligent and informed people will listen to you.

You dare pretend to show a concern for the people of the United States when in fact you exploit the ignorance and fear of all who listen to you in order to further your own private interests and in order to perpetuate the destructive agenda of the cia and the fbi. The downfall of this country into a fascist state is in part your doing, gun, and you should not be proud of that, no matter how high an office you have attained."

Sosbee writes for the record on April 30, 2005:

"gun indicates on his website that he was chief inspector for the fbi in 1973; in such capacity, gun had the responsibility to investigate Sosbee's reports of fbi crimes during that year. Not only did he fail to perform his duties as chief inspector, he continued thereafter to serve in high level positions in the fbi at a time when Sosbee was being harassed for reporting the criminal conduct of numerous fbi agents as set forth in"

In early 1971, the FBI's domestic counterintelligence program (code named "COINTELPRO") was brought to light when a "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI" removed secret files from an FBI office in Media, PA and released them to the press. Agents began to resign from the Bureau and blow the whistle on covert operations. That same year, publication of the Pentagon Papers, the Pentagon's top-secret history of the Vietnam War, exposed years of systematic official lies about the war.


"It's what this CIA BITCH does best.If anyone actually THINKS this SNAKE isn't STILL on the Dark Side then better think again-her words,her supporters,those that she supports,and her attacks are VERY clear in EXPOSING who she STILL works for.

Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen"


"....and what are you, a cowardly punk, stalking the net in frantic search of every opportunity to vent your sick and degenerate mind. Besides, you are off topic, but the fools who usually assert such a violation are too afraid of you to call you on it. get lost.

Geral Sosbee"


I searched 'Lab Virus', looking for information on Alex Studer, who runs the site. Here's what I found.

[About Lab Virus

"My name is Alex (not Jones) and I started this site in March 2009 as the news of the very first outbreaks of H1N1 was happening.

I initially created this site to be a multimedia database for my own use as I began collecting information relative to the thesis these were lab viruses, and as time progressed it shaped into what it is today.

As far as info about me; I’m a regular American guy just like any other, with roots both in the deep south and here in Frisco.  I’m a pro musician and engineer/producer, and I love to do lots of things most normal, happy, people like to do.

I am a million years old, weigh 390, stand three foot four, have a peg leg and hook arm, and baldheaded with matching missing teeth, major facial acne, and lots of thick black back hair, in dreadlocks, that smells like freshly roasted llama, mixed with twenty-year old B.O. masked by layer upon layer of massive hippie overdoses of patchouli oilI’m your sexy wet dream, baby, yeah!

I am single, hetero, and actively dating. 

Take a number.

I also like blueberries."

Aside from the glaring ignorance displayed in his writings, and his staunch support of criminals and psycho-stalkers like Tim White, what kind of credibility can possibly be attributed to this buffoon, Alex Studer?

First, he doesn't even bother to give his last name (I had to search elsewhere for that).

And then, after we hear about his mediocre little self and how "normal" he is, he evidently thinks he can score some points with his readers by his pathetic and vulgar attempt at being a comedian. He sounds like a high school sophomore with a case of retarded development. 

And why in hell bother telling the readers he is "single, hetero and actively dating"? Who would be interested, and what could this possibly have to do with the topics he addresses on his website?

Is Alex Studer using his moronic website to look for a "date"?  It sure seems that way.

Good luck, Studer!  You'll need it....I can't imagine anyone would be lining up to "take a number."

But meanwhile, I suggest it would behoove you to go back to your cheap seat in the peanut gallery, and get the hell out of the crossfire.

Government stooges: By their fruits shall you know them

Barbara Hartwell Percival
March 30, 2011


EXPOSED: Government Shill Doug Millar's Shady History with Predicate Felon Tim White

Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp, Doug Millar: Major Promotion by a "Dr. A. True Ott"

Lowlife Alex McGowin [Studer]: Supporter of Predicate Felon, Criminal Stalker Tim White & Accomplices

Predicate Fellon, Fed Snitch Tim White Featured on Snitchwire

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Stalker: A Tale of Demonic Persecution

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44
Timothy Patrick White aka Tim White aka Patrick Alexander aka George Mateski. Here are some irrefutable facts, all of which are a matter of public record. Tim White is a career criminal and predicate felon who made a deal with corrupt feds/cops to get out of jail, for what was supposed to be a four (4) year sentence, but of which he only served five (5) months.

