Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Radio Program on Former IRS Agent Turned Whistleblower Sherry Jackson


Saturday, January 2, 2010
The American Awakening hosted by Michael Herzog
Oracle Broadcasting

Please tune in to The American Awakening on the first Saturday of the new year. Host Michael Herzog, Barbara Hartwell and Colin Jackson, Sherry's husband, will be discussing the case of Sherry Jackson, the courageous former IRS agent who is now a political prisoner, for the simple reason that she told the truth about the IRS, "federal income taxes" and related issues.

Sherry was one of the presenters in Aaron Russo's documentary film, America: Freedom to Fascism.  (If you haven't seen this film, order it --preferably multiple copies-- and then loan or give it to everyone who might benefit from seeing it.  That probably means most of your friends and relatives, who may not be aware of what is really going  on in this country.)

As for the price Sherry paid for her valor and honesty in trying to help others, perjury was suborned from false witnesses, Sherry's former colleagues, even those she considered friends. Sherry was set up, railroaded, unlawfully arrested, tried and convicted of a "crime" she did not commit.

But back to the present. The last anyone heard from Sherry was on December 17, 2009.  I've been in contact with Sherry's husband Colin and we are trying to get as much publicity for Sherry's situation as possible.

At the time of this writing, we still do not know the state of her health, which was at one point so bad that Colin put out a public appeal for assistance to get proper medical care for Sherry while at the Coleman prison in Florida.

Recently, Sherry was moved to another facility in Talahassee, Florida. We believe this was a punitive action taken against her because Sherry's friends and supporters were able to generate too much publicity (and scrutiny on them) for their liking. Sherry was blamed, falsely accused of contacting the media, which we know she did not do.

Sherry's husband and children were separated from her at Christmas, though they had been looking forward to visiting her at Coleman during that time.

I once had the honor of sharing a radio broadcast with Sherry Jackson, on Michael Herzog's program during his tenure at RBN (January, 2008). We shared our stories, and talked about the hazards of being a whistleblower.  Now, I consider it an honor to be back on Michael's program with Sherry's husband Colin.  The topic will be the same, but this time the stakes are much higher.

Please join us for this important program with Colin Jackson; and please join with us in our efforts to help Sherry and to hold government/prison officials accountable for all the harm done to Sherry Jackson. Let's all work together and do all in our power to see that Sherry Jackson is set free and returned to her home and family.

Free Sherry Jackson!

Barbara Hartwell Percival
December 30, 2009

The American Awakening Website

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Urgent Appeal for Political Prisoner Sherry Jackson

Urgent Appeal for Political Prisoner Sherry Jackson

I've been posting updates on Sherry Jackson ever since I heard about her illness at the beginning of December. 

I spoke to Sherry's husband Colin by telephone earlier this month, and the last I heard, he thought they had moved Sherry to another facility, but he was not sure where she was. That was on December 17.

In hope of finding an update, each day I kept checking the Free Sherry Campaign site:

But the last update was on December 17.

I am very concerned for Sherry's welfare.  I have been praying for her and her family, and today I called a mutual friend of mine and the Jacksons, to see if she'd heard any news.  She hadn't, so I asked her to call Colin.

Here's what she found out:

No one has heard from Sherry since Thursday, December 17th.  They did move her, as they told him that they had, to investigate why she "may" have contacted the press, which would violate rules. They know she did not do this.

Colin is quite confident that Sherry has been moved to Talahassee, FL.   He thinks a federal prison but yet does not know the exact name but suggested I look on google for the location.  I did and this is what I found.

Bureau of Prisons website    

He said her inmate number remains the same: 59085-019

Name: Sherry P Jackson
Register#: 59085-019
Age: 47
Race: Black
Sex: F
Release Date: 08-08-2011

I find this situation very distressing. Sherry was prevented from having Christmas with her family, and has not even been able to speak to them.  And I happen to know that Sherry did NOT contact the press. But a lot of us who care DID contact as many journalists as possible. Sherry should not be blamed for that, nor should there have been punitive measures taken.

We do not know anything about the current state of Sherry's health.  And I repeat: NO ONE (including her husband) has heard anything from Sherry since before the last update was posted on the Free Sherry Campaign site.

Christians, Patriots, Defenders of Liberty, Messengers of Truth, Everyone who cares:


Please post/forward this message far and wide!

And don't stop with that, there's a lot more you can do!

Please pray for Sherry Jackson and her family.

To write to Sherry Jackson:


For a recent feature article/commentary by investigative journalists Barbara Hartwell and Joe Lanier see:

Special Message to Radio Talk Show Hosts: Please plan a special program to publicize Sherry's case.

To Radio Listeners: Call in to talk shows and start a conversation about Sherry's case, even if another topic is being discussed.

Thank you all for your consideration and God bless every one of you who does something to help Sherry.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
December 27, 2009

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, December 21, 2009

Government Stooges' War on Whistleblowers: Spotlight on Tim White & Francine Kelly

Most of the world's problems would be solved if only aggressive people would leave other people alone. Some of us (including me) just want to be left alone. Others (control freaks, aggressors and government officials) just won't leave us alone. Therein lies our problem.
--Barbara Hartwell quote (letter to a friend), 1967, age 16

For as long as there's been an intelligence community, there have been intel groupies and camp followers. These rank amateurs, these wannabes, attempt to attach themselves to (former or current) intelligence professionals.  Some of the professionals claim to be "whistleblowers", and the groupies, seeking attention and approval for themselves, and having no experience, training or background of their own, are hoping to latch on and bask in the reflected light.

What a sorry lot!  Without exception, they are loud, rude and aggressive. Their methods are crude and bumbling, and their profound ignorance of the topics they address is glaringly apparent.  Ignorance and arrogance: it's a bad combination and these intel groupies display it in spades.

But the bottom line is this:  In their self-serving aggression, they just refuse to leave others alone, no matter how many times they are warned to stop their aggression, interference and meddling. They are gatecrashers whose aggression knows no bounds. And like their government masters, they won't stop until they are forced to stop.

I for one, intend to stop them, by any and all lawful and ethical means necessary! Some people have asked me why I bother exposing these little nobodies (Tim White, Francine Kelly et al) when I could be focusing on those evildoers at the top. My answer: They may be nobodies, but the damage they do is not to be dismissed or forgotten. They need to be exposed and their lies refuted, from time to time, inconsequential though they may be. And like their government masters (whom I do also expose), they should be held accountable for their lies, their harassment and their wrongdoing.

