Monday, May 31, 2010

Illegal Aliens Meet the Bimbo Road Show

The "Truth Fairy" Brooke Kelley
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."

The issue of illegal aliens is of grave concern to me, as I know it is to many others --at least those who are well-informed, armed with factual information about the true consequences of this alien invasion; those who defend Individual Liberty, as bestowed by God; and who care about preserving the sovereignty of this nation.

I could vent my outrage about the pervasive crimes committed by illegals, especially in the border states; about the rapes, murders and drug-running; about the high percentage of illegals who make up the prison populations; about the loss of American jobs; about the massive drain on our resources; about the globalist plot to lock down the North American Union, which necessarily involves allowing open borders and amnesty for illegals, most recently supported by the communist usurper "president"  (himself an illegal alien, not a natural born citizen)...I could go on and on...but I won't. The facts and the statistics are available for anyone who cares, and who is willing to take the time to do the research.

Anyone who is ignorant of/unconcerned with these issues probably won't want to read on...

But for those who do, I will offer just one example of the stunning ignorance  which is destroying this country, under the banner (and the misnomer) of "activism for freedom".

I first heard of a woman by the name of Brooke Kelley while listening to one of the programs on Republic Broadcasting Network, a show called Declare Your Independence, normally hosted by Ernest Hancock.

On this particular day, Friday, May 28, a sub host, Jet Lacey, had invited this guest whom he introduced as a "freedom activist" who travels around the country, and whom he said was staying at his home while in Phoenix.

As a longtime listener of RBN, I often keep the programs on in the background while I'm doing household chores; and although there are some shows I make a point of listening to whenever possible (Dave Champion, Bill Carns, John Stadtmiller), I sometimes find topics and guests of interest to me on certain other programs.

I listened for awhile to the guest, Brooke Kelley, as she spoke about what she called her "activism" for "freedom", but I soon lost interest, given that she sounded somewhat flaky; because it was clear to me she didn't know what she was talking about; and because her focus seemed mainly on dropping names of people in the so-called "patriot movement" (including Alex Jones, whom she said had "inspired" her) --rather than discussing serious issues. So I tuned out of RBN and went for a walk, as I needed a breath of fresh air.

But later that afternoon, I decided to listen to the National Intel Report. I was surprised to hear John Stadtmiller announce that the guest would once again be Brooke Kelley. But I stayed tuned in when John mentioned that the topic of discussion would be illegal aliens. I now understood that had I stayed tuned in to the first program with Ms. Kelley, I would have heard her appallingly ignorant views on this issue, as well as Stadtmiller himself calling in to the program to voice his absolute disagreement with Kelley's position on the illegals.

Here, in a nutshell, is what I heard: Brooke Kelley believes that illegal aliens have the "right" to be here, despite their violation of immigration laws.  She says there should be "compromise" in allowing them to stay; and even refuses to call them by their true designation: "illegal aliens."

It became clear to me why John Stadtmiller invited her on the program: he wanted to openly air the issue, to generate a debate, and to fully refute Brooke Kelley's position; to furnish the facts and the evidence; as well as to give callers the opportunity to respond. Great idea!

The response, thankfully, was predictable, as many well-informed listeners of RBN called in, all but one of whom (a woman by the name of "Renee", from North Carolina, vehement in her support of Kelley's foolishness) made it clear that Brooke Kelley's position on illegal aliens was uninformed, untenable and indefensible. 

I give these callers credit for their courtesy, as they outlined the true facts and  attempted to reason with Kelley. They even tried to educate her, but Kelley would have none of it --she just blithely continued on her merry way, exposing herself as a pretentious fool.

Her response was also predictable, and I've seen it countless times. She chose the typical refuge of the ignoramus when confronted with the truth: Ignore the evidence, dismiss the facts and just stick to your own opinions, uninformed as they may be. 

John Stadtmiller was also patient, courteous and tried to reason with Brooke Kelley. He took the time to furnish documentation about illegal aliens, including about their agenda (in their own words) to take over certain territories which they claim "belong" to them. 

Kelley's response? She agreed with and defended the illegals, claiming they "owned" areas of our country, that they had been wronged, and that gave them the "right" to take portions of this country for themselves.

Throughout the show, Kelley engaged in shameless self-promotion, claimed she was a "freedom fighter"; that she was "against the New World Order" and said that she had been arrested several times for her "activism". She claimed to be a "target" of the government, and boasted, "the government doesn't like people like me."

I would have to say, in all truth, and in my considered professional opinion,  that the government would have absolutely no problem with someone who expresses such sentiments, and that the New World Order couldn't find a better advocate than Brooke Kelley, who has clearly been duped by leftist and liberal elements, and the government shills of the controlled opposition. And though I can't quote Stadtmiller precisely, he expressed the same basic idea.