The nature of the deal? White became a fed snitch and provocateur, tasked with harassing, stalking, threatening and libeling/slandering anyone who is deemed a "problem" for the government, as well as their friends, family and associates.

Given the fact that Tim White is an aggressive, loudmouthed, meddlesome  busybody by nature; as well as a delusional psychopath and G-Man wannabe, White took to his role as a rabid hyena takes to attacking any creature who crosses his path. 

However, there is another felony crime for which White was never charged: possession of child pornography, which was a part of White's large collection of vile pornographic paraphernalia, including clothing worn by female prostitutes, in which Tim White dressed as a transvestite/drag queen.

No, it is not a crime to be a transvestite, nor a sex pervert, as long as your activities do not harm others or violate their rights.  In my opinion, it is utterly loathsome to use any kind of  pornography. Others may not agree; however,  CHILD PORNOGRAPHY is another story altogether. Not only is it among the worst possible abominations to God, it is also a felony crime, and for good reason. And who, but an evildoer of the lowest order, a scum criminal, could  possibly have any part of targeting innocent children for sex-slavery and sexual assaults, which ruin a child's life forever, even if he or she survives such hideous abuse and torture.

When White was released from prison in 2002, he began stalking, harassing and threatening   people whom, for one reason or another, the government deemed to be "subversives", "enemies of the state", "dissidents". Who are these individuals?  They are legitimate whistleblowers (mostly former intelligence/law enforcement), journalists, expositors of government corruption. They are patriots, people who love this country and are willing to fight to the death against the tyrants who are destroying this nation from within.

But even before this time, Tim White began his criminal harassment of Barbara Hartwell, in August 2001. White relayed a bogus death threat against an innocent man (Jeff Swedenburg, whom White claimed was a "CIA assassin" who had threatened to kill me), shortly before his arrest on the drug-trafficking charge. In fact,  Swedenburg was no "CIA assassin", but rather former Special Forces, whom the government also wanted to neutralize. At no time had he threatened to kill Barbara Hartwell. Ironically, Jeff later became my bodyguard. 

Tim White, from Day One, proved himself a malicious and despicable liar who had sold out to save his own sorry hide at any price.

But unfortunately for me and numerous others, there were many, many more lies to come...

Tim White, on orders from his government controllers, later targeted a designated list of such individuals, who were to be neutralized.  White also targeted ANYONE who had any connection to Barbara Hartwell. My friends, family, professional colleagues, talk show hosts who interviewed me on their programs, editors of websites who published my material.

But it isn't only harassment, stalking (including cyber-stalking) and threats. White also promotes his outlandish conspiracy theories against targets, in massive libel/slander campaigns, accusing us of being government agents (most often CIA/FBI), "FRAUDS", "LIARS", and slinging around  obscene language, especially against any woman, whom he calls "SLUT", "WHORE", "TROLLOP" and much worse.

White's loathsome handiwork (and that of his accomplices) can be found on literally hundreds of websites and message boards all over the World Wide Web. (Especially see these government disinfo sites: the Unhived Mind, owned by Craig Oxley; Educate-Yourself, owned by Ken Adachi; Friends of Liberty, owned by Todd Brendan Fahey; Rumor Mill News, owned by Rayelan Allan; Lab Virus, owned by Alex McGowin Studer; 9-11 Mother of All Black Operations, owned by James F. Marino.)

Tim White also perpetrates monstrous invasions of privacy, posting the UNLISTED, PRIVATE street addresses of targets, for the express purpose of soliciting additional crimes of stalking and harassment against targets. Soliciting a crime IS A CRIME, in and of itself. What's worse, White publishes outrageous lies against targets, which accompany their street addresses, and even photos of the targets' homes.