Should any of them escape exposure simply because they are mere slugs, nobodies and low-level lackeys? No, no, no! Each and every one of them has exercised their free will and decided on aggression as opposed to loving their neighbor as themselves; and respecting the rights of others; they have rejected the philosophy of live and let live, meaning leaving others alone to live their lives as they see fit.  They have brought upon themselves any and all criticism and exposure by their innocent targets, myself included.  And I have no doubt that they will certainly see God's Justice, whether in this life or the next.

Would any legitimate whistleblower tolerate the behavior of these hangers-on? Would they associate with them? Would they promote or support them? Would they call them "friends"? Would they share "inside information"?  In a word: no.  In several words: no, never, not in this life or any other. Rather, we will expose them and warn others about their self-serving, self-aggrandizing deceit and treachery.

But unfortunately, there are many others, who, while they may have a legitimate claim to the background and training in intelligence work which their fawning groupies lack, are all too eager to enlist these stooges and exploit them for their own ends. Certainly such is the case in the COINTELPRO-style operations.  This gaggle of amateurs and wannabes  (including Tim White and Francine Kelly) are nothing but useful idiots, though they fancy themselves "players", and even "intelligence assets".  Absurd! Preposterous!


One of the most notorious of  these intel groupies is Timothy Patrick White, a career criminal who latches onto anyone who will lend an ear to his bizarre conspiracy theories (none of which are backed up by facts or evidence); and who is used as an attack dog by corrupt government officials (former and current) to harass, stalk, libel and slander legitimate whistleblowers whom the feds want to neutralize.

Tim White is nothing more than a loud-mouthed aggressor, who slings around obscene language and threats. Yet oddly enough, Tim White promotes himself  (among other self-aggrandizing titles) as: "Investigator"; "Whistleblower". But White has no training or experience whatsoever as any sort of  "investigator."  He is, in point of fact, uneducated and has no background in any professional field or discipline.  As for "whistleblower"?  You can't be a whistleblower unless you were INVOLVED in the operations and/or were a direct witness to the corruption/crime(s) being exposed. And White was never involved in anything of consequence.

But worst of all, Tim White has wreaked havoc in the lives of countless journalists, radio talk show hosts, genuine whistleblowers (former law enforcement/intelligence professionals/military, etc.) I call them Messengers of Truth.

As for anyone who exposes real truth, based on facts and supported by evidence, White will home in on these individuals like a heat-seeking missile. He'll first try to get their attention and insinuate himself into their good graces by claiming he has "important inside info" on.....fill in the blank.....

Then, he'll drop a few names he thinks will impress the target, stating that he is a "personal friend" of this so-and-so...or that so-and-so....(Examples: Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp, James Rothstein, Eric Phelps.) What White, in his ignorance and stupidity, does not realize, is that these very names will throw up a red flag which will cause any intelligent, discerning person to avoid contact with the likes of Tim White.

I've heard the same story from numerous acquaintances, friends, colleagues and even strangers, who have contacted me, stating that they have read my reports about this criminal stalker, Tim White; and further, stating, in their outrage, that White has targeted THEM for stalking; criminal harassment; threats (including death threats); libel/slander; outrageous violations of privacy (publishing private info like telephone numbers, street addresses, etc.).....and in certain cases, all of the above!

In reality, White has no access to any "inside information" on any subject. His so-called "inside info" is nothing but:  1) wild speculation;  2) old news/common knowledge recycled by White; 3) information which White scavenges off other people's work on the Internet, then claims as his own; 4) disinformation fed to him by corrupt (former or current) government officials, which he then disseminates far and wide; 5) His own false assumptions, delusions, etc, etc.; 6) malicious gossip fabricated and promoted by his fellow stooges and wannabes.

For just a little background on G-Man wannabe, government stooge, Tim White, here's an excerpt from a report (April, 2009):

Unbelievable as it would seem, Tim White is still on the loose...harassing, stalking, threatening the lives of targets. His libel and slander of targets is more prolific than ever, and may be found on numerous message boards and websites all over the World Wide Web.

In fact, White has more accomplices than ever before: those who support and/or defend and/or promote him (including his libelous and defamatory writings and malicious lies, some of which are disseminated as gossip and slander); and/or are using him to do their dirty work in targeting legitimate whistleblowers and journalists.

Some of the accomplices of Timothy Patrick White (only a partial list): Ken Adachi; Pam Schuffert; Ted Gunderson; John DeCamp; Todd Brendan Fahey; Brenda Negri; Larry Lawson; Charles Bruce Stewart; "Xena Carpenter" (identity unknown); Francine Kelly; James Rothstein; Mark Hostlaw; Marilyn Guinnane; Don Nicoloff; Craig Oxley; Eric Phelps; Aaron James.

For those who may have been reading the outrageous lies disseminated by White and his cohorts, but who have yet to learn the real story, the unvarnished truth about Timothy Patrick White, here it is. This comprehensive summary was written in 2003.

A True (But Stranger-than-Fiction) Crime Case: Tim White, the Cross-dressing Conspiracy Theorist

Earlier this year (2009) White, on one of his usual libelous rampages against Barbara Hartwell,  teamed up with one of his silly intel groupie cohorts, a woman named Francine Kelly. 

Fed Snitch Timothy Patrick White: Criminal Harassment, Stalking & Death Threats

I had never heard of this Francine Kelly, until one day it came to my attention that she was sending out public group e-mails to a whole list of people, most of whose names I recognized. What's more, most of those on her list are connected in some way to Tim White.  And finally, a number of them are known to be gov't shills, bad guys and their stooges (also bad guys), and the usual crew of demonic liars, whackjobs and criminals. (See Francine Kelly's e-mail below for names/addresses.)

And, of most importance to me personally, many of these persons have libeled/slandered and/or harassed/stalked/persecuted Barbara Hartwell, over a period of a decade, and in some cases, longer.

To make myself crystal clear, I should state that given the persecution I have been targeted for these many years, anyone who supports, defends, promotes, or is otherwise associated/aligned with my known enemies, I consider an enemy.  That is my decision, my prerogative and my policy.

My way of looking at it is diametrically opposed to those who say: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. No, not for me. Rather, I say: The friend of my enemy is my enemy. That's the way it is, and I don't care who likes it or who doesn't.