Near the beginning of the second hour, I was so outraged, listening to the absurd arguments of this silly woman, I could not restrain myself any longer, so I decided to call in. It is a rare occurrence for me to call in to talk shows, as I usually pay a heavy price, that being having the government operatives and their shills and stooges who monitor the talk shows attacking me in print and on radio, most frequently accusing me of being  a "CIA disinfo agent".

It took me the better part of the hour to get through, as the lines were jammed; lots of other outraged callers were ahead of me, but my call was finally taken in the last segment of the show.

I stated my name; explained that I was a longtime listener of RBN, and that over the years, had been a guest on some of the shows, and said that I had called in support of John Stadtmiller's position. The illegals had no "right" to be here. This country is a Constitutional Republic. We have God-given Individual Rights, protected and guaranteed under the Constitution, and illegal aliens have no constitutional protections in this country, and no place interfering or taking over --not here!

I didn't have much air time, as the show was about to end --but in any case, the self-proclaimed  "freedom fighter", and "patriot", Brooke Kelley, hardly allowed me to speak, but interrupted me every few words, with her declarations about the necessity of "unity" with, and "love" of the illegal aliens.

Speaking for myself (and many others) I don't need "unity" with criminals, including illegal aliens. And although I can't argue against "love", at least in a Christian sense, I will not sacrifice my God-given rights, nor will I allow hordes of alien invaders to take over my country, not on my watch, not without a fight.

Most important of all, I love my grandchildren, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure their rights and freedoms are protected --from all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

I've watched, with horror, the demonstrations by these illegals, aggressively demanding the "rights"  which are not theirs to take. Not here! Let them go through the proper lawful channels if they want to live here; let them learn English, and let them respect the God-given rights of the natural born citizens.

Failing that, let them go back where they came from, and let them demand their "rights" in their own country. 

Barbara Hartwell Percival
May 31, 2010


I did a little research on Brooke Kelley, and here's what I found.

She promotes herself as: "the truth fairy" (a title she also gave herself on the radio programs.)

Brooke Kelley has various websites, and is a member of Facebook and My Space.

From those sites, here's a list of just some of the groups, individuals and ideology supported and promoted by Brooke Kelley:

[Dennis Kucinich
John McCain
Noam Chomsky
Alex Jones
My Hot Date with Jason Bermas
Witchcraft (The Wiccan Glade)
Reality TV
Illegal aliens
The U.S. Constitution
Hollywood Parties]

According to Brooke Kelley, she also "likes": 
"Intelligent, classy, well-educated women who say "F*ck" a lot."

And, speaking of the "F" word, I also took the time to watch one short video (one was all I could stomach) called "Patriot Reality", starring the "patriot" and "freedom fighter", Brooke Kelley and an unidentified man.

Ms. Kelley presented herself in what appeared to be a hotel room, in a state of partial undress, along with the man (also in the same state), who used the "F" word in almost every sentence. 

The main topic of conversation? Brooke Kelley's legs (a closeup for the camera!) and asking the man whether she should be wearing boots without socks, because she wanted him to notice her legs....whatever would make him happy...then, pouting for the camera in a display of bad acting, about how she was arrested for her activism. 

The camera next captures an exhibitionist scene of Brooke Kelley parading around the room, displaying (and shaking) various body parts --then suddenly cuts to a "freedom rally" in New Hampshire, Kelley brandishing a megaphone, exhorting passers-by to "join the freedom movement!"

(Has she been taking acting lessons from Alex Jones?)

As far as I am able to determine, Brooke Kelley has a long way to go if she truly aspires to fight for freedom or call herself a "patriot". 

First, she might start by dropping the bimbo road show and putting her ego in a box. Forget advertising the "hot dates", starring in "Reality TV" and promoting the Hollywood parties.

Secondly, she needs to get educated and informed before presuming to promote herself as some sort of traveling messenger of Truth and Freedom and Patriot Icon.

A little humility might be in order as well. It would certainly behoove Ms. Kelley to listen to those who DO know whereof they speak; who HAVE paid their dues, who HAVE made the sacrifices to defend Liberty; who DO understand the true meaning of freedom and of the God-given, unalienable rights, guaranteed and protected under the U.S. Constitution. 

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust


Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day 2010: A National Disgrace

NOTE: Former FBI agent Geral Sosbee is a Vietnam veteran. Since being forced to retire from the FBI in 1978, he has been brutally persecuted, simply because he refused to go along with the corruption inside the FBI; and because he honored his oath to defend the Constitution.

The treatment he has received --being targeted for psy war terror tactics-- is tragically emblematic of how the government of the United States of America views those who have served their country with honor, but who have also taken a righteous stand against criminals in the federal government.