I do not know how many people White has targeted, over a period of years, and I am certain there are many more than I know of.  Some have not addressed the issue publicly; some, using screen  names, cannot be identified; some are deceased.

Here I give just a short list of the targets of Tim White.  There are some whom I do not know personally; and a few whom I do not endorse or support. However, most of the individuals White has targeted are people I do know, a number of whom are my friends, family or colleagues. But no matter who they are, there is simply NO EXCUSE for stalking, harassment, threats or bearing false witness against them --Tim White's behavior constitutes naked aggression of the worst kind!

For the purposes of this report, I have given a list of names only. I have not detailed White's specific offenses against the targets. Anyone who wants details or more information/evidence may check the reports on this site, or conduct a search for further information. 


Geral Sosbee
Barbara Hartwell and Family
Andrew Jackson Percival Jr. and Family (includes Barbara Hartwell)
Al Martin
Stew Webb
Doreen Bishop
Jackie McGauley
Jeff Swedenburg and Family
Jon Morrow  
Ellen Mariani
Karl Schwarz 
Janet Phelan
James Phelan 
Michael Herzog and Family 
Keith Hansen and Family
Thomas Richards and Family
Roy Stewart and Family 
Joe Lanier
John Perna
Rick Biesada
Frank Nulton 
Rick Stanley and Family 
John Stadtmiller
Ray Fernandez
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Sherri Kane
Jenny Hatch
Wayne Prante
Alfred Webre
Eric May
Christopher Bollyn
Jeremy Floyd
Ed Schooling
Carl F. Worden
Charles Giuliani
John F. McManus
Harold Shurtleff
Mark Gutglueck
Tim King
Jason Houk

David Hinkson

The crimes against persons and civil offenses of Tim White include: stalking on foot/in vehicles; cyber-stalking; felony threatening (threats of violence and death); criminal menacing; aggravated harassment; blackmail; extortion; vehicular hit and run, leaving injured parties at the scene of the crime; road rage; harassment by telephone; harassment by e-mail; outrageous libel and slander.   

As for Tim White's accomplices, these include those who have been complicit in White's criminal harassment of journalists/whistleblowers, and/or who have, at any time, endorsed, supported, defended or promoted him, and/or disseminated his outrageous lies about targets.

When I use the word "accomplice", I include anyone and everyone who has ever, to my knowledge, in any way, aided and abetted the criminal and civil offenses of Tim White.  Again, there are many 'anonymous cowards' in addition to those listed here (all of whom I consider 'known cowards')  whose names I may never know. Who, but a contemptible spineless coward would ever aid and abet an evildoer like Tim White?

Todd Brendan Fahey
"Xena Carpenter" (aka Todd Fahey)
Ted Gunderson
Clarence Malcolm
John DeCamp
Doug Millar
Daryl Sturgis (aka Tim Hall)
Rayelan Allan
Charles Bruce Stewart
Eric Jon Phelps
Greg Syzmanski
Craig Oxley
Alex McGowin Studer
A. True Ott
James Rothstein
Ken Adachi
Don Nicoloff
Pamela Schuffert
Larry Lawson
Lenny Bloom (aka Martin Thall)
Brenda Negri
'James L. Choron" (aka Brenda Negri)
Sherry Shriner
Aaron James
James F. Marino
Michelle Ray
Marie Buchanan
Christina Kanas
Marilyn Guinnane
Francine Kelly
Shirley Anderson
Vanessa Davis
Gerry Donaldson
Stephen Calkins
Mike Eggleston
Drew Raines
Dennis Slatton
Rosalee Grable (aka Webfairy)
David Horspool
Thomas Reisinger
Virginia McCollough
Marsha McClelland

Now, let's hear from one of Tim White's targets, investigative journalist Sherri Kane.  Sherri wrote some excellent articles exposing Tim White and accomplices, after White began to attack her with harassment, libel, threats and cyber-stalking.