Francine Kelly has become an aggressor.  She is now harassing me and like her pal, Tim White, is making absurd demands. Though I've tried to ignore this buffoon, Francine Kelly, as is typical of her ilk --the government stooge and intel groupie--she apparently just will not allow this.

So okay, Ms. Kelly, instead of ignoring you, let's give you the attention you are so desperately seeking. You are now exposed for who and what you are. Does this make you happy? Maybe it will teach you to leave others (namely me) alone and to mind your own business. Maybe it will teach you that if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. But if not, it will at least expose you as the parading idiot that you are.

Here's an e-mail header from Tim White to accomplice, Francine Kelly.  Note that White, as always, describes Barbara Hartwell as a "CIA BITCH".  The message is simply White's copy of some comments (not included) I wrote about Francine Kelly.

From: Tim White
Francine Kelly
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2009


Now, let us look at an e-mail sent by Francine Kelly to my good friend and professional colleague, investigative journalist Janet Phelan.  As I understand it, Janet is on some e-mail lists and/or belongs to some groups which also  include Tim White and Francine Kelly. Janet forwarded these e-mails to me, as she considered me to be a concerned party. Janet is also a target of criminal stalker Tim White, who in fact fled to Canada in fear for her life as a result of the harassment and persecution of this madman and his accomplices, including criminal stalker Pam Schuffert.

My comments, refuting Francine Kelly's misinformed opinions and idiotic speculation, are contained in brackets, in the body of the text, preceded by my initials, BHP. Other comments by me (from original reports) are also included and should be obvious.

From: Francine Kelly
Subject: Barbara Hartwell's Defamation of My Character
Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 6:23 PM

"Dear Janet Phelan,

It is incredulous that Barbara Hartwell is not reachable by email, but she has access to emails that I have written that weren't even sent to her."

[BHP: Contrary to Ms. Kelly's claim, I am certainly able to be reached by e-mail; except by the likes of government stooges like Francine Kelly. My e-mail address is private, and will stay private. Again, contrary to Ms. Kelly's claim, e-mails she has written were in fact "sent to" me, by a third party on her e-mail list.]

"Following are Barbara's libelous comments about me. Under her comments are my comments about which statements I would like her to remove from her blog."

[BHP: Do not call me by my first name, Ms. Kelly. You do not know me, nor ever will. Your familiarity shows you to be a low class gate-crasher, like your pal, Tim White. And I don't give a tinker's damn what you would "like". Your self-created problems are of no interest to me.]

"As Pat and Mike Shupe and Will Wilson have probably told you, as Will's CIA MK-Ultra asset, I am deeply involved with life-threatening investigations of drug trafficking in homeless shelters, CIA MK-Ultra and The Alien Agenda."

[BHP: Personally, I do not know (nor have ever heard of) "Pat and Mike Shupe" or "Will Wilson". As I do not know these people, I have no reason to attribute credibility to anything they may say. 

As for Ms. Kelly's so-called "life-threatening investigations", this sounds typical of a delusional wannabe, just like her whackjob cohort, Tim White; or other wannabes like Brenda Negri and Shirley Anderson (also accomplices of Tim White.)  And I would bet my life on the fact that this buffoon, Francine Kelly, knows nothing at all about "CIA MK Ultra".  As for this "Alien Agenda" nonsense, it is most likely gleaned from her delusional fantasies.]

"Obviously, I cannot risk flaws to my impeccable reputation on the Internet, even from people with tarnished reputations."

[BHP: This woman is a flaming whackjob! What impeccable reputation? Nobody has ever heard of this little brainless twerp, except possibly those on her e-mail list.  I can assure you CIA doesn't know her name, nor has ever had any dealings with her.  As for the "tarnished reputation" she imputes to Barbara Hartwell? Well, I wonder who is responsible for that? Ms. Kelly, you are truly a parading idiot and clueless fool!]

"If Barbara Hartwell does not remove her libelous comments about me by Friday, May 1, 2009, I will visit the Google office in Fremont, which is about an hour's drive from where I live to discuss the issues with Google executives.

I do not object to this visit. I enjoy having lunch at a restaurant in Fremont, and the Google office is only a few blocks away. It will also be a very interesting experience since I've heard that Google is CIA."

[BHP: Well, May 1 has come and gone.  And I doubt that this fool, Francine Kelly, has made good on her threat. And so what if she had? Does she really believe I would care where she goes, or what she does? And does this pathetic, ridiculous creature really believe that Google will take down my website as a result of her statements? Her buddy, Tim White, made the same impotent threats long ago. My website is still online.

If these morons want the truth, here it is: Google is interested in only one thing: money. If the websites sponsored by them are generating money (one way or another) they don't give a damn about anything else.]

"A couple of months ago, I met a CIA agent from Europe who works at Google. He told me he is very interested in cleaning up the pedophile and drug trafficking rings in Fremont."

[BHP: Just more hearsay. Nobody cares, and I doubt if anyone from CIA would bother speaking to a buffoon like Francine Kelly.]

"Here are Barbara Hartwell's libelous statements and my comments about them:"

Public E-mail from Francine  Kelly

"1) This was not a public email. It was sent to selected individuals. Barbara Hartwell was not one of them."

[BHP: Again, the moronic Francine Kelly gets it all wrong. She quite obviously fails to understand what the term "public" actually means. Once you send out an e-mail, addressed to more than one recipient, the e-mail is automatically "public".

Recipients are free to forward/distribute the message to all and sundry; to publish it on any message board or website. And unless you are a complete fool (obviously the case with Francine Kelly) you cannot expect your message to remain "private".

I received the very PUBLIC e-mail message from one of the recipients. And considering the content, I decided to comment on it.]

From: Francine Kelly
Subject: Resolving this once and for all
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 3:24 PM

Note some of the recipients. Some may be recognized by name, others by e-mail addresses: Tim White; Ted Gunderson; Doug Millar; John DeCamp; Sue Arrigo; Don Nicoloff; James Rothstein. 

For the record: I know from reliable sources that all of the above individuals have, at the very least, been spreading malicious and defamatory lies about Barbara Hartwell (and certain of my associates); at worst, some have done so publicly, via libel and slander.

"2) I have never spread malicious and defamatory lies about Barbara Hartwell. I only recently learned about Barbara Hartwell's existence."