I have personally witnessed the the unconscionable treatment of many of America's veterans, including those among my friends, family and professional colleagues. I have spoken to these individuals at length, I have listened to their horror stories, I have wept with them, and for them, and I have heard the angels weep.

Geral Sosbee is one of those veterans. He knows from firsthand experience whereof he speaks.

I thank my good friend Geral for speaking out. And I agree wholeheartedly that Memorial Day 2010 is a national disgrace.

May 28, 2010

From Geral Sosbee

Memorial Day 2010: A National Disgrace

27 May 2010

See my comments this Memorial Day on the outrageous criminal activities of the fbi/cia,et al against veterans, even as Gary Sinise parades about in pretentious concern for our suffering vets.

This Memorial Day is day of National Disgrace for the corrupt USA's treatment of its own war veterans and for this nation's phony wars on the people of the world.The so-called "GOP Savior" Gary Sinise should stop insulting the veterans with his pretense of concern for them, especially as many suffer from unlawful assaults & mistreatment by the thugs of the government of the United States of America (i.e.: the fbi/cia assassins).

See my reports on this subject as follows: The intel services (fbi/cia) force suicide on some veterans with the full knowledge of VA. Other veterans prefer death to a padded cell or jail. In any event , Gary Sinise, stop the charade that USA cares for and has patience with its veterans. You are an actor, Gary, now playing politician on the backs of injured and killed veterans. Your silly ads are sadly laughable to all knowledgeable vets. 

Actor Gary Sinise, floated as possible GOP savior by Nicole Wallace, a political advisor to George W.

See: [link]

[QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210]

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Thailand is a corrupt kingdom. It is also a hotbed of horrific exploitation of children. Child sex slavery runs rampant --where children are forced into prostitution, often by their own parents; where law enforcement refuses to defend the rights of abused children; where the government (and police agencies) aid and abet the horrific crimes against children; where 'sex tours' cater to the hideous perversions of American and European perverts, including politicians and business people.

Anyone who cares about human rights would be remiss in NOT boycotting this appalling regime, where human rights abuses are the order of the day.

I am disgusted, appalled and outraged to know that young children are routinely  at the mercy of vile rapists, and that they have no protection, no recourse under the law.

But child abuse is only one of a number of issues in this hell-bound kingdom of Thailand. Here, the testimony of former FBI agent Geral Sosbee, who reports on the brutal persecution directed against him in Thailand.


Do not travel there. Do not support the government, business interests or the economy!

Thailand is Satan's kingdom.

Get behind me Satan!

Barbara Hartwell Percival
May 26, 2010


From ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee: 
24 May 2010 @ 14:21

In response to my recent *report on the homicidal cia control of the corrupt Thai government and its pathetic little king, I received the following message from *** 'citylife':

"fromPim Kemasingki
to geral
dateMon, May 24, 2010 at 1:10 AM
subjectRE: Citylife Contact: Contact a Citylife writer (geral)
hide details 1:10 AM (7 hours ago)

You disgusting piece of worm. How dare you say such ignorant things? Stick your dirty nose out of what you know nothing about and don't you DARE insult our beloved king to us. Shoo."

-----Original Message-----
From: geral []
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 11:12 PM
To: Pim Kemasingki
Subject: Citylife Contact: Contact a Citylife writer (geral)

Contact a Citylife writer:
***OWNER Pim sends another hopefully final message:

"fromPim Kemasingki
togeral sosbee
dateWed, May 26, 2010 at 2:05 AM
subjectRE: Citylife Contact: Other (geral sosbee)
hide details 2:05 AM (6 hours ago)

YOU emailed me first. YOU insulted my King. Now just simply go away, that is all I have asked. YOU are harassing me. I am the owner of this company, so for the last time, take your slander and your horrid emails and SHOO."

* Here is my report that Pim finds distasteful; note that Chiangmai is the Thai city where the fbi/cia assaulted & tormented me for three months with the complete assistance of the Thai police and the Thai Royal Police [I believe that the king should reside along the banks of the sewer rivers that flow in impoverished areas throughout the Thai kingdom, including in Bangkok; and that the filth of the diseased ridden open sewers mirrors the same toxic poison that is the homicidal arrogance of Thailand's ruling elite]:

The Thai government is under the firm control of the homicidal cia; the people there know it and they are ready to stop the Royal thugs in power. Then, as Thailand falls, China picks up the pieces in all Asia, including Taiwan & **Korea. Even Japan will reel as China turns the tables. The sea of Japan becomes the sea of China; and the American presence in that part of the globe becomes a bad dream to all who live through the continuing turmoil. Finally,as is expected the failed and murderous leadership of usa brings suffering and death around the globe.

see: [link]

* *
The South Koreans warriors-psychopaths now realize that they have aligned with the losing party (i.e.: the USA) in the global conflict for Liberty.