Sherri Kane wrote:

"White similarly harassed ex-CIA agent, Barbara Hartwell, who reported, "White made a deal with criminal government operatives and law enforcement personnel, for a get-out-of-jail-free card in 2002. . . . [He] seeks out any and every high profile whistleblower, patriot or investigator he hears about, reads about, or otherwise learns about.""

For several articles by Sherri Kane, which expose Tim White, Ted Gunderson and accomplices, see:
Latest Threats

One of Tim White's longtime accomplices is Charles Bruce Stewart , who calls himself "Brother Chuck", one of the fraudulent "Christian Brothers" who attack legitimate whistleblowers and journalists on a regular basis. Stewart read Sherri's article and as usual, decided to chime in, in defense of his pal, Tim White. 

CBS [Charles Bruce Stewart] Comment:

"Tim White is a hothead; but he is also one of the most advanced conspiracy-researchers & confronters of evil on the planet. Tim White sometimes does attack people who do not deserve it, but most of the time he is "Right On the Money". I have not seen the evidence in this controversy between Ms Kane & Mr White, but I know Mr White very well, & I do not know Ms Kane at all, & I am inclined to believe that Ms Kane is in error in her accusation against Mr White here."

CBS [Charles Bruce Stewart] Comment:

"Ms Hartwell is a devil-worshiping forked-tongued lair [liar]. I have had many interactions with Ms Hartwell over the years, & she has consistently been on the side of disinformation, subversion, & evil.  Giving credit where it is due, much of her general account about the evils of the present government are true, but remember that the most skilled disinformation artists know well how to fold fatal lies in between numerous truths, & this is Ms Hartwell's modus-operandi, & anyone who says different is a liar. Conflicts between Mr White & Ms Hartwell have been on-going for decades, & each have their own camps of supporters, & I am in Mr White's camp of supporters. If Ms Kane is really pure of heart in her composition of this article, then she has made a fatal-error in supporting the position of Ms Hartwell in her article here."

CBS [Charles Bruce Stewart] Comment:

"Un-biased reviews of the available Evidence indicates that Ms Hartwell is much more closely linked to the CIA than is Mr White.  Greg Szymanski & True Ott are both profoundly-advanced conspiracy-researchers, as is Eric John Phelps. These are the "two camps" of conspiracy researchers & whistleblowers which I mentioned above; & one of these camps is definitely controlled by the forces of the darkest evil. Readers, & Ms Kane, choose your positions carefully; an apocalyptic end-game battle is looming, & there will be no chance to take your words back & change the camp to which you have declared your loyalties."

CBS [Charles Bruce Stewart] Comment:

"Tim White was forced to flee to Vancouver BC from Colorado a few years back(2006) because of threats against his life. All of Ms Kane's whining for persecuted patriots is slanted here in the directly on of the Hartwell camp, & it gives no recognition for the similar persecutions suffered in the White/Phelps camp. That is "Biased Reporting", Ms Kane, aka "Propaganda", Ms Kane."

The first I ever heard of Charles Stewart was when he contacted my friend, former FBI agent Geral Sosbee.  At first, CBS presented himself as a "supporter" of Sosbee, promoting his website, Sosbee vs. FBI, and calling him "FBI Hero".

Shortly thereafter, however, CBS launched a vicious attack on Geral, claiming he was "mind-controlled from birth", impugning his sanity, and trying to draw Geral into his little clique of "mind-control conspiracy theorists", which included a number of government stooges, shills and provocateurs, all of whom I consider false Christians, including Larry Lawson, Tim White, Shirley Anderson (White's then "girlfriend") Pam Schuffert et al. Stewart was also heavily into promoting the "Monarch" mind control cult of criminal and charlatan Fritz Springmeier and his associate, Cisco Wheeler.

Outraged at Stewart's unwarranted attack on Geral Sosbee, I wrote an open letter, defending my friend and colleague, Sosbee, and exposing Stewart for the ignorant and arrogant fool that he is.