[BHP: Once again, Francine Kelly displays her ignorance and stupidity. I never mentioned her name, as one spreading malicious lies. Check my statement above: The ONLY names I mentioned were: "Tim White; Ted Gunderson; Doug Millar; John DeCamp; Sue Arrigo; Don Nicoloff; James Rothstein. " Francine Kelly's name was NOT among them.] 

Excerpt, opening  paragraph:

"Dear Pat, Mike & Will,

I don't want to be called an accomplice by Barbara Hartwell. I'm not an accomplice to Tim White. Just like Ted Gunderson told me, Tim has helped me. He has educated me about this sleazy Intel world, and he has been right about many things since May 2008 when I was thrown into the drug-infested homeless shelters in Seattle. As you all know, I do not approve of how Tim talks to people."

Note that Francine Kelly claims that Tim White has "educated" her about "this sleazy Intel world".  
According to Ms. Kelly, Ted Gunderson is in agreement with this statement.

"3) Ted Gunderson told me that Tim While has helped him with investigations. Please clarify this statement."

I do not know Francine Kelly; but I have
seen numerous public e-mail messages written by this woman, correspondence between herself and Tim White (among others);

"4) My emails were not public. They were addressed to selected individuals. Janet, did you send Barbara these emails? And, if you did, where did you get them? Did you get them from Pat Shupe?"

[BHP: I'm sure that Janet Phelan did not bother answering these questions from the nutcase, Francine Kelly. In any case, once Ms. Kelly sent out her very public e-mail, it was fair game for anyone to forward it/use it/ publish it as they chose.]

"Was Pat Shupe forced to send these emails to you, or did she send them to you by her own free will? I am very interested in Pat Shupe's motives for sending you these emails."

[BHP: Now Francine Kelly gets even more aggressive in her interrogation of Janet Phelan. And who does she really think would care about her obvious delusional fantasies?]

"Pat told me that she and her husband Mike, and Will P. Wilson are forced to be double agents. Answers to these questions may prove vital to the work I am doing in Seattle which I suspect would interest Google. In fact, maybe Google could help us sort this out."

[BHP: Double agents? Give me a break. I can assure the readers that none of these individuals were ever, at any time, any kind of "agents", much less "double agents". What the hell is wrong with these people? Francine Kelly and her friends have apparently been reading too many grade B spy novels! This entire concept is totally and completely absurd!

...and she appears to me to be living in a delusional fantasy world. Her writings are far from coherent, as suggested by this excerpt:

Francine Kelly wrote: "I really thought you wanted me to help you expose the Draconian Reptilian Vampire Agenda and MK-Ultra. Pat, you even said that day when I arrived at the house and Carson was pulling at my clothes saying, "Go downstairs and tell Will that you can't live without him," and you were saying, "You have free will," that maybe Will and I could work together on MK-Ultra"

"5) I need Barbara to talk with my psychiatrist Dr. Jim Hopfenbeck. Jim  asks me how I can be so equanimous after what I've gone through as a CIA MK-Ultra sex slave and intelligence asset. I'd like Barbara to post what Jim says about me on her blog."

[BHP: Talk to her psychiatrist??? Why in hell would I be interested in this whackjob, or in anything some psychiatrist has to say about her? And why does this self-important flake think that anyone else would be interested in reading about her psychopathology?

I can guarantee this woman was never, at any time, any kind of "intelligence asset". The very thought is ludicrous! But like her pal, Tim White, she obviously has delusions of grandeur.]

"Did Barbara make this comment because she is working as a MK-Ultra asset for people who want to limit the exposure of The Alien Agenda and CIA MK-Ultra? Is this why she posted disinformation in a recent blog about MK-Ultra?"

[BHP:  I won't even bother with this idiotic comment. Except to say that with every word that comes out of her mouth, Francine Kelly further exposes her own ignorance and stupidity.]

"Google should be very interested in these topics. In fact, I am going to call Google's executive office, and them I'm going to send a copy of this email to the company.

As I address Barbara's libelous statements, it is becoming clearer that Barbara may have written them to discredit me to minimize the exposure of The Alien Agenda and  CIA MK-Ultra.

Did she also defame my character in an attempt to discredit my intelligence gathering on drug trafficking in homeless shelters in Maui and Seattle?"

[BHP: Unbelievable, unmitigated stupidity! Where in hell does this woman get her twisted, harebrained ideas?  I don't know her; have never heard of her. But considering her loud-mouthed arrogance and her connection with psycho stalker Tim White, I find it necessary to at least expose her for what she is.

So if Ms. Kelly wishes not to be named as an accomplice of this psychopath, Tim White, perhaps she should stop defending, supporting and promoting him; and cease and desist from parroting his malicious gossip.]

"6) I am not, nor have I ever been, Tim White's accomplice.

[BHP: Sure you are, Ms. Kelly. You promote Tim White; you support him and you defend him. You have stated that you find him credible and that he has "educated" you.  Tim White is a criminal. He harasses and stalks patriots, whistleblowers and journalists. You are an accomplice by virtue of your alliance with him. Again, your ignorance shows.]

"Thank you for forwarding my comments to Barbara Hartwell. Since Barbara's site is under re-construction, I would appreciate if you would send me a copy of the revisions she makes relevant to her defamation of my character since I cannot find the blog on her current site.


Francine Kelly"

[BHP: No revisions will be made. This further exposure of your ignorance and stupidity is all you're going to get, Ms. Kelly.  Furthermore, stating the facts and the truth about a person does not constitute defamation of character.]

But Francine Kelly did not give up her harassment in April. No, she decided to continue it right up to the end of the year. Here, find her recent (December 16, 2009) letter to Janet Phelan, in which she pursues her foolish ideas about defamatory remarks by Barbara Hartwell.

So let's end this once and for all, shall we?  I do not know anyone named Patricia Shupe, nor have received e-mails from such a person. And I have no intention of removing any remarks I have made, at any time, about anyone, including this delusional moron, Francine Kelly.

Let her contact Google, it does not concern me in the slightest.

And FYI, Ms. Kelly, there is no project called "Monarch" which was ever connected with CIA's MK Ultra program.  Nor were you ever involved in MK Ultra. You're obviously a mental case, and you've obviously been duped, but that's not my problem.

As for your claim of being an "Intelligence Asset", no one (including CIA) uses nutcases like you. And were you actually such an asset, you wouldn't be boasting of it in public e-mails to your pals.

You're a "Writer"? I doubt you have ever published anything more than your delusional, self-aggrandizing fantasies, sent to your like-minded pals on an e-mail list.

Give it up, Ms. Kelly and stop harassing legitimate people.

But about those aliens: Why not ask them to get you a one way ticket to LaLa land. They could abduct you for good and we would all be rid of another harassing intelligence groupie, government stooge and CIA wannabe.

Get lost!...get off my case and leave me alone.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Harassed by whackjobs
December 21, 2009

From: Francine Kelly
Subject: Defamation of Character by Barbara Hartwell
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 8:02 PM
I asked you months ago to have Barbara Hartwell remove the defamatory remarks she made about me on her blog. I have highlighted the comments below in yellow that I would like her to remove.

I told you to tell Barbara that I would notify Google if this was not done. As I recall, I even said that I would visit the Google office near Seattle to make certain her defamatory remarks are deleted.

I don't know who would have sent Barbara Hartwell my emails except you and possibly Patricia Shupe.

Thank you for taking care of this matter.


Francine Kelly
CIA MK-Ultra Project Monarch Intelligence Asset, Alien Abductee & Writer

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Update on Whistleblower, Political Prisoner, Ex-IRS Agent Sherry Jackson

Addendum December 20: 
We Love You, Sherry Jackson!
Investigative journalist Joe Lanier, editor of The Conspiracy Zone, a website which also features my articles and reports, has put together a piece, complete with photos and graphics, on Sherry Jackson, presenting one of my recent reports, and adding his own comments on the nefarious  Federal Reserve (nothing "Federal" about it!) and banking system which (among other forms of corruption) is destroying this country.

If you don't know about Sherry's case, please see this report. If you do know about her case, then please forward the link to your friends, family, neighbors, everyone you know!

We love you, Sherry!

Addendum, December 18:
The latest from Sherry's husband, Colin Jackson, sent by e-mail to a mutual friend/supporter:

"I just got notice today that she may be back at Coleman.  At this point, I really don't know where she is."

I'm certain that Colin must be overwhelmed with all this, so in light of this latest, I would suggest that you go to the new Free Sherry Campaign website, for updates and to learn what you can do to help.

Also, please be vigilant and do all that is in your power to keep Sherry in the public eye. Keeping the case high profile is extremely important; as is holding accountable any and all government officials and prison authorities who are/were involved in any way.

Lastly, another message from Colin, taken from the Free Sherry website:

"I feel the need to ask you to please, when you are corresponding with the prison, our Congressman and others, to be very clear but cordial. I do understand the emotions that come when you learn of wrongdoings and how you want to express those emotions. But, when anger and vile is expressed in those letters and phone calls, it works against what we are trying to accomplish. I spoke with my Congressman's office and they are trying to work on Sherry's behalf, but it's very difficult for them sometimes when they are being screamed at and bombarded with negativity.

I pray and hope that you understand my position and that you will keep these things in mind as you continue to send letters and place phone calls for her freedom. I am forever indebted to all of you.
God bless you.

In Christ,

Update on Whistleblower, Political Prisoner, Ex-IRS Agent Sherry Jackson

I just received this e-mail message from Sherry's husband, Colin Jackson. Please take note of the new location where Sherry has been moved.

And please, continue to do whatever is in your power to see that Sherry is set free and returned to her home, her husband and children.

Consider this; What would you do if it were YOUR wife; YOUR daughter; YOUR sister; YOUR mother?

Truth is, it could be any one of us, there but for the grace of God go you and I.....

Please, use your time, resources, talents, and for the love of God, DO SOMETHING.

Free Sherry Jackson!

Thank you and God bless you.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
December 17, 2009

"Hi Barbara,

Sherry was moved to a new facility on 12-16-09.  Her spirit is strong but, I'm concerned about the kind of medical attention she may or may not get.  I'm also concerned that our planned trip to see her this Christmas may be cancelled.  Her new address is:

Sherry Peel Jackson
Booking # 2009-003275
ID # 0227712
P.O. Box 188
219 East Anderson Ave.
Bushnell, FL 33513

They said that the reason they moved her was because they are investigating whether or not she contacted the media (which is supposedly a violation of the BOP).  A magazine came to the prison with her picture on the cover and a copy of the letter she wrote to Congressman Hank Johnson.  She DID NOT contact any media and a very small investigation would show that without her being moved. 

By the way, very nice website.  Thanks a lot.
God bless you.
In Christ, Colin"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Free Sherry Jackson!

Free Sherry Jackson!

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.
--Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

Today, I spoke by telephone with Sherry's husband, Colin Jackson.  I called to ask for updates on Sherry's situation.

Colin gave me the link for a website, called Free Sherry. Please check this site regularly for new information on Sherry's case and to learn how you can help.

Also, for a summary of Sherry's background and activism see:

I will continue to follow Sherry's case; to post updates as I receive them; and to pray for Peace, Healing, Liberty and Justice for Sherry Jackson.

Sherry Jackson is unlawfully and wrongfully imprisoned for a non-crime. She is no criminal, but rather a Patriot and American Hero. Make no mistake: Sherry is a political prisoner.

Please pray for Sherry, her husband Colin and their children. Please get involved and do all that is in your power to see that Sherry Jackson is set free and returned to her home and family.

Free Sherry Jackson!

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Supporter of Sherry Jackson

Monday, December 14, 2009


NOTE:  I received this report in 2006, from an anonymous source.  Normally, I don't publish anonymous sources, and in fact I decided against publishing this report when it first came to my attention.

However, I  should also say that I have known all along the true identity of the 'anonymous' source. I will not say more, except that my training as an intelligence analyst allowed me to identify the writing style of the source, a former Black Ops insider with whom I have been acquainted for many years. Moreover, I know (from my own experiences, my own trustworthy sources, and my own investigations) that much of the information contained within this report is truthful and accurate.

I cannot vouch for all the information, so as always, I will state that this report is published 'for information purposes only', and ask the readers to make of it what they will.

I was very sorry to learn recently that Ted Gunderson has been diagnosed with cancer. Contrary to what many might believe, due to the adversarial relationship between me and Ted over the last decade, I do not hate Ted, but rather, I have forgiven him in my heart; I remember the love I once had for him; and furthermore, I pray for Ted to recover.  

I also pray (a prayer of many years) that Ted will come clean and will repent of his crimes against God and humanity, before meeting his Maker and that he will be redeemed. 