See: Ex-FBI Whistleblower Attacked by Former Supporter

Mr. Stewart then began attacking Barbara Hartwell by spreading the outrageous lies fabricated by Tim White, Shirley Anderson, Larry Lawson, Ken Adachi, Brenda Negri and their ilk, all of whom happen to be the minions and stooges of COINTELPRO Kingpin Ted L. Gunderson.

CBS: "Tim White is a hothead; but he is also one of the most advanced conspiracy-researchers & confronters of evil on the planet."

Mr. Stewart is a loudmouthed, aggressive busybody and ignoramus. He has no idea what he is talking about. White is not any kind of "researcher", much less an "investigator" or "whistleblower, as he ludicrously boasts when signing his name to the trash he posts.  He's an uneducated rank amateur, a G-Man wannabe with an axe to grind. If Stewart's idea of a "hothead" is a predicate felon and career criminal who THREATENS and STALKS targets on behalf of the government, then he is  far more stupid or far more evil (possibly both) than I have previously given him credit for.  

CBS: "I have had many interactions with Ms Hartwell over the years..."

FACT: This is a bald-faced lie.  There have been NO "interactions" whatsoever between myself and Charles Stewart. Stewart does not know me. I have had no direct contact with Stewart, but rather have exposed Stewart on various occasions in my reports, along with his cohorts, accomplices and supporters, including Tim White.

I do not "interact" with government stooges and malicious liars like CB Stewart. It is my policy that I do not engage in conversations, arguments or debates with my adversaries. I simply investigate them, refute their lies, and expose them for the public record.

CBS: "Conflicts between Mr White & Ms Hartwell have been on-going for decades, & each have their own camps of supporters, & I am in Mr White's camp of supporters."

FACT: Tim White began his criminal harassment of me in August 2001 (before which time I had never heard of him), by promoting a bogus death threat, claiming that a "CIA assassin" was planning to murder me. The person White accused was an innocent party.

I investigated the situation, investigated White himself and then exposed Tim White as the criminal stalker , malicious liar and fed snitch he is.

If the time period between August 2001 and August 2010 (nine years, to be exact) is considered by Stewart to be "decades", then maybe he should do the math for himself-- that is, assuming he is capable, which I doubt.

And for Stewart's edification, it is not a matter of "conflicts" between Barbara Hartwell and Tim White.  In reality, there is a criminal stalker (Tim White) who has harassed and threatened a target (Barbara Hartwell.) The target has thoroughly exposed the criminal stalker, for felony threats, criminal menacing, monstrous invasions of privacy, outrageous libel and slander, as have a number of other targets of this psychopath, Tim White.

In summary, Mr. Charles Stewart is a just another government stooge, a  pompous ass who knows nothing about any of the subjects (or persons) he addresses. Geral Sosbee has referred to Stewart as a "mental dwarf", and I couldn't agree more. 

CBS: "I have had much respect for Mr Horowitz, & Ms Burgermeister, but i have been out of deep conspiracy research for a while, & i was unaware that they were in the camp of Ms Hartwell."

FACT: I do not know any of these individuals personally or professionally. There is no "camp" in support of Barbara Hartwell, not among these people.  So why is Mr. Stewart making this out to be "all about Barbara Hartwell"? I'm sure my reports were cited by other journalists simply because they corroborated the experiences of the writers in relation to the criminal activities of Tim White.

CBS: "Tim White was forced to flee to Vancouver BC from Colorado a few years back(2006) because of threats against his life. All of Ms Kane's whining for persecuted patriots is slanted here in the directly on of the Hartwell camp, & it gives no recognition for the similar persecutions suffered in the White/Phelps camp. That is "Biased Reporting", Ms Kane, aka "Propaganda", Ms Kane."

Tim White, forced to flee? Maybe, but if so, the little punk was "forced to flee" out of sheer cowardice. He's a fugitive from JUSTICE, as a result of his many crimes against persons, over many years.  How many people have filed restraining orders against him, with no satisfaction? How many restraining orders has White violated?  There is no "persecution" against Tim White. White is himself the persecutor. But I must say, I wouldn't blame anyone who wanted to punch his one-way ticket to Hell. In fact, I'd call it vigilante justice.