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on Ted Gunderson!

I have been heartbroken over the fact that this former friend and professional colleague has turned against me, and worse, turned against Truth, against the Constitution, against America and against all true American Patriots, and against all that is good and righteous....and worst of all, against Jesus Christ, for no one who believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ could possibly have been complicit in the persecution/murders/torture of God's Children, His Saints and Angels.

Considering the havoc that Ted and his FBI/CIA cronies have wreaked in my life, I am lucky to be alive.  I have only the Grace of God and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ to thank for that!  Thank You Jesus!

Lastly, I find it necessary to expose the names of  some of the criminal accomplices of ex-FBI agent Ted L. Gunderson.  Some are criminals like Gunderson; others are merely government stooges/dupes; and some fall into both categories. But all of them promote and/or defend and/or support and/or are complicit in crimes with Ted Gunderson. 

BEWARE of all listed here. Shun them, avoid them and if necessary, "shake the dust from your feet"!  They are, without exception, liars and minions of Satan. 

Accomplices of Ted Gunderson:

General John K. Singlaub (Op Phoenix, CIA Black Ops mind control handler)

John DeCamp (former senator, Nebraska, CIA Op Phoenix assassin)

Ken Adachi (government stooge, PR shill for Gunderson)

Timothy Patrick White (predicate felon, career criminal, fed snitch,  government stooge, psycho stalker, sex pervert/predator, child porno freak)

Brenda Negri (fed snitch, government stooge, psycho stalker)

Pamela Schuffert (fed snitch, government stooge, psycho stalker, false Christian)

Todd Brendan Fahey (blackmailer, identity thief, sex pervert/predator, child porno freak, criminal psycho stalker, plagiarist, government stooge)

Linda Minor (government stooge)

Don Nicoloff (disinfo monger, government stooge, known accomplice of Ken Adachi)

Alex Jones (CIA asset, disinfo monger)

Barbara Crouse Brown (government stooge)

Aaron James (government stooge, accomplice of Tim White)

"Xena Carpenter" (real identity unknown, sponsors moronic website filled with outrageous lies about whistleblowers, including Barbara Hartwell, known criminal accomplice of Todd Fahey and Tim White)

There are many more of these accomplices and government stooges, but I've  exposed the most notorious here.  For more information on Ted Gunderson, see the reports on this website.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
December 14, 2009

From "Anonymous Source" (2006):
Ted Gunderson: A Treatise of Lies, Deception, Murder, Treason, Drug Dealing and Theft

Retired FBI SA Ted Gunderson Supplied Terrorists with Stolen Stinger Missiles in exchange for Drugs


Ted L. Gunderson ex-FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge, LA, was forced into early retirement for performing Satanic ceremonies in his FBI offices in 1979. He has publicly stated he is the only ex-FBI agent to be kicked out of the FBI retired agent's alumni; this is why.

In 1998 Ted L. Gunderson married the widow of Anton Lavey, Diana Rively. Lavey is the founder of the Church of Satan in America. She kicked him out after two weeks because he could not perform in bed. Not surprising, he is drunk most of the time. The marriage was annulled in 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Why would Ted Gunderson marry a known Satanic witch? Remember, he claims to be an expert on Satanism, and out to save and rescue the CHILDREN in America from Satanists. Not best, or perhaps worst he is a wanna-be Satanist.

In Feb. 2000 Gunderson was caught stealing from the trust of Mary Schiebe of Las Vegas, Nevada (Public administrators records). To keep from going to jail for stealing $150,000.00, Gunderson agreed to a plea bargain to allow the repayment to the trust of $1,500.00 per month from his early FBI retirement of  $62,000.00 per year. This deal was arraigned by the CIA for whom he then went to work, becoming DCS; a snitch, subverter and murderer of Patriots and Christians. Gunderson continues to this day telling people he is broke in order to con more little old ladies out of their life's savings.

It was Ted Gunderson's CIA associates who kept him out of jail. According to two Retired Los Angeles Police Department Detectives, when they were still with LAPD and Ted Gunderson was in charge of the Southern California FBI, 1977-1979, Gunderson protected the illegal CIA/George Bush Sr. narcotics for weapons smuggling into southern California.

Yachts were used for hauling narcotics in from Costa Rico and transporting weapons out of the docks in Santa Monica, CA, where Gunderson's daughter Laurie Hern lives and Ted spends months at a time. The Detectives further stated that young Girls from southern California were being kidnapped and put on these Yachts to be sent to drug smugglers in Costa Rica, to be used as sex slaves. Gunderson protected these kidnappers and drug-for-weapons smugglers. This location in Costa Rica was the same (location) owned by Carl Lindner, United Fruit/CIA front company. (The Ohio connection and The Bush Crime Family).

The Congress of Costa Rico has issued Indictments and Arrest warrants for Oliver North, George Bush Sr., Carl Lindner, Assistant US Attorney William Richard Scruggs, and many others for their Drug for Weapons smuggling. Costa Rica has asked the US Justice Dept., the Congress, The US Courts and the State Department for permission to extradite these Criminals along with others named in their report.

Gunderson, after early, forced FBI retirement, began working for George Bush Sr.- CIA Shadow-Government full time, dealing drugs and guns with Ollie North and General Singlaub to Afghan Rebels, via Costa Rica in the Iran/Contra affair as well as participating in many other Illegal CIA drug and gun running operations, too numerous to mention here.

Gunderson was partners with Michael Reconisciuto (now in jail), Raymond Lavas NSA, (now hiding out in Canada) stealing stinger missiles from the China Lakes Naval Facility in California. Their base of operations was the Capison, Indiana Reservation in Indio, California (ABC Reporter Danny Cassolero was killed after he discovered this, Inslaw, and published his book "The Octopus". Gunderson spoke with Danny just prior to his death but has refused to divulge the contents of that conversation. Many think that it was this conversation that gave Gunderson the necessary information to set Cassolero up to be murdered). They were further involved in espionage involving the Government of Canada by sliding the Inslaw software into the Canadian National Security Computers.

Gunderson was next caught in the mid 1980s stealing from the estate of a dead nurse he worked with on the McMartin preschool abuse case, the nurse 'suddenly' developed cancer and was sent to a clinic in Mexico (she knew Gunderson was there from Kroll Bros & Assoc. NY - part of Bush cover up as a 'PI'. Bush hires ex-spooks to go after remaining documents left behind or any evidence in general that needs to be destroyed). 

The Clinic was owned by Ted Gunderson's Doctor friend who was also in the business of administering laetrile treatments (Steve McQueen, the Actor who died of cancer, was conned out of $50,000.00 by Gunderson and his Doctor friend. At that time Gunderson was conning other people out of $5,000.00 for the same treatments.)

The Nurse never left Mexico. Gunderson ensured her death then began selling off her property and belongings, and robbing her bank accounts. When he tried to sell her house, however, he came under scrutiny from her family and was subsequently caught. It was at this time that he accepted the plea with the LA DA's office arranged by his CIA 'associates', in order to stay out of jail (Gunderson is now subsequently protected from prosecution by this same criminal cartel, The Bush Crime Family). He is allowed to steal from people and not be prosecuted. He gets a cut from his thefts and the rest go to the New World Order - Bush Crime Family's Empire Anti-Christ.

Gunderson claims he investigates Satanism and Child Kidnapping. This is nothing more than a front to identify those victims of MK Ultra mind-control (program), identify and eliminate those who know the truth, those who know too much and speak out publicly. Gunderson works with George Pender who ran Operation Brownstone, the Blackmail of Congressman and Senators using children as sex slaves in Washington DC., 1980-1990 (among whom Johnny Gosch was one of the unfortunate victims. 

CIA George Pender and CIA Clint Murchison had direct ties to FBI-homosexual J. Edgar Hoover. Gunderson brags he was one of the last Hoover-boys). Publicly he states that Hoover was not a Homosexual; I personally know people who state they saw Hoover committing Homosexual Acts. The Mafia certainly knew this - they blackmailed Hoover for years into taking a position in which he openly proclaimed, "Mafia? What's a doesn't exist!"  See the book "The Last Circle" by: Carol Marshall.

In her book Carol interviews Ted Gunderson shortly before she finds out about his involvement with Micheal Reconisciuto and Ray Lavas; CIA criminal-shadow Government boys, Ted`s partners in crime. After CIA Agent Clint Murchison died, Gunderson lived in his house for over a year. Anna May Newman, who was a house-maid to Murchison now lives with Ted Gunderson in Las Vegas, and pays his rent out of her Social Security. She loaned Gunderson her $68,000.00 retirement (fund). Gunderson told her he had a client, (he has other little old lady clients/victims) who was paying him $100,000.00, and that he had breaking news on kidnapped kids and needed the money to fund a project to rescue them. She was foolish enough to give her retirement to him. He then stayed in the house until the estate attorneys kicked them out.

Patriots in Dallas have stated that Gunderson was holding parties there, so that they could be identified and that information was subsequently being turned over to his CIA controllers. Gunderson has traveled from State to State, City to City perpetrating this counter-Intel Ops on many unsuspecting Patriots and Christians, deceiving hundreds into believing he is one of their "brothers".  

Many of these people have suffered irreversible damage to their reputations, their persons, their bank accounts; several have lost their freedom having gone to prison after being setup by Gunderson and his boys and several have disappeared and/or been murdered. Unfortunately, many have still NOT caught on to his insidious game and his lies.

Gunderson helped destroy evidence and cover-up the Nebraska-Franklin Savings case scandal. Rene, a woman who paid Gunderson $10,000 to help her, suddenly found herself in jail. Gunderson kept her money and did nothing to help her. She sought help in Feb, 2001 through an Intel. source and wanted to go on radio and announce to the world who Gunderson really was and what he had done. She suddenly died three weeks later under extremely suspect circumstances. The family would not do an autopsy. She left two children ages 15 and 17. Their mother is dead because of Gunderson; yet another of his many murders.

Gunderson has admitted to orchestrating the break-up of the Black Panthers. He stated he sent love letters that turned Panthers against each other, resulting in the murder of one of them. This makes Ted Gunderson a conspirator in Murder as an FBI Agent in 1970. I talked to Bobby Seals at length about this, I have copies of those letters. A Senate investigation of Ted Gunderson occurred for the violation of these Americans Constitutional Rights, in which the FBI was sanctioned by the Senate (1971-1972). The Government settled with member Seals and others for $3 1/2 Million, because of the attempted frame-up (for this murder) by Gunderson's team. Does this not sound like the current FBI - nothing changes with these criminals. And they are criminals - criminals and thugs who should all be in prison.

Gunderson attempted to frame a well known Federal whistle blower on false burglary charges, (a form of assault in Nevada) to extort documents from him, so he could be paid for perjured testimony in the murder of two innocent men by convicted killer Tom Gaule of Las Vegas (trained as an assassin out of Division 4, CIA).  Gaule is on the streets on probation even though he was convicted (of the murders). This was a direct result of Ted Gunderson's lies, under oath, to get paid $200,000 promised by this murderer from his Mother's trust (who at one time was the Public Administrator in Las Vegas' controls' system).

Gunderson and Gaule wanted these documents in order to prove that the Public Admin had had problems in the past. I believe they intended to use these documents to extort the Admin out of the control of the trust, so Gunderson could get paid. Gunderson put this killer on the streets for $600 cash and a promise of $200,000 (Without a Nevada P.I. License). When the whistle blower refused to release the documents, they first accused him of assault upon Gaule (charges dropped - Aug. 2000), then of theft from Gunderson. A SWAT team stormed the home he was living in and tore it apart, breaking out windows, etc. Detectives left after 5 hrs., but not before bringing Gunderson there to search for boxes he claimed had been taken from him. He [the whistleblower] was cleared of all charges (Sept. 2000). The day after the SWAT raid this whistle blower received a threat by phone from Gunderson advising him to stay off his radio show and not divulge the specifics of the charges brought against him and Gunderson's involvement. After being threatened he filed a restraining order against Gunderson, convicted killer Tom Gaule and Anna May Newman in Las Vegas, Nevada. In October 2000, an attempt was made upon his life, ordered by Gunderson and carried out by his wet-ops team. Surviving this, he left Las Vegas.

If you recall Art Bell collected a large sum of money from the lawsuit he filed against Ted Gunderson. Gunderson's insurance policy paid the case off. Gunderson accused Art Bell of being a child molester. Bell is not.

Has Ted Gunderson ever been prosecuted, even arrested for the crimes he has committed? Only once and he made a deal with Satan to get out of that. He writes reports, from newspaper articles already published, NOT HIS WORK. He compiles these articles, then puts in the Government disinformation as he has been instructed to do. Example: his OK City Bombing Report, the only truth contained in the entire report was the seismograph 2 explosions, and the Cary Gagan immunity paper(s) given to Gunderson which tied the two Iranian or Iraq terrorists to the bombing. In his faked OK City bombing report Gunderson stated an 'Energy Bomb' caused the explosion. This is completely untrue; plastic explosives and "specialtie shape-bombs (developed in Government laboratories in Palo Alto, CA) were placed on the buildings pillars', or infra-structure supporting beams and the beams and supporting joists on several floors blown inwards towards each other in an 'X' pattern - thus the implosion of the building.

Gunderson was fined $2,500.00 on Dec. 11, 2001 in an administrative hearing in Las Vegas. He was charged by the Attorney General's Office for entering into the Sandra Murphy-Binion murder case with out a PI License (didn't see that in the A&E special, now did you?!). More of his frauds. The Attorney General's office of Nevada said they had so many complaints from people Gunderson had ripped of that they felt compelled to take the case).

Gunderson's first wife, one of many, talked in depth about him being diagnosed as a paranoid-schizophrenic in 1971 and placed on medication. She later divorced him because of this mental condition. Today two of his four adult children, Ted Gunderson Jr. of PA. and Lorie Hern of Santa Monica, CA., suffer from this same medical problem, Ted Jr. having been placed on the same medication. Both his adult children have been hospitalized numerous times for this mental illness. Today Ted does not take his medication. He should, he needs it, and it shows.

Gunderson makes copies of others videos, in violation of copy-right laws, sells them to unsuspecting buyers and pockets the money. This provides him with information on those who send in checks. He then turns the names of these people over to the Government via his CIA controllers for payment. In other words, he is turning Patriots, Christians and others in for payment. Turning in anyone seeking truth, having long ago grown weary of the constant stream of lies and propaganda emitting fourth from the Mainstream media.

One of Ted Gunderson's latest scams is: Buy into his GOLD or Mexico land scam with his known Criminal Partner, Victor Hancock. Victor is an old scamster of many years, having spent years in jail for conning little old ladies out of their lives savings by offering them investments in various scams. Their latest scam, breaking into a safe for a former Las Vegas Cop who put Victor in Jail years ago, at the request of the Cop, who bought a bar and wanted the safe opened. Victor claims he found a map with details of $2.5 Billion Dollars worth of Gold buried in a cave in Nevada. He claims it was Fernando Marco's, the former President of the Philippines, hidden gold. Hancock was questioned at length about markings on this gold. He stated it had (markings) like oriental markings, all in equal size (bars). Further investigation, however, revealed this to be untrue.

Investigation indicated that all the Marco's gold had been taken by the Bush Crime Family Boy's,  and all accounted for, and there was really no Vietnam, and no Marco's gold except in the hands of George Bush Sr. Parties were discovered that were involved in the confiscation of those two Countries gold; they unequivocally stated that this indeed was true. It was further discovered that the Philippine's Gold was unique, that they did not have a gold refinery, therefore the peasants would melt the gold and put it in various sizes depending on what 2x4's or 2x6's were available, or what they could scrap together to pour it in.

Although this entire affair had been shown to be a ruse, Gunderson made a video tape sponsoring this scam with Hancock at a location on Jones Blvd. in Las Vegas. Gunderson further stated that he and Victor would make millions of dollars selling this to the Patriots. Victor claimed he took $60 million of the gold and bought a large track of land on the Baja California Island in Mexico where he planned on building a Condo resort. However, no Architectural Drawings, specs, cost estimates, Deed or Plot, anything, has ever been found supporting this claim.

They then proceeded to tell Patriots and Christians that in order to keep the CIA, and the Bushes from coming after 'their' gold, that they had dumped the rest of the $ 2.5 Billion Dollars off of a reef in the ocean. They even went on several radio shows to tell their tale in an attempt to raise $200,000.00, so they  could go "recover" (the gold). They then held meetings at various locations in Nevada and California to con Patriots out of their money, by stating "you give us $100-$300 per month and you will own part of the parent Corporation that owns the land in Mexico"! 

The Attorney General of Las Vegas accepted evidence regarding this scam, but the case was appealed on a technicality, and the charges dismissed. Therefore if you invested your hard earned money with Ted Gunderson and Victor Hancock in their land and gold scam, you lost it all.

Footnote: The land that they were trying to sell in Baja, Mexico is the same land owned by the CIA-General John Singlaub, the person Gunderson answers to in behalf of The Bush Crime Family - his primary 'controller'. It was further discovered that General Singlaub's Boeing 707 had landed on the airstrip in 1991, on that same piece of Real Estate Gunderson claims he and Victor own.  The Boeing 707 had burned up an engine, and landed there for refueling and repairs. Drug Enforcement Agents discovered the airplane full of cocaine. In fact they claim it was extremely overloaded which is why the (engine) burned up. The airplane was confiscated by the DEA and sold at auction in Florida in 1992. General Singlaub was never charged. Singlaub was the counter-part to General Richard Secord - the Iran/Contra boys. Singlaub ran the Capison Indian Reservation Drugs for Weapons operation for George Bush Sr.

Ted Gunderson is a Traitor to the United States of America. He has committed many treasonous acts, murders, drug deals and thefts and therefore should be tried in a court of law and when convicted be given the death penalty. Further, it has been discovered that Gunderson is part of a wet-ops team that identifies MK Ultra (mind-control) victims and then sends in hit teams to kill those victims on behalf of the Bush Crime Family and the NWO.

Gunderson identifies Patriots, Militias, Christians and others in order to supply those names to his current handlers and superiors, the CIA and The Bush Crime Family. He continues to deceive many into thinking he too is a Patriot, a Christian having their best interests at heart when in fact he is quite the opposite - an evil, selfish, twisted, lying, alcoholic perversion of a human being who is doing the bidding of Satan, setting up and destroying good men and women of God and Country who truly have this country's best interests at heart!

His deceptions are so complete that many of those who 'report' to him don't realize they are working for the very people, the 'side', the world view, that they purport to hate and despise - that they are actually working for the enemy! But then again, most of them are not too bright and are drugged up most of the time........great satisfaction can be taken in knowing this perversion of humanity is sick and dying, and that hell awaits him with open arms.