Get off my case, Mr. Stewart. You only continue to expose yourself as a bumbling idiot and your "support" of this career criminal Tim White leaves no doubt as to your allegiance to the "evil" of which you accuse others, most notably Barbara Hartwell.

Now, let's move on to yet another supporter, promoter and accomplice of Tim White. His name is Alex McGowin Studer. I had never heard of this lowlife character until he started posting Tim White's libelous falsehoods about Barbara Hartwell on his moronic website, 'Lab Virus'.

I countered Studer's idiocy by exposing him in a report, which refuted the lies of Tim White and accomplices, including White's "other half" of the demonic duo, Todd Brendan Fahey (another malicious liar and criminal psycho stalker) and "Xena Carpenter" (one of many pseudonyms used by Todd Fahey).

Studer then began to attack me in several moronic articles, accusing me of being "CIA" (how very tiresome it gets...); and of "attacking" his "respected" friends (including Tim White, Ted Gunderson), along with slinging vulgar epithets, which, lacking any knowledge, facts or evidence, was clearly the best he could do. Studer is yet another belligerent ignoramus, aggressive busybody  and government stooge, a rank amateur of the ilk of his pals, most notably Tim White.

But I'll let Alex McGowin Studer speak for himself. Here is an excerpt from his website, Lab Virus. I have included all the names on his so-called "mega-douche" list.  As for the names of his heroes, "patriots" and "saints", I have included only the names relevant to this report.  Note, though, that  Studer did not include Tim White on his list of "patriots"....what's up with that?

You may see the entire article on Lab Virus.


"My personal mega-douche list. Separating wheat from chaff

Len Horowitz – Knight of Malta, zionist/disinformation agent-provocateur
Sherri Kane (Caen): female slut version of the above.
Julian Assange – MKultra CIA-mossad puppet ultra-douche.
Jane Burgermeister – female version of Assange.
Barbara Hartwell – slut version of Burgermeister.
Lady Gaga – Male version of Burgermeister.
Alex Jones – zionist/neocon disinformation agent-provocateur
George Noory – this guy is just a douche, period.
Hal Turner – in federal prison – zionist/neocon disinformation agent-provocateur
Michael Moore – big fat twinkie-eating lying super-mega-douchebag zionist/neocon disinformation agent-provocateur, filmmaker.

For the rest, just visit the PSYOP wall of shame    

And who are the REAL patriots defending our Constitution and freedoms?

Ted Gunderson– retired Los Angeles FBI Station Chief
Dr A True Ott PhD -a true, gifted, SAINT
Doug Millar – relentlessly pursuing the satanists behind trauma-based mind control
Jim Rothstein
John DeCamp"

Note that Studer identifies two of the women on his "mega-douche" list, Sherri Kane and Barbara Hartwell as "sluts".

Alex Studer is so very typical of the "penis-envy eunuchs" (Tim White, Todd Fahey et al), ignorant loudmouthed vulgarians whose white-hot hatred of women compels them to attack us by calling  us "sluts", rather than address ISSUES or provide any facts to substantiate their unwarranted allegations against their targets.

Fool! How dare you call me or Sherri Kane a slut? You only further expose yourself as a parading idiot, a misogynist, a spineless coward and a government dupe who, in your absolute dearth of perception, discretion, discernment, facts or evidence, needs to resort to gross insults to fill the void.

Studer, like your cohorts, you are not a man, but a poor excuse for one.  And your obvious case of  "penis envy" is your problem, so don't attack others (including women) just because we have the courage and integrity you and your fellow stooges lack. 

As for some of those (listed above) whom you call "SAINTS" and "REAL PATRIOTS"?

Your ignorance is truly astounding!

They are the worst criminal scum on the face of the earth. These government-sponsored perps are liars, satanists, blackmailers and much worse. With "patriots" and "saints" like these, God help us all!

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
March 26, 2011

